So, anyone here works with JPA + Spring + AngularJS?
Need to learn those things as fast as possible.
Videos, books, anything
I have some experience with Java Web and Hibernate...
So, anyone here works with JPA + Spring + AngularJS?
Need to learn those things as fast as possible.
Videos, books, anything
I have some experience with Java Web and Hibernate...
Just stop user and instead concentrate on other frameworks.Spring is a convoluted mess and ABSOLUTE shit.
Incase you want to still do it read the books Just Spring and Spring in action,spring documentation and do those tutorials on their site.
the only thing to learn about jpa/hibernate is to avoid it. It's fucking cancerous and does nothing but creating hard to find bugs. Sql-speaking objects or jdbi sql repositories are the way to go. Abstracting away sql to turn a db into a set of objects does not compute and destroys concepts like transactions
spring boot's comfy tho. Gets you set up in no time with no trouble at all. This project I have in it is the easiest of the bunch despite being as complex as the rest of them.
Learn AngularJS quick:
Sadly I cannot help you with Spring. My stack of choice is serverless and pythonic.
Is it really conventional for web developers to cram so much bullshit abstraction on top of a database like this? What's wrong with plain SQL queries in backend code? Does everyone swap out their RDBMS for something else every Tuesday?
hibernate can be ok, as long as you are not trying to build some high performance stuff.
spring is just a no-no, dump it before you lose you mind
Big softwares, etc
But agree that less abstraction = faster
The meme stack. God save your soul
Why the haters?
Legit wrote a book on that like ten years ago
I don't know man, are projects really that big you can't use BULK queries and automated scripts to manage your database? I personally hate and avoid like a plague everything that is not straight DB model GUI, just seems like extra work for me instead of facilitating anything.
You forgot the controllers.
I used to have a lot of PDF books on all three but I deleted them all since they weren't written by PoC/Women. Sorry.
This might help with Angular:
Don't have anything for the others. Good luck tho.
Use JHipster, thank me later, ignore the rest of the thread.
Spring philosophy just plain sucks.
Creating classes on the fly depending on XML files? Plugging behaviour depending on method name? At runtime?
Fuck you, I want the compiler to tell me when something is wrong.