If I copy a FLAC file to my phone will the file quality be the same?


Yes, but that won't matter with your shitty phone speaker. Stick to MP3 320kbps for phones.

Yes as long as you use an AudioQuestâ„¢ Diamond MicroUSB Cable to preserve the sound bits during transfer

I mean... you already copied it from somewhere else so...


I am asking this seriously
So if I copy a FLAC file from my computer to my phone will the file quality stay the same?

what about uncompressed file do you not understand faggot faggot faggot

It won't if you uninstall iTunes first

But does it get compressed at all if I copy it to my phone?

as long as you do not change to format no,it will have same quality faggot faggot
your phone also need to support said format to play it at all.

>implying you can tell the difference between .flac and 320kbps .mp3

I completely support this,to notice the difference you would need shit so expensive that it might be just placebo effect from spendin' money.

Well compressed mp3>flac for me.

I still download flac tho,higher chance for it to have quality.

>never listened to classical

You must be one of those computer illiterate dumb fucks who follows some meme shit and actually puts flacs and wavs on their phones.

t. flac collector

if you just copy the file (as in binary copy, like you copy a file from one folder to another, or one drive to another), it won't change it in any way. it's a one-to-one copy. every byte in the file will be the same. btw, downloading is a form of copying.

if you're transferring it some other way (for example playing it and recording it with the phone's mic, or transcoding it to mp3 or aac using some software), there will be some loss of quality. how much loss depends on the method and the settings.

your music will sound equally awful since you most likely have shit taste

FLAC is a compressed file format you shit head. You probably mean lossless vs. lossy, in which case copying still doesn't remove quality.

This, although it is definitely worth it to have your collection kept in flac if you can get lossless originals. It is entirely worthless to put flac on any device, however.


Because you keep getting half-answers from cocky fagets who don't know their shit but want to look cool:

If you directly copy a FLAC to your phone, the quality will remain the same (lossless).

The caveat will be the mechanism in your phone which translates digital audio files to analog for your headphones/speakers (it's called the DAC: digital-to-analog converer). The DAC in your phone will likely be much cheaper than the one your computer uses, resulting in more noise in the final output to your headphones. Plus the DAC probably won't do a great job preserving the dynamic range.

Personally, unless you can totally afford the extra space for FLAC files, I think MP3s at decent bitrates will sound about as good as FLAC on a phone.

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That's the whole point of Flac -- so the quality stays the same, even if you were to copy it a million times over. If you were to use an MP3, the compression would make it slightly shittier every time.

>implying everyone is poorfag and ear-retarded
What happened to you in prison, they fucked your ears?

>I listen exclusively to hip hop and country


MP3? If you have a .flac and you want to save space on your phone then either AAC or OPUS is the way to go. The best solution is obviously to get a SD card and just use .flac.


You don't always use the phones DAC, though. If you play music over BT then the phone will send it as AAC over the BT link and the BT headset's DAC is used. In this case you're going lossy to lossy to DAC instead of compressed to lossy to DAC.

flac uses compression, and there is no quality penalty for copying MP3. Bits are bits and a copy is a copy. Quality is lost when you transcode using a lossy compression algorithm.

No. FLAC only prevents degradation over time, it will still degrade whenever you copy it to another device.

nice meme

Music over BT is a horrendous idea if you care about quality. Even if your BT speakers have a better DAC than your phone, BT still uses lossy compression for audio transmission, so even if you have lossless files you're going to take a quality hit. In the likely case you have lossy files, your music is compressed twice with lost data. I feel like you'd have to have a really shitty phone for the additional compression to outperform the phone's DAC.

why are you allowed on this board

>to MP3 320kbps for phones.
you need to be a real authist to put 320kbps mp3s to a phone. 128kbps should be more than enough

Checksum it, copy it to the phone, copy it back, and checksum it again. See for yourself.

>still using mp3
Reminder that mp3 was always a shitty format and AAC is far better and just as well supported on modern devices.

the autism is really strong today

only if you use itunes and a monster usb cable