Go to router

>Go to router
>Change MAC access by one character
>New IP

Do ISPs hate it when you do this? Or does this really mean nothing to them? Because it's so easy to do and if I need an IP I can just do that.

Other urls found in this thread:


Literally one second after submitting this thread I realized that /sqt/ is probably a more appropriate place.

1. Stupid question
2. A maxmimum of 10 posts before it gets an answer
3. Thread holds no purpose after the answer, unless a side discussion begins or people seriously want to talk about this

Sorry guys.

Good newfag.

Not a newfag, which is why it's even more embarrassing. I'm actually feeling very ashamed!

Found your problem.

instead we got a stupid posters thread

Sounds like every thread

How's that a problem mate?

There's nothing wrong with macs

Macs just suck, and OP is actually stating that he has a specific address for his Mac. A Mac address. What a loser.

> Do ISPs hate it when you do this?

Fun fact. Picrel did this each time his laptop MAC got blacklisted during wget -m of JSTOR.

The moral of the story: If you change mac by one character, you'll eventually kill yourself.

>not having a proxy list
what a fucking amateur

Please be trolling...

I mean yes. I thought you asked if I was serious.

it's like you don't want to falseflag on Sup Forums

are you retarded?

Found the Mac user.

..Real men use dialup, no Macs needed.

Why would this bother an ISP? It just wouldn't work if you changed your MAC Address if they didn''t want you to do it.

Is that Mac in that picture? Just curious.

And how does changing your Mac ADdress chaneg your IP? Makes no sense.

#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Current IP: $(curl -s ipinfo.io/ip)"
newIp() {
expect inb4 disable telnet or get HACKED
It's TalkTalk DSL-3680 so I'm fucked either way.

>I'm fucked either way.
That is never true and you should stop thinking like this because that's how we end up with anti-net-neutrality.

No. We dont care. Same amount of IPs being used from public DHCP pool

>And how does changing your Mac ADdress chaneg your IP? Makes no sense.
Do you know how ARP works?

I need to learn more about this pool.

What's it like working at an ISP? Since you said "we". Do you lose any dignity working for those companies?

Dude it's TalkTalk. Every time I patch something I find some other way in. I can't even use ddwrt on a custom router because of PPoA. But at least TalkTalk is so shit no one wants to attack it in the first place.


Not really. Working at an ISP is alright, I mostly do stuff on the enterprise / IP transit / metro transport level.

Not a US ISP though. Feel free to ask more

This amount of honesty is why I like Sup Forums.

>metro transport level

Anything interesting to share about that? Ok if not just curious about it. I mean there are people who hack around using public wifi and I wonder what stories are out there

he's not being honest he lied he knows everything there is to know about ARP he made it

>metro transport
as in fiber transport/L2VPN/MPLS/point-to-point type stuff.

As for network abuse, not many notable stories come to mind. Network stays clean, monitoring is really tight so we spot things quite quickly.

Only real oh-shit moment I can think of would be the Slammer worm.

Yeah but so am I, and furthermore I wrote the firmware for almost every toaster made after 2011. Dare me to burn your toast?

>need new IP address
>swap my router with a spare
>IP address still the same
woooooow bugged mechanics

For reference of network size, our total edge 95th percentile is about 4.3Tbps

I work for the Death Star and I can promise you they don't give a shit what you do.



Thats what I did after finding out my ISP has an 8 day lease that halves over time. Can't recall what the guy said it was called.


>keeps ISP modem

not shit

Every ISP I've ever had uses MAC filtering so every time I changed it I had to call them to re-register. Really fucking annoying and I don't understand the purpose.

ISP network engineer here. I am happy when you request a new IP address, because it gives me a chance to put you on a new subnet with better routing.

I can't change a customer's IP on my own because it breaks any open TCP connections and therefore can cause a brief outage. So we have customers on deprecated IP pools that we want to move elsewhere eventually, but we're waiting for them to all buy new routers or have tech support interactions that change their IP. This can take years. If you change your MAC it expedites the process.

It limits our ability to respond to DMCA requests, but also gives us a legal defense - we did our own legally required part, and we can't be held responsible for you evading the system. We don't like DMCA requests anyway, they're a waste of our time and we see it as a legitimate use of the Internet connection you pay us for. If it were up to us, we would tell the MPAA/RIAA to fuck off, but unfortunately they got laws passed that force us to track users and respond to cease and desist notices.

