Laptop for travelling

is this possible?:
>lightweight but somewhat tough
>unassuming look(thief repellent)
>long battery life
>small charger
>fits in a small-medium backpack
>powerful enough for checking email, YouTube™, and occasional HotS
>LAN and USB3.0(at least two of them) ports are a must
>numpad and cd/dvd are completely optional/not needed

Other urls found in this thread:

Razer Blade Stealth
also xps 13

Thinkpad. Doesn't have to be an ancient x20.

XPS 13 has everything but the LAN port.

Does anybody know of some good games for galaxy tab A, that would be good for killing time while traveling?

Great laptops but these are definitly not cheap

Get a Chromebook and install Linux

thinkpad x220 with 9cell battery.

Dankpad x220 with extended battery, SSD and 8GB+ RAM.




Don't fall for the memebook meme (great battery but shit OS) and macbook (shit and OS/keyboard/mousepad).

P.S: Change the W10 OS to Linux/W7 and it will work extremely well, battery is great too and you can upgrade the RAM/SSD.

Acer chromebook 15 (cb5-571-c4g4 not the other models with lesser specs). Fully supported by seabios (meaning full Linux installation, not just beside chrome OS). I've been using this setup for about a year and a half on Linux mint, and it is just dandy. They are only $250 new, great battery life, 15.6 inch screen, certainly powerful enough for whatever you need. There is only 1 USB3 out of 2 USB ports and no Ethernet port, so that might be a killer for you, I don't know how serious you are by "are a must".

asus zenbook series

>Acer chromebook 15 (cb5-571-c4g4

you coulda boughta thinkpad for that much money are you mad?

Fuck off Chromebooks are a meme. All the anons recommending a Thinkpad x220 know whats up. A damn good laptop for cheap as fuck.

Also I can already tell that keyboard looks like the biggest piece of shit to type on.

>chromebooks are a meme
>says to buy a thinkpad
nice try, both have their places but if op wants something to do web browsing and general use shit on that's super lightweight and has a very good battery life a chromebook with linux is a good choice. Also chromebook already has a ssd

But why buy a chromebook that goes for around the same price, if not more, than a classic thinkpad? Not to mention a thinkpad is a thousand times more durable.

you can buy a acer cb3-111/131 for about the same price I was finding decent models of thinkpads when I looked. Going for usability long term or using for any intensive work I would go with a thinkpad or something similar too but right now I'm using a chromebook with Gallium OS installed for daily use and it gets about 10hrs or more on a charge. Not sure on the durability factor since mine is either on a desk or in a backpack so that was never a concern. I was just recommending based on what op put as wants

any thinkpad. Bought my x240 used for 400$, battery lasts 10+ hours, it's small, it's light, and it looks ancient so nobody is going to steal it. I wouldn't recommend the x240 though, if you want a good keyboard get the x230, and if you want a good touchpad get the x250. The x240 was sort of a failed experiment on lenovo's part. But you can put the x250's touchpad into the x240, essentially making it a less powerful and cheaper x250, which is what I did

do you use a 6 cell battery to get that 10 hrs?

Better battery life, better speakers, comes with ssd, better mouse pad, far better screen, if these things are of value to op then the cbook is definitely better for OPs needs.

yep, came with the computer. It also helps with the cooling because the air vents don't sit flush to the table. The only thing that annoys me is the whiny fan, it's not loud but it's tiny and spins very fast. Thankfully it's not spinning most of the time

Because they are not equal in all things except price. Chromebooks have advantages and thinkpads do too. It depends on your wants.

most likely not
the game is unoptimized garbage

>bought a x240 for 400 used
Wat teh fugg

he probably bought it a long time ago


yeah that was like 2 or 3 years ago

How to spot the memers:
Edgelord gaymers weapon of choice. Nice one If you don't mind being seen as a child.

Have fun luggin that heavy and ugly pos around

Glorified netbooks, slow, weak and borderline useless

Get yourself a Dell xps 13 or a Macbook pro.

>10 hours
Sure thing, buddy...

I think you forgot "inexpensive and unassuming" in your recommendations...
It's not a meme if it's what he asked for too retard

with a light linux install I'm probably around the 10 hour mark on x220; I just dock it after work every day and it use it all day long.

I'll just add another voice for an X220.

Get yourself an IPS screen, some extra ram, and an SSD, and boom.

>Macbook pro

im not paying $1500 for an overheating piece of shit with a year old cpu, fucking skylake? baka

Thinkpad x60 with libreboot.

thx for input all
but will these be able to run HotS?

stop playing fuck hots you baby shit

asus x205ta

ive had mine for 2 years, 12 hour battery life down to maybe 8 now. Throw it in my bag and go. x220 and other thinkpads are too large

Muh nigga. One of the most objectively useful pieces of hardware I've used in years even though I had some qualms with storage. Ended up getting a Latitude, though, bit more useful and flexible with more storage space.

Honestly, OP, get a Latitude and ditch your shitty game. No reason you need to play HotS if you're moving around a lot. Get some good single player games on there instead like FTL, Stronghold, original DOOM, etc, if you really want to play some games.

>classic thinkpad
Kill yourself you tasteless faggot.


Get a cheap apollo lake or core m3 chinkpad like Chuwi Lapbook or Xiaomi 12/13.

Unrelated but, for what its worth, I used to think chromebooks were a meme but now I wonder what's the point of carrying 1500 $\£\¥ around of tech when you can get most stuff you need online or dial into a home/work computer for more power. A laptop should just be a dumb terminal these days

Is this new GTA V mod?

>shit mousepad

oh sweet summer child