Linus confirms X299 launch will be a mess

tl;dr the 14,16, and 18 core CPUs were a rushed, knee-jerk reaction to AMD's 16 core Threadripper, and that motherboard makers don't know how they're going to support so many options. It's going to be a buggy mess at launch. If you were thinking of getting one at launch, I'd hold off for a bit.

Other urls found in this thread:

>inb4 motherboards cost more than cpus

>Linus confirms
literally who

> 10:40 linus complaining about gigabyte
> 10:57 bus with gigabyte ad drives in the back

Im just curious what do mobo makers have to do with supporting the cpu ?

Will it be the right socket ?
Will it be the right chipset ?
Wew that was hard.

why don't burgers ride mopeds to get around?


The guy who invented GNU


Doesn't bother me one bit. Not planning on building a new computer anytime soon. Let others figure it out.

Because we live in a first world country

go away linus

>listening to shill who jumps camps depending on who pays more
Suddenly Sup Forumstards started listening this retard after he switched to red team+

why would you walking out street when it's raining?

Wait you are on the side of team blue ?

>intel does something stupid and linus calls it out

I didn't watch the retard when he shilled for intel. I don't watch biased reviewers.

His target audience is tweens and teens, quantity over quality.
>30 year old man censors swearing to remain edgy with his audience but not upsetting mom and dad
>"hurr im so random" persona

He pumps out 2-3 videos per day just on YT, plus who knows what else gets released on vessel only.

my own tl;dr

Motherboard manufacturers need a standard to build their products around.

Intel is throwing a bunch of high core count cpus at the new platform that each have different standards.

meaning, motherboard manufacturers are either gonna have to build specific motherboards for Lesser CPUs or sell high priced motherboards with Features that cant be utilized by most of the cpus of that platform.

He said what everyone's thinking. Liking the noire rainy walk confession style, probably escaping the intel bugs in his room

gee, I wonder

>onboard graphics fused off
>after watching shills regurgitate it endlessly for no reason

3:50 start of complaining

You gotta actually rofl at intel actually using xeon processors as a stop gap for getting steamrolled by threadripper

Do they even have time for that? Or resources?

>Rebranded xeons for $1200
my lord it's the cuckening

All they needed to do was to leave kaby-x out. like why the fuck are they sticking a 4c on a x299 mobo?

Also, the m.2 raid is classic intel

nice autism

>overclockable watercooled servers
>retards listen to this imbecile
Jesus Christ

>getting mad that he makes money by misinforming 16 year olds
why don't you just admit you'll never do business as well as he does and move on?

>So rushed that gigabyte motherboards don't have thunderbolt 3 ports xD
>$99 for RAID 1 or 10 key
>$300 for RAID 5

wow, look at that, a single mobo support many different cpus from celerons to i7s !

same thing with their previous enthusiast line up for mobos

linus pls go and stay go

So much tu quoque in this thread


don't even act like it's not obvious what he does. you have to be retarded not to see how obviously one-sided his reviews are, no matter how subtly. when you have an herd of 4 million normie retards from reddit that worship you, why not just shill and make fucking bank?

He runs a business you weeaboo faggot

More tu quequo, more lack of evidence
>keep raging that linus is more successful than you

the whole fake despair thing is really fucking lame

They all have the same features, though. X299 has to support different amounts of PCIe lanes, RAM slots, etc.

its already obvious that intel shills don't read anything that isn't PC gamer

Think he's more pissed or fed up than anything else.

>tu quequo

using fancy Latinate expressions to sound academic doesn't work when you can't spell them.

Please explain how self admitted xeon rebrands with features fused off to prevent competition with server market is a good thing
otherwise go the fuck back to your Sup Forums faggoty where facts aren't relevant

There have been small but additive performance gains from all the BIOS and AGESA roll outs over the past couple months. RAM support is all but dead solid when it comes to supporting the highest speed DIMMs. Zen really turned out to be a solid competitor to intel's current lineup.

Please explain how you aren't still doing exactly the same shit by your useless non-factual response
>was a reference to previous time I said it to check if you understood it even after googling, which is obviously not the case

they come with add-on cards instead, but yes the VROC thing is really strange in how it is implemented.
>If you want to use VROC to create a bootable partition, though, you can use only Intel SSDs.
I have no idea what intel is thinking here..

X299 seems like a good idea, but it was bungled with shit like this.
If its anything like X99 mobos they will be prohibitively expensive

I've got 2 M.2 ports on my mobo and for whatever fucking reasons, if I use the 'wrong' one , it disables the sata ports
this is a known thing in the manual too, so why even have two fucking ports then

Despite the fact the clocks won't come close to threadripper due to housefire.jpg
Literally no reason to buy intel anymore except for budget shit

>X299 seems like a good idea
It seems like retardedly bad idea, considering the featureset of Threadrippers.

