Anyone loaded a bootmanager into a late 2011 macbook pro?

Anyone loaded a bootmanager into a late 2011 macbook pro?

Trying to dual boot some sort of linux distro or single boot (get rid of OSX). Anyone been down this route? I have disabled my SIP and tried to install rEFInd but the EFI disk won't mount or load and I cannot boot into the REFInd menu.

Just boot the fucking thing.
What are you, a moron?

Great advice. It's almost as if rEFInd won't load, so therefore I cannot load an OS not compatible with the current MAC.

Gee whillikers. Why did I come here for advice?

Linux can't support EFI boot?

Yes it can, you just need to get a boot manager to work, my OP question.

Can't you install it from a CD? I mean, installing rEFInd worked fine when I did it the way you tried but that's not the only way.


Thread's over, the shitposter found it.

>Anyone loaded a bootmanager into a late 2011 macbook pro?
Why would want to install Loonix on an MBP? macOS is the superior Unix.


Anyway I sincerely believe this thread belongs either on /fa/ or /lgbt/.

Look, we don't like apple products on Sup Forums or their users. Just go to your native /fa/ or /lgbt/ board and post these threads there. We won't go on your boards and you don't go into ours.

Everybody wins.

My cd drive is fucked, so no.
I want Kali again.

>dual gpu

lol good luck, when you actually get it to boot into linux you wont see anything because it defaults to the dedicated gpu and there are no driers for it

and yes, ive done it

What's so hard to understand? You found the thread and now you're shitting it up.
>Look, we don't like apple products on Sup Forums or their users
I really couldn't give less of a shit.
>Just go to your native /fa/ or /lgbt/ board and post these threads there. We won't go on your boards and you don't go into ours.
Sup Forums is my board.

Have another Mac? Use Target Disk Mode.

My end goal is to be booting from a USB. But that seems to be more trouble than dual booting on this early a mac.

Twas' a gift, would not be using this machine if I didn't have to, don't have the 2 grand I need to shell out for another laptop. Thanks for all your help, this might be my best option, family members have macs.

Fuck off pajeet. You're a newfag and retarded if you don't think Apple belongs here.

Just because it triggers you seeing it doesn't mean that we'll make this your safespace.

>What's so hard to understand? You found the thread and now you're shitting it up.
OP's thread never had any merit to begin with, tech support threads aren't allowed here. He's no better than those stupid frog posters.

>I really couldn't give less of a shit.
oh ok then expect threads like these to be ruined almost immediately

>Sup Forums is my board.
Then migrate to /fa/ or /lgbt/. At least try them, maybe you'll finally find that group of anons circle jerking to apples latest fashion accessory.

>Have another Mac? Use Target Disk Mode.
Seriously man, just leave and we can all be at peace.

you dont understand, it doesnt matter how you boot it because while everyone says the intel gpu works, the device will boot with the dedicated gpu and then you wont get anywhere because the drivers dont work

just run linux in a vm like a normal person

Nah, but feel free to keep bumping so someone else who actually knows what they are talking about might be able to chime in.

Thank you.

>Fuck off pajeet. You're a newfag and retarded if you don't think Apple belongs here.
Apple is filