What's the point of having updates if every iPhone becomes an unusable laggy piece of shit after a year of updates?

What's the point of having updates if every iPhone becomes an unusable laggy piece of shit after a year of updates?

iOS doesn't even add anything new anymore, it just changes a few animations or icon pictures and suddenly you lose 50% performance every year.

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=n7000 lineagos
lmgtfy.com/?q=i9000 lineageos

I have an iPad I got from work as a christmas gift/bonus and the fact I've never been able to jailbreak it and install unstable apps that I WANT has bugged the fuck out of me. The lack of webm support without crossing between applications is even worse.
On top of that if you're doing dev work you have to fucking wait on Apple to approve of your own goddamn pushes and updates to an app that isnt even on the fucking store before you can install and test it.
iOS is unadulterated dogshit.

Your second statement is false, you don't even need a paid developer license to compile your own app and run it on your phone

>t. iToddler

To buy the latest and greatest newer phone dear goyim!

You must be retarded then because jailbreaking is ez

>installs closed source malware botnet from confirmed chink/russian hackers onto his phone
>calls someone else retarded


whats the point of having iphone

What's the point of having updates if less than 10% of Android phones are on the latest major release?

OEM problem, not a device problem.

>t. iToddler

Does this picture offend you?
Sent from my iPhone

show me the distribution split between devices and BTFO.
>all my kekkels

What's the point of having OS version charts when iPhones self destruct a year after purchase?

Really makes u think

almost 40% 5s/6/7
really makes you think

This is why iphone 6+ is faster than 99% of android phones ;')
Try harder android fan. I don't get why can't you be objective,

Iphone 5s is like really really old phone dude. It like using galaxy s3-4 today when samsung is on s8 right now.

>t. iFuck

You misspelled slower.

Even the iShit 7 gets BTFO by a phone less than half its price.

It's actually 60% when you count the S models (5s/6/6+/6s/6s+/7/7+)


both on 7.1.x
pretty up2date, imho

I'm not going on XDA, but can you check if the Original Galaxy Note N7000 has 7.1 ROMs?


>iphone 4s
>I am the 1.9%.

I understand the inbuilt software redundancy, but this phone works fine. Latest update (before discontinued). It has a huge crack from last year with hardware exposed (screen fine).

Works as well as when I got it.

>dat terminus font

lmgtfy.com/?q=n7000 lineagos
lmgtfy.com/?q=i9000 lineageos

yes, even the og galaxy s

s̶i̶n̶g̶l̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶r̶e̶ cuckOS designed for single core usage is stronger in that area

>mom has an iPhone 5s
>I tell her to always update when she can because of security updates
>she updates to iOS 10
>suddenly her battery is draining in under half the time

God almighty, i forgot how much iOS looks like FisherPriceOS. I used it for years, just switched to Android, finally feels like i'm using a bigboy phone.

Why'd you do that to her user? You should've known better

Nice cherry picking single core scores. Now show the multithreaded score Aplel Shill


Call me back when I can text, share tabs, share my clipboard, and call from my computer.

In before someone mentions the buggy pile of barely usable garbage known as "Airdroid". I already know some dumb fuck will defend it just because it's Sup Forums.

>faster hardware
>still runs and feels slower
if anything that just makes iOS looks worse

My Google™ Nexus 5X doesn't have this problem kiddo.