I knew Linus would make a video calling out intel soon
Jewtel is dead

>Sup Forums suddenly sucks linus' castrated dick


Sup Forums unsuddenly gapes its arsehole for intel in times of crisis

>Being this retarded

Kikeripper is WIIIIIIIIIDE.

this as a rule. just the fact it's rebranded xeons gets me so hard

It's very similar to the (admittedly simple) strategy that drug addicts use when they come into hospitals or pharmacies and simulate phantom pain.
They try to score prescription painkillers or even pharmaceutical amphetamines by pretending to not want painkillers and only "giving in" when doctors are unable to diagnose their (non-existent) ailment.
Some will see it as a sign of trust while their goal is the very opposite.

if by budget you mean cpus that cost less 700 or whatever the starting price of threadripper is.
The market for such expensive cpus is not that big,

>endlessly talk shit about 14nm LPP
>all of a sudden fanboys panicking because intel can't match the cores and clocks of Zen Threadripper despite using a "superior" process

Who fucking cares about any of this shit because there certainly aren't any games that take advantage of this new generation of overpriced CPUs and there won't be any in the next decade, guaran-fucking-teed. Buy a Sandy Bridge from 7 years ago and you're set.

You need to be over 18 to post on this site.

10 core TR might be as low as $560. Still pretty damn expensive but that's HEDT for you.

Intel's process is better: it can potentially clocks higher and is denser, but their uarch is ancient buttfucked P6 horseshit.
You need to be over 18 to post on this site.

>$700 CPU sure sounds like a median income budget to me
>'or whatever'? or what? what is it?
to clarify, I mean anything under a 1600X

Israel is our greatest ally. if you have a problem with that you can get out

>Blubbering about MUH VIDYA in a HEDT thread
is that way

M8 I don't even know what Intels line up is. AMD line up makes sense ryzen3, ryzen 5, ryzen 7, ryzen 9 (threadripper), then epyc.

Intel's line up sounds confusing as fuck with the x and i9 processors.

>Intel's line up sounds confusing as fuck with the x and i9 processors.
Because they pointlessly throwing SKUs in desperate attempt to compete with AMD. Fuck me they are selling rebranded HCC Xeons.

are you a retard ?
>Intel's line up sounds confusing as fuck with the x
Yes, literally retarded.

>Intel's line up sounds confusing as fuck with the x and i9 processors.
Not that I'd buy it, but you'd have to be pretty retarded not to understand 4 numbers


nobody knows what that is you dumb spic
nobody will ask you either
stop fishing for attention
your dumbass mexican cartel mule job will never let you buy anything with more than 2 cores anyway

threadripper will be

Intel produces overclockable and non overclockable processors on the same socket, With just an X to differentiate them. It is not only that but the nuder their processors features with every number change. Then you have to worry about the constant socket changes. Fuck man sorry for not keeping track of every time intel changes one letter or number in their processor line.

>Atom x5
>Atom x7

Also the old atom cores are now split into Celeron and pentium brand, varied with both two and four cores in both brands. Who the fuck thought new generations with dual core atoms was a good idea. They're only just usable with four cores.

Oh yeah I completely forgot about that. Intel's segmentation is pretty absurd at this point.

It gets worse with new bling-bling Xeons.

Linus face.jpg

>With just an X to differentiate them
You mean K?
X is high end for enthusiasts(350$ for 4core with 16 pci lines lol).

Really, putting toothpaste into X series was last straw for me.
I have money to pay for this overpriced shit, but at this point it's just disrespect. It's like intel actually trying to fuck customers as hard as possible. And spit at them after.

why does he look like he was just crying?

Just like how 2011 ended up with 2011-v3, motherboards will be marketed to specific chips, most likely.

He got wet and soggy.

>Vessel Only
>... sadly we will be sunsetting the Vessel service at the end of this month (October 31 2016).

wtf happend are quad core processors having problems with running games, that they need to release more cores?????? 7700k is already 350€ where can i get the money to buy fucking more cores

I want to be Linus.

>running games
>HEDT thread


1700 is $300.

>Kaby Lake X
Literally retarded.


This is just how good computer and electrical engineers are at their jobs.

It's really a thankless profession; you get shit done and people say stupid shit like this

>neutered xeons

Based AMD.

Bringing the pain to the corporate dick suckers. Transfering power back to the customer with superior options.

>rgbled threaderipper boards are totally not gaymur
kill yourself pretentious piece of indian shit

kek, this is just amazing. Zen really caught Intel off guard. I remember Linus saying something along the lines that Intel would have something ready if AMD over delivered. Fuck, this is just great. Intel really needs to stop funding diversity garbage and get their shit together. Zen is already amazing in how it scales and AMD is having amazing yields. They're based enough to leave features like overclockability on every chip and fucking ECC on a consumer product. Zen+ will rip Intel a new asshole if they can get 8 cores on a CCX.

thread ripper procs are shitty dual die like the q6600

Intel already knows they have the superior product


The guy that made the Ubuntu logo.

Cpus weren't rushed. Blame mobos manufacturers being lazy as fuck and not being able to keep up

Go away Brian.