Thread Ripper

Is AMD trying to be edgy with that name?

Why the fuck couldnt they come up with something better.

I can't help but think of kung pow every time I read it

They did it for the lulz.

A threadripper is already a thing, it's for people who sew. It's a good codename, and accurately depicts the point of what it is, namely shitloads of threads.

he told intel that he was hardcore

intel didnt listen

>not wanting ripper mode on your cpu


Epyc post

>Judas Priest intensifies

Well PR wouldn't approve of kikeripper so this was what they had to settle for.

Rumour is the 16 core kikeripper will be just $800.

>those tdp figures

how the fuck did jew killer do it?

There's also a jab at Intel with the name. "EPYC"

80% yields on 8 core dies, higher stepping, extreme binning.

Ryzen is a pretty shitty name too.

>dude why doesn't it sound like an alien spaceship or a car?
>threadripper? it just sounds like it's good at lots of threads what kind of a dumb name is that?

I dunno, it's kind of grown on me. Epyc will always make me laugh, though.

lmao you scared? There's blood in the water.

thank you based shitwrecker

>Thread ripper
The reaper.
If you can't figure that one out. Just leave.

Well considering AMD has been absolute dogshit for the past 100 years I'd say it's a fitting name. Not hating on AMD btw, I'm glad we can now get good 8-core processors for $300 now. My 2500K is definitely starting to get long in the tooth and intel can go fuck themselves asking $1000+ for their shitty housefire processors that require deliding.

More like Epycolypse LOL

because intelRIPper wasnt a kosher name

>AMD has been absolute dogshit for the past 100 years
>Not hating on AMD btw
Seeing a bit of a contradiction here.

>anagram for MAD

Better than something like Cookie Sundae or Mohave Desert.

>If you can't figure that one out. Just leave.
Ohhhhh. Dam AMD you savage AF lmfao.

if you see a disabled person barely able to walk hobble down the street for years it doesn't mean you hate them to notice they're disabled.

Becaue you can name your CPU as edgy as you want when you are going to utterly dumpster your competition.

Just FYI, the top 16-core Threadripper should score at least 3100 on that benchmark.


I was just exaggerating lad. Intel has been AMD's bitch since A64, I know.

Zen would've been a much better name and I have no idea why they didn't just stick with that.

Fucking marketers.

The Vega GPU names are alright. I actually really like saying "Vega 64" but I just KNOW AMD marketing is going to fuck up and use something like "XxX_Vega_XxX" or some other retarded 'gamer' bullshit instead.

Is this the (((iceberg))) that killed jfk?

zen was probably registered already

This seems to be wrong, it has been confirmed that Threadripper will have 64 PCIe lanes.

I'd be willing to bet they couldn't register because it's too generic

Could have called it Zeppelin. That's the proper Arch name.

Dam son, AMD just overkill now. I don't think many people could saturate more than a 20 pci-express lanes.


its why there's companies called razer

sounds edgy

looks like AMD is finally seeing the appeal of marketing your product as such

I think they shoulda went with "Furion". I thought Fury, Rage, Phenom were great names.

It's mocking Intel IA64 EPIC architecture.


Too close to Fury X, sounds like a generic Killer Instinct character.


they couldn't afford better marketing research after shooting their financial wad hiring the Jew Killer.

>AMD is destroying intel or the lulz