Previous >>60723558

Previous This thread is for the discussion of NyaaPantsu (, a free (FOSS) torrent indexer, and other nyaa alternatives.
The aim of this project is to write a fully featured replacement in golang that anyone will be able to deploy locally or remotely.

> \\


>Why is Pantsu down/error 502?
Most likely because the team is deploying changes. Wait for a bit and refresh the page. It should be mostly stable now.

>AniDex and .si scrapers are done (deployment soon)
>Elastic search is fixed and has been optimized
>Trying to ensure pantsu uptime (over 90% now)
>Possible AniDB integration (shanaproject like)
>Working on CSRF protection
>Improving SEO
>Adding auto-refreshing
>Theme fix up is still ongoing (made more consistent)
>Sessions no longer expire when we restart
>Actual config files
>More mod tools
>Deployment script updates
>Various bug fixes and general improvements

Dev live server:

Database dumps:

Local Client:
>An user made a local client in case the online sources are down: instructions and download at
qBittorrent plugin for Pantsu.

Development roadmap:

NyaaPantsu Status:
>Copyrighters wall of shame

Development and discussion channel:
>#nyaapantsu on Rizon

Other urls found in this thread: x kanojo x kanojo

wow I want to FUCK renchon


jesus christ i fucked this shit

my bad

As expected of alucard.

>using an outdated dump to reduce the difference
nyazis in full damage control

I guess this is the thread, huh?

What happened here?
>no files found
I can't wait for BakaBT to open registration ;_;

Which client?

Yesterday I finally made the switch to the cartel because every series that I'm following were outdated. Get your shit together, I'll try pantsu again next season.

Navicat Premium

>Navicat Premium
Why is there no good free postgres client?

I'm not sure but maybe the scraper doesn't scrape the filelists correctly? Have to wait for a dev answer.

>currently airing anime
>getting it from a 3rd party site instead of HS main site while using an adblocker
You must go back.

>all these fuckin pedos

Stop posting my FUCKtoy renge.

pgAdmin is a bit slow but it works and it's free

More like it was going to take like 15 minutes to download the newer one, and the old one was already imported.

>You can be logged out of your user at pantsu by anyone


>Not using psql
You kids and your gooeys.

>AniDB integration
Careful, AniDB is very iffy about scrapers/bots. I got temporarily auto-banned from there just for opening several anime pages at once in new tabs, manually (with no script), so they're quite trigger happy about this (they want to save server load is my guess, since the site has no ads). Contact derIDIOT on IRC before you do anything.

But at least PantsuDev is LEARNING!

Could it be? Is alucard finally getting off his ass and doing something useful? Is the sky going to fall tomorrow?

Go to hell.


Suck my dick.

>not reading your memory with an oscilloscope
Nice bloat


Somewhat related, what xdcc bots/packlists do people use for general purpose searching of anime? Back when I did XDCC a lot more, there was a site called news is fabulous, but that appears to be long dead. I've had good luck with nibl, but that doesn't have everything. Any other general purpose packlist I'm missing?

What does it say on her shirt?

Pleasure of being cummed inside.

I can't believe Pantsu is fucking dead


nyazi ddos

we at nyaazi will relece ur websight for 500 shekels payed with the hour

Lolicon Explosion

i-is it safe to download anime again?

Yes. It's all ok now little girl, now show me dat IP of yours...

Of course!

Only good shows, not shit like eromanga sensei.

Normalfags get out. REEEEEEEEEEEe

latest episode was very good


The entire series has been great, from start to finish. Only normalfags think it's bad.

The story and plot are shallow and shit as hell. Everything else is top tier though.

Shit show just like oreimo

>he's one of the "it's so bad, it's good" people
You're not much better than the normalfags. The "story and plot" is top shelf harem material.

Did you even read what I wrote? I said everything else about it is good except for the story. That's not the same as "it's so bad, it's good".
And no the story and plot are worse than generic harem material. Shit just happens for the sake of happening with stupid ass plots like "oh sagiri and masamune are in love with each other but they're too stupid to just say it, drama happens" or "oh muramasa wants to crush masamune's dreams but actually she's just really in love with him tee hee". It's stupid as hell. The delivery, fanservice, everything else is great though.

>it's so bad, it's good

Point and laugh at him.

Nah, I'd point and laugh at you instead since you suck at reading comprehension.

>be an elf
>in an elven forest on an elven island
>do some elf shit like hugging trees and being racist
>decide to take a break and relax on an elven beach
>see some filthy human barbarian trying to spread lewd aphrodisiac slime all over your pure and cute elf imouto's half-naked body


Are you not entertained? Is this not why you are here?

