Fucking online traffic school

So I got a fucking ticket awhile back and I opted for online traffic school. shit was cruising easy but after two fucking hours of sitting here reading and answering fucking questions they expect my ass to wait five hours sitting there re reading crap i already got 100percent on. no thanks.
how do i keep the page from logging me out when im not on the computer or am doing something else ?????

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hack the gibson

Put a autoclicker on a empty part of the page on with a 5 second delay.

you wut m8
any reputable links you can give me?

I'm probably gonna have to do this gay shit too, fuckin government sucks.

Stop driving like a retard and you won't get caught driving like a retard.

its easy i just need to get around this ga y ass timer
>tfw $460 ticket
fuck California
no fuck that shit man you don't know what it's like to drive through this traffic full of the dumbest people on earth

I can't imagine any scenario where you would be ticketed for an incident where you weren't at fault.

maybe when im late to work because of the brain dead retards in my way who want to sit there and text prolonging the journey. so when i have to speed around their asses i get hit with "reckless driving"

You were speeding, dumbfuck.
Also this sounds like a wagecuck problem.
Since this was caused by your persistent need to be on time for work, ask your employer to foot the bill, if they don't pay up, you're literally a slave.

> Wagecuck
> Dumbass
> Anger management
I seriously recommend necking yourself.


create an empty text file "clicky.ahk" somewhere, insert:
Loop {
Click 1
Sleep 30000

will click every 30 seconds wherever your mouse currently is

install an autorefresh plugin and turn it on just for this tab
should work

Not everyone has the privilege to sit on their ass all day
>implying I said everyone was stupid
>implying I said I'm Le must intelligent human on earth
>implying I hate my job
All it takes is a few idiots to clog the entire free way and it happens every day. It's really exhausting.
And again I wasn't speeding. It was reckless driving because apparently I didn't have my blinker on long enough and apparently that dumb female cop thought I was driving aggressively

Danke boys I'll probably try the auto refresh plugin first.

Leave for work earlier to account for potential traffic congestion then, dumbass

Oh yeah, I hate people like you.
I'm doing the speed limit and then you ride my ass behind me and then aggressively overtake me, oversteering the car on purpose to intimidate others and then getting back into my lane and then brakechecking me just for good measure.
And then you fly off racing to the red light, where I show up 10 seconds later behind you and then you race off as soon as the light turns green again because you're embarrassed.

Just use powershell

$wshell = new-object -com wscript.shell
while(1) {
$wshell.sendkeys(" ")
start-sleep -s 60

No I'm tired of people telling me this shit. I want out lazy ass governor to overhaul this bitch. I wish we wouldn't have let the damn car monopoly buy out all of our trains and burn them. THERE ARE TOO MANY PEOPLE IN THIS COCK SUCKING STATE FOR EVERY person to be driving. There are good drivers and they should be allowed to drive but grandma and her light foot slow turns and Jason fuck boy texting his girl need to get the fuck off my road. REEEEEEEEEEEE. AND DONT TELL ME TO LEAVE EARLY. I DONT WANT TO SIT AT MY WORKS PARKING LOT FOR 2 cock SUCKING HOURS BECAUSE IM EARLY

haha wagecuck problems

Nah fuck you. I'm definitely not that type. I go
The speed limit like everyone else. And never fucking brake check people like your dumb ass I'm just tired of the dumbest drivers driving retarded. Assume all you want about my driving. I just want everyone to get to work in a timely matter. If your dumb ass is driving 10 under the limit or fuck boy wants to play games with me before I have work I don't want to deal with it.

Move closer to your work, dumb wagecuck.
A 10 minute commute is a HUGE quality of life improvement.

Ah yes but I'm no illegal brown person so I can't get cheap substitutized rent I have to pay 2,000 and up for a cock sucking apartment. REEEEEEEEEEE HR WHY CANT I TRANSFER OutOF THIS SHITTY STATE

Samn fourchan why can't I delete this post.

Your options are:
>Be late for work
>Leave for work early and sometimes piss around on your phone for a bit before work
>Cough up $460 for driving aggressively like a retard

If you're too fucking stupid to pick the option that every other semi-competent person does, then that's your fault. I'm surprised you even manage to keep yourself working a decent job if you can't even take responsibility for your own actions.

>waaaaah it's everyone else's fault ;_;

Suck it the fuck up and get off your pity pot, you big fucking Sally. How about you grow the fuck up and either do what YOU can do to fix the problem, or stop bitching because other people won't fix it for your pathetic ass.