Wtf I hate photoshop now

wtf I hate photoshop now

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big brother grows in omniscience

what the botnet

>Doesn't know how to edit money in Photoshop

Time to switch to Gimp

I want Canada to leave. Nao.

You mean Krita, don't you?

>(((big brother)))
The Federal Reserve is a privately-owned bank

there's a patch for that but if you know what you're doing you don't even NEED the patch

>software as a service
We brought it on ourselves.

holy you werent kidding, win10 wont let me save this image, in any browser


This is why you use GNU/GIMP

>take money
>put it in a copy machine
>shit bricks

>This is why you use GNU/GIMP
>GNU GNU Image Manipulation Program

If you don't know why this happens you need to go read up on the science behind banknotes. Look up Eurion Constellation
Tl;dr. European's fascist like union fucked us over on this one.

what would happen? asking for a friend

Saves fine for me

You will probably get a printed paper say "kopying monie is bad :DDDD benis in benis :DDDDDD - your govermant"

Kek. You really made me cry, man. Thx and have a good day.

It looks like the best way is to open the image in something like and then copy paste portions of it over the Photoshop.

If you don't copy something like the CANADA DOLLARS part whole then it doesn't care. Basically break up any text.

Now I know why Photoshop is so fucking slow to open image files and paste image data in comparison to something like

>wew win10 botnet doesn't let you download a pepe

Krita is for painting and drawing, not for photo editing.

hold on, did you just load up a picture of a bank note and it fucking knew?

I saved it just fine.

From my tests it seems to just OCR the image, looks for the patterns of text on bank notes.

just do it offline

the end product would look obviously fake

>what are the bank note donut rings

oh, was photoshop already cloud in 2003

(it wasn't)
(it's a simple digital watermark check)

Theres a crack online but i recommend downloading it on your phone from a free WiFi hotspot so you aren't added to a watchlist.

>owever, experiments by Steven J. Murdoch and others showed that this banknote detection code does not rely on the EURion pattern.[3] It instead detects a digital watermark embedded in the images, developed by Digimarc.