Whoa this is a very interesting perspective.

To what extent do you track users? Also can you tell us more if you feel like it? You're an interesting cowboy.

Well fuck you, maybe I like my ip. Gotta go change a bunch of shit to a new address and then have to memorize it

If a customer has several copyright infringements in a month, we are legally required to disconnect them. This means we must be able to figure out which customer it was based on IP and time. It's up to us how to do this. If we can't narrow it down to one customer, we are required to disconnect whole neighborhoods. This isn't something that ever happens in practice because it would be terrible for business. It's their way to strongarm us into doing the tracking required to narrow it down to one account.

If you want a static IP, pay for one and we will gladly support it forever. If you don't want to pay a couple bucks a month, quit your bitching. We're not in this for charity.

What if I'm doing it 10 times a day to evade bans on Sup Forums?

Boy, you shouldn't have said that out loud.

Verizon hasn't changed my IP in two years and there's no fee just for a static ip. That's just how its been.

What dogshit company do you work for?

>change people's IP when they change MAC
> they complain

>don't change their IP
>they complain

>offer to sell them exactly what they want
>they complain

Ladies and gentlemen, life in the ISP business.


>Do ISPs hate it when you do this? Or does this really mean nothing to them?
It means nothing, the previous IP you had just gets freed up.

If they really wanted you to keep the same IP they would tie the IP to the line you are on rather than your MAC address.

You could be on a kind of DHCP where you need to be disconnected for a certain amount of time for the lease to expire and get a new address.

burn my friends toast his ip is

What about getting a new IP by simply pulling out the network cable and forcing a connection reset? Is this lazy method bad? Will my ISP think I have a shitty connection and lower my bandwidth? Will I piss them off?

Everytime I restart my router I get a new IP. Is this some sort of miracle? I thought that was pretty standard. I never had to change my MAC or anything for that.

>shitposting so hard in a literal shit board you get banned TEN TIMES PER DAY by hiros nu-mod team

how the fug do you even manage this?

then you're doing gods work user

I always assumed everyone had dynamic IP but Sup Forums has taught me a lot of people don't

I fucking hate CGNAT. It's the ISP version of no fun allowed.

Then you should write a script to do it easier

It's up to the ISP how they're going to handle that stuff. With my previous ISP I would get a new public IP with every router reset, but not with my current one. Instead my IP will randomly change after a certain amount of time.

>Or does this really mean nothing to them

finally someone who knows what I go through

But can you triforce?

how do you even get banned on Sup Forums? are you the autistic cp poster?

>turn off router
>turn router
>new IP
That's how it is in my country.

>new MAC address means new IP

What? Is this only if your IP is dynamic? I have a static IP so it seems.

Different countries got different shares of IPs. And it's not even uniform - whoever grabbed first got more. It's feasible for the majority of population in, for example, Canada to get a static IP, but it's literally impossible in China - they have many times more people than they have IPs.

>getting baited THIS hard

neo-Sup Forums everyone

>brings WAN interface down
>script end
At which point do you get the new IP address?

i work for medium polish ISP and we do it that way:

1. your wan mac is bind to one ip, and dhcp server is not letting you in if you change it
2. if you are smartass and use static ip you are getting banned quickly because firewall checks activated IP addresses.
3. if you spoof someones address you are banned as well because arp checks
4. anyway within your VLAN you still are NAT'ed to the same public IP's so you are not evading your pedo bans

this is how to ISP properly

Yet another (city) ISP/carrier guy here, our customers all get static addresses (we're jewing them so much that our service quality comes back at the other end - our only BRAS is a lonely pfsense in a power transformer station and the dynamic allocation just wouldn't work. Our setup is working frighteningly well).
The IP address is tied to the pppoe login data in our radius database. If we were allocating addresses dynamically, the radius server would take an address from the configured pool and track your pppoe session.

>no fun allowed ISP
that's why it's not big, and rightfully so


no we are rather small because we refuse to sell out to multinational bitches like liberty global and we are building our business on domestic capital only.

What country are you in and what kind of equipment does this ISP use and is it a big or small ISP

They're paying you nigger, what more do you want?

what if you got a static IP?

yes, ISPs HATE this one WEIRD trick!
