When did iPhones become popular amongst poor people?

When did iPhones become popular amongst poor people?

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They didn't outside of memes. Literally all the data shows that Android is more popular among people with lower incomes. The ghetto rich are a minority.

This thread again

When they got popular among rich people.

The poor imitate the rich.

Poorfag iPhone users detected

what's your phone my man?

Xperia X compact

White ppl are the highest buyers of shitphone

>Buying your own phone
Its like you people have no jobs

>its another pajeet thread

iPhones are fucking everywhere, everyone has them, everyone can afford them, everyone gets a new one every 2 years on contract.

Enough of this fucking shit, I'm sick of 3rd worlders talking about things that only elites in their country have. Go focus on your sanitation facilities before talking about smartphones.

Are employers commonly issuing people smartphones in your country...?

Nigger logic: Feeling insecure about being poor, must show other poor people you're not poor etc

tl;dr: Same reason why gang niggers wear golden chains.

>every 2 years
Fucking disgusting. I renew my electronics every 4 years to reduce the amount of shekels I give to corporations.



This but even then I buy used

>company issued phone
>with company issued rootkits
No thanks.

Great resell value

Poor people have long picked iPhones:

Of course another group of poor people also just picks a cheap sub-$100 Android phone because they don't care about using a phone as status symbol.


Have never purchased a smartphone, a laptop or a car. These are things an employer provides if you are of any worth to the company.

Makes me lol seeing the poorest people empty their accounts every month just to cover their huge phone contracts, their car finance and fuel/maintenence.

I see people on their iPhone 7 queuing for the food bank in my city.

Niggers with iPhones is predominantly First World Problem.

The thing is that wealth signalling is very specific to US - iPhone ownership is spread out far more evenly between classes compared to actually poor countries.

Poor people in US are poor because they make retarded decisions like that.

The data you're probably looking at are global - includes southern america, asia, eastern europe, africa. There, people are often poor because the whole fucking country is poor, so android penetration steamrolls over iMeme.

>These are things an employer provides if you are of any worth to the company.
You can be executive here and it's not common that you get your PRIVATE life's equipment that way. Or insurance. Or housing. Or whatever.

It'd be almost an insult that the company would own stuff that you need in your private life - such leverage is not generally seen as acceptable.

It's not leverage, It's incentive. My company offer these things to keep you comfy.

>accepting company provided tracking devices

>reselling things
not worth the hassle unless your time is worthless

And if you leave the company, you loose your stuff. I prefer more money instead of goodies like this.

Yes, at least in the higher paying fields (dev/eng/finance/it) most companies hand out iphones like candy.
My current employer even pays the full bill including private use.


They we're always marketed towards poor people.
Rich people/businessmen use Blackberry or Vertu.