I need to know if I'm using my roommates WiFi is there anyway he can see what websites I visit...

I need to know if I'm using my roommates WiFi is there anyway he can see what websites I visit? He's super liberal and if he sees that I have been Sup Forums I'm sure he won't take it well.

I apologize if these kind of questions aren't for Sup Forums.

I think the only way he would be able to see what you've been browsing is if he called your internet provider and asked them.


technically yes (wireshark for example), very unlikely though

You sound like a pussy OP

Monitor all of his internet traffic and look for DNS requests.

>He's super liberal and if he sees that I have been CP I'm sure he won't take it well

fixed your typo

Thank you. He's a professor so I thought it was possible he would know of a program to do such a thing.

I don't want to monitor my roommate but is there anything that'll let me throttle their bandwidth or give my terminal priority without blocking them entirely?

If you're using regular, shit tier router like 99% of people and he's not full autosmo mr robot rhan it's highly unlikely he can do shit. But it's definitely possible. Every time you go to some site your router sees the source and destination ip address

Afaik routers use FIFO method in giving priorities aka you can't do anything except basic QoS stuff but that doesn't help you at all

That's a pain in the ass. I'll just use Wireshark to know to cut him off if he lies about not downloading a tonne of shit.

Nigga, Sup Forums is SSL'ified (as long as you have HTTPS everywhere), while it's possible to see you're on Sup Forums there's no way to tell which pages are being viewed. For all they know you frequent /c/.
That said Sup Forums is gay and you should kys.

She could tie me into a knot and I wouldn't even care.

Yeah it's a bitch. My wife's son, the little faggot, streams pewdiepie while playing cod with his ethnically ambiguous friends. I can't even shitpost some days.

But liberals are ok with CP? Love is love user, what are you, a racist sexist bigot?

being agefluid is a beautiful and natural thing

John Podesta? What are you doing on Sup Forums?

> I have been Sup Forums
Sounds like you're the liberal op

>wife's son

>Taking care of another man's child
You are the faggot.

Depending on which firewall it's entirely possible it reports this information. He could also potentially track you somewhat through your DNS queries or by snooping your network traffic if it's unencrypted.

can newfags leave already? Holy shit

The right firewall can do these things. You just have to move to proper gear like Cisco, Sonicwall, Barracuda, Fortinet, pfSense, etc...

I know Sonicwall has an SSL decrypt ability but I believe its more aimed at reporting what type of SSL traffic is being used. I'm sure all the major vendors would have the same feature set as one another.


Hello newfriends.

Buy another router, hook everything else besides your shitposting machine, and don't connext that router to the internet..

Yup, my body is ready for snu snu.

Get a job, Republican loser.

I want to slaughter the man that made that image.

fuxking kek

Me too. How dare they post a picture of my WIFE.

Yes, one my family members monitors their homes wifi and I don't even think they know much about computers.