Is this the new mobile meme?
Because i can get behind this meme.
Is this the new mobile meme?
Because i can get behind this meme.
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I don't see a purpose on mobile devices where there's not a major need or demand for high refresh rates
demand can be created
>not having 120hz on your blue bubbles
>not playing pro csgo on your iphone
>green bubbles in 120Hz
Yuck. Pass.
120hz for mobile VR would be neat-o
Because every mobile OS is based around "muh clarity" and "muh fluidity".
How long till Sup Forums says you dont need more than 60hz
Are you one of those retards that claim your eyes can't see beyond 30fps?
Because i can perfectly notice how shitty the refresh rate is in most phones.
No I actually have a 144hz monitor for muh gaymes. I just don't think high refresh rates have much usefulness on mobile devices, at least not right now.
thus why apple is doing it on tablets to start off. Like, the iPad I use for light surfing would be a lot better with 120hz. My phone not so much
Browsing experience isn't improved very much by higher refresh rates user.
can read stuff easier when scrolling for one.
nice meme m8
I'll give you that. Unless it's an insignificant hit to battery life I wouldn't opt for it though.
I mean if they can optimize it like how apple said where a stationary photo will update at 15hz or whatever then it might not be too bad
Wouldn't that absolutely buttfuck battery life? Seems counterintuitive when that's the thing people want most.
As someone who experienced 120hz with a CRT monitor, that would be so great for a phone, although pretty expensive too
As stated above, they have software that “throttles” the refresh rate when it’s unnecessary (reading a book or article.)
But this is why iPads will always be shit for multitasking
I’m sorry what does that have to do with anything?
Assuming there's no new high end display tech you can't selectively choose the refresh rate of each pixel, so unless you're literally using a single application that is arbitrarily deemed "unworthy" of 120fps this adaptive refresh rate talk isn't very useful
To further drain the battery of course!
it's just the dickwaving contest the mobile market always has been, whoever gets the largest numbers on a spec sheet always wins
I came here to say this.
We always need bigger, faster, more power hungry screens, for some reason, even though battery tech hasn't kept up at all.
>I don't see a purpose on mobile devices where there's not a major need or demand for high refresh rates
You don't see the need for idiots to subsidize the manufacturing of high hertz small screens that'll go into your VR headset later on so you can be with your waifu?
VR is justifiable because of the applications involved. Standard tablet usage? Not so much.
Sounds like a bullshit claim. How would they be able to determine if the render calls would change the screen or not? There's ways to do that like having every memory access be wrapped by checks on if it's touching any state that could be pushed to the gpu. Or segment memory so you only check for a chunk which would have to be reserved for rendering.
If they do this at all it'd only be for their own apps or possibly through a special api.
Alternatively all apps are forced to do it and the app store is fragmented for these screen users.
It's unrealistic. Why would they update at 15hz for a still image anyway? If they can manage to determine if there's change on the screen or not they can simply not draw at all. It'd be paused rendering until action occurs.
Drawing at 120Hz on the iPad will feel much better than 60Hz.
Yeah if you're speed sketching. If you're actually taking it slow like most legitimate artists it's not going to make much of a difference.
If they used a low persistence display it would increase battery life and motion fluidity. I'd love to at least have the option of toying with something like that.
>locked at 60fps
>120hz refresh rate
Am I missing something here?
What's the point if you'll get 120fps let alone anything above 60fps?
Speaking of the file browser why can’t I save anything to my iPad? It only lets me save stuff to iCloud Drive.
Honestly I remember using a 120hz monitor just with Windows and it was quite nice. Somehow, animations in macOS support that as well. If it ends up becoming cheap and common it'll be nice, there's no disadvantage.
120fps 720 slow-motion videos, iphone 7
>poordroid users will claim 120Hz is a useless feature until lagdroid devices have it
I might walk around with it strapped to my head with the camera on so I can see the world in 120fps instead of 24fps
120hz is finally becoming the new standard...
You have it wrong. Eye cant see past ~15fps, but your brain tricks you.
>Sounds like a bullshit claim. How would they be able to determine if the render calls would change the screen or not?
They'll likely have something in the GPU silicon. No need for complicated software implementations.
>applefuckers will say that having less bezels isn't important
Name one bezel free android tablet from the last year
you're fucking retarded, kill yourself
It is important to have less of these. But seriously the bezels got smaller and aren't that big for a tablet espacially compared to other companies.
On the other side 120Hz is important too and no one yet has it.
Nice trips
user hardware is just like a software implementation except it's in hardware.
It's still complicated. You're gonna add an overhead.
I don't think a HW implementation would be better. Marking memory or doing the segmented memory is probably more efficient than a HW solution because it's acting at a higher level.
I think the best place for this is the graphics driver. But I wouldn't like that Apple decided to fuck with my program like that.
1000hz should be the standard
Glad to see you can't contribute anything meaningful.
I'm actually thinking about getting the new iPad Pro when I go back to college this fall, it's either that, the Samsung Chromebook Pro or a Surface Pro. I want a 2 in 1 with stylus support and I already have a Windows machine at home so I can just VNC into it if I need to access Windows on the go, and I also do photography so I need to edit photos and the iPad Pro screen is second to none when it comes to mobile devices. Apple also fixed the main problems I had with the iPads before, like better multitasking and an actual file browser.
Convince me why I shouldn't, Sup Forums
Just bought an iPad Pro for school, and it is absolutely fantastic. Got a cheap keyboard case, so it can be a laptop when I need it to, and quickly become a tablet when that's needed. The Apple Pencil is nice too, and if you decide on the Pro you should consider an app called Notability. It records the audio of your lectures and time stamps your notes, so you can play back parts of the lecture based on what you wrote down.
At least try to hide the fact that you're shilling
Remember kids, if someone advocates for something you disagree with, they must be a shill. In fact, accusing someone of something without any reasonable basis to form your conclusion is usually a sign of cognitive dissonance, where you cannot accept a certain reality, so you must find any way to dispute it. Even if it makes you look like a complete faggot who can't get over the fact that some people like something that he doesn't.
kys itard
And when you cannot refute an argument any more, you simply attack your opponent. The iPad Pro is the first apple product I've owned. I decided to share my positive experience with someone else on Sup Forums, and you decided to attack me for it because you apparently can't stand that someone would enjoy an Apple product. In the tablet market, it is clear that Apple has the superior products, with longer OS support and a more optimized OS as well.
>t. iPajeet
You're embarrassing yourself at this point. Why don't you refute my arguments instead of shitposting?
Lol what a retard
You sure told him, iPajeet!
>look at 4k 180ppi monitor once
>now every 1080p 90ppi monitor looks like shit
>look at 144Hz monitor once
>now every 60Hz monitor looks like shit
I don't like where this is going
The fact that you refuse to make any counterarguments tells me that you have nothing to add. Probably because you have no actual knowledge on the subject. You're most likely just here to shitpost, and are one of the reasons why this board has become absolute shit.
I called you a shill because you sounded like a fucking infomercial
> "Hi folks I'm Billy Mays and Just bought an iPad Pro for school, and it is absolutely fantastic. Got a cheap keyboard case, so it can be a laptop when I need it to, and quickly become a tablet when that's needed. The Apple Pencil is nice too, and if you decide on the Pro you should consider an app called Notability. It records the audio of your lectures and time stamps your notes, so you can play back parts of the lecture based on what you wrote down. "
He wanted testimony on what would work for his situation. I was literally just in his position, between the Tab S3, Chromebook Pro, and iPad Pro. I haven't owned an apple product before, but I do work part time at an electronics store when I'm not in class, and have liked what I've seen from the iPads. MacBooks and iMacs are overpriced and overrated, but Apple definitely did it right in the tablet market.
Now you can stutter with double the framerate.
>ITT: People unironically getting iPad pros instead of Surface Pros
wew lad
>Wanting a terribly unoptomized OS taking up what little power your tablet has
Sorry for being a faggot user
Samefag iFuck detected
don't you get it user? if we can hype up demand for those screens they will sink in cost for us.
kys first, iFuck.
>implying your mobile GPU could render even the simplest 3D game at 120 FPS
>tablet with full blown OS has better to comparable battery life than one with a gimped OS
Notice I'm posting from an Android phone? All I did was buy an iPad, you fucking faggot. Kys if you can't stand the fact that someone can find valid reasons to own an iPad.
You sure told him, iPajeet!
>Most comparable surface is 150 dollars more with a dual core m3
13 hours on the Surface Pro and 10 hours on the iPad Pro. Both tested playing a 1080p video.
iOS/iPhone already supports 120hz (since 5s) but it doesn't use it for general UI, since that would just use double the battery for no gain.
Use camera app and slow-mo for real 120hz capture and display.
Unless you literally are playing with 120fps-equivalent animations, transitions aren't going to look any smoother
I'm playing with 85 fps, 144hz, it is noticeably better than 60fps 60 hz
I wish games were less concerned about pushing the limits of acceptable framerates and let people turn their game into potatoland to play it at 144fps without frying their hardware, but that's something I've only seen done on source engine.
If you're not using it for games, everything but your mouse movement look the same. Modern browsers struggle to use hardware acceleration, scrolling a page will look just as choppy
It's still 60Hz on the preview screen. But holy fuck focusing is super fast.
>Unless it's an insignificant hit to battery life I wouldn't opt for it though.
That depends on how the OS handles static images for things like web browsing. IIRC some of the nokia windows phones would put the GPU into a low power state if the display doesn't need to be updated.
It makes sense on a phone and tablet because scrolling will lag less behind your finger and it's easier to read while scrolling.
they're battery-dependent appliances, it makes no sense to have higher-than-media-framerate refresh rates, especially since there's probably nothing on the phone that can render at hgiher than 60fps at 2160p
Yeah, fuck battery life.
Yeah, fuck progress!
I'd go for the non-iPad option simply for mouse support. However, there's also the closed ecosystem of Apple that'll make anything you want to outside of their cookie-cutter impossible.
don't get the CB pro. I have the CB plus and it has a great machine but the software support for the pen is shite and the finish scratches off easier than the jet black iPhone 7
the fags bitching about this are the same fags who thought that retina displays were a meme and a waste of battery and now every flagship laptop has a ppi display now. This will be no different, refresh rates higher than 60 are going to be the new standard, especially for tablets/computers that have pen support.
where I am:
> UHD/"4k", 60 Hz, 24 bpp SDR, sample-and-hold, IPS
where I'd really like to be:
> UHD "8"k, 240 Hz, 36 bpp HDR + wider gamut, optional strobing, variable sync, QDLED or similar
where I'd be happy to be a year from now:
> 4k, 24 bpp@120 Hz and 30 bpp@ 96 Hz, FreeSync or HDMI 2.whatever VRR, IPS or VA
why can't we have nice things on desktop?
I DGAF about 21:9 ultrashort or 2560x1440 TN shit.
I'm guessing the higher refresh rate and lower latency will give me a higher enjoyment when drawing.
It won't compromise battery life.
It will enhance user experience a bit.
It's important when u need minimum possible input lag such as drawing.
Less latency for the pen.
When will Youtube support 120/144fps videos?
But the best Android phones have huge bezels.
Going from 60 Hz to 120 Hz is just going to reduce latency by 8 ms. Just how far do you move your hand in fucking 0.008 seconds?
The lag behind your finger is from input lag, not because the display is slow.
Even mobile first person shooters will have higher refresh than consoles haha.