LinusTechTips done it
well he's just trashing intel ... or maybe he lost hope in intel
>pic not related he's in japan

He is in Taiwan.

didn't noticed that actually , i was kind of shocked

Krzanich KICKED WHEN??

Now why would you want to do that?

Has intel released a single good product after Sandy Bridge?

>leave ayyymd to me


holy shit he ripped them a new one

Paul Ottellini is long gone.

Picture related is Intels savior.

In 2021.

>put literal jew in charge
>everything goes to shit
really makes you think

He has a good point. Intel randomly announced this platform saying it'll do anything or everything out of nowhere and it doesn't add up.


AMD has completely caught Intel flat footed with the quality of their die fabrication, and the price being as cheap as it is largely thanks to infiniti fabric and the CCX interconnect.

It is literally two 8 core CPUs duct taped together.

I wish my duck tape was so high tech too.
For most of us 4 cores are more than enought
2for gaymes 2for wrk

I will get 8 core zen+ next year because I want to also shit-post while working and gaming.

Infinity Fabric is pretty amazing. Threadripper benchmarks are going to be really interesting, to see how well it scales.

That's the thing, AMD has already said it scales at a near 100% efficiency.

It's actually worst than I thought. raid keys ? Intel really sound desperate this time.

I expect that nobody will get on the X299 knowing how expensive the boards will be and the highly restricted and confusing ecosystem around it. That's just pathetic. Intel is holding too tightly to those margins, they are stretching the "gayming" narative too much not to canibalise the server platform.

I hope the Open Server Aliance keep up the developement of the Power architecture with IBM and just get rid of Intel in the big cloud. They already got rid of Cisco and traditional system builders and that was for the best.

I'm interested in the IF based APU with Vega. Those will destroy the "casual gaming" desktops and low end gaming laptops.

Raid keys, that you can only use Intel drives to raid with.

Power 9 looks impressive. 40+ lanes of Pcie 4. And 250% faster than power 8? HPC should be all over that.

And those 8core CPUs are actually two 4core CPUs welded together

not literally

Jesus shit. Is there an embargo on benchmarks or are they not in testers hands yet?

Even the normies are turning on Intel

It's okay. Intel taught us with Core 2 Quad that stapling dies together works.