>shitposters cannot into engrish


fuck you my english is perfect, i attended oxford english class for 5 years and last month i graduated with a+

Reminder that autistic author with autistic incest fetish is going to murder the best girl

Eromanga Sensei is probably one of the 3 most normalfag shows this season. Kill yourself.

On the contrary, only normalfags watch it because they want to watch le weird """"lolicon"""" animu.

Get the fuck out normalfag. Your new is showing.


live finally gets updated!

Every fucking time I try to wget the database dumps either the site's completely down, and now, the one time it isn't, 403.

i want to FUCK amm

I hate the Sup Forums theme, what are we, little babies?


Also, no direct link to sukebei from pantsu??, or did (-H-) just turned me blind??...

>try to search something
>"elastic: Error 400 (Bad Request): all shards failed [type=search_phase_execution_exception]"

Category search on sukebei is broken. Nothing comes up in the results even if you enter a blank category search.

Actually the entire search on sukebei seems broken.

Fixing now.

I am glad that Sup Forums theme is default now. I fucking love it.

i fucking love you!

The site also seems bogged down alot.
In the user info page, "torrents" button under the avatar still does nothing but refresh the page making it redundant.
Alot of torrents in sukebei didn't seem to be scraped properly. Alot of file sizes and s/l/d numbers missing.

Some other feedback
I prefer the old theme drop down menu changer and mascot toggle button being on the index pages than the new settings page.
Sukebei's mafuyu still uses renchon's nyanpasu on Sup Forums and classic themes, and megumin's explosion on tomorrow. Could use her own audio either from the hentai ovas or the game, unfortunately I don't have either.

You ought to put aside a little time to update the DB on dev site to use the current live DB, so it's easier to test stuff with recent releases/scrapes on it. You can't test for stuff by comparing the DB to info from other torrent sites on the dev site until the update actually hits the live site.

Pantsu is down

Categories broken on sukebei again.

Does anybody know what the hell is this??...

Water is wet, more news at 11.

Should we?

>Sup Forums theme default

I dunno... APPARENTLY it has some stuff (I was looking for) under a "register to see" wall. I wanted to know what is it? A tracker, a forum, a DDL site, alive/dead... But I have no clue.



So like, what's the point of this "general"? Focusing and shoving mascots in our throats and constantly spamming Sup Forums boards with generals to advertise your site and exclude better alternatives, now that makes me really think. I despise the cartel because of herkz, daiz and the tranny /f/ tripfag that is in charge of nyaazi but I'm forced to use it because you fucking cum eating donkeys at pantsuu can't get your garbage site to work because you're dedicating spamming and shilling your site on Sup Forums boards and constantly rewriting the database and making changes to your shitty mascot(s) which shouldn't be a thing in the first place. Each time someone provides criticism to pantsuu, they'll tell you to go to their Github page. Which brings up my question, what is the point of this fucking general?

Kill yourself you autistic fuck, I'm going to take this to IRC and get your shitty general banned.

Main reasons.
You don't want competition, you exclude better alternatives.
You are a goddamn autist on steroids, who gives a shit about mascots and if you didn't dedicate 99% of your time to shitposting and shilling your website on Sup Forums boards, you could've beaten the cartel.
You neglect and ignore all form of criticism.


Point and laugh at the ESL, folks.


Who pissed in your bran flakes?

Idiot, most of the posters are just messing around here with little to no impact or actual involvement with the project. There is no "can't get your garbage site to work because you're dedicating spamming and shilling your site" because they're two different groups. The devs etc doing or not doing the shit is independent of people shitposting here.

He came straight from plebbit and it's his first day on Sup Forums, let him be.

Either all generals go or this one stays too. Don't forget to kill yourself instead of embarassing yourself with your weak list of "arguments".

Aren't you one gullible fuck.

Look in the archive, especially at the day when died. Pantsu was behind every single one of those threads.

This whole thing is a honeypot that will fail before 2018


Removing content, yeah... Nice work, pantsu.

PantsuDev was an user before being the NyaaPantsu dev. NyaaPantsu started as a project from Sup Forums and Sup Forums lurkers.
Go back to your cuckshed, faget.

pantsudev was a cartel member before this gig, NOT an user! x kanojo x kanojo

>wow, what a cute mascot, i want to watch her anime
>try searching the db
>results are complete and utter unusable dogshit
Great website you've got there. You really understand your priorities as developers.

>the actual pantsu devs are the one getting the project started on the day died
You don't say, Sherlock. You are one dumb motherfucker for comparing the early threads (aka no replacement and need to start new project) and current threads (replacement already exist) and think the threads will be the same.

Just another proof that pantsu was part of cartel from the very beginning. Those torrents probably were deleted by Daiz himself.

>pantsu shills will defend this


>nyaazifag so delusional he finally loses it


No just searching issues for sukebei at the moment.
Regenerating ES index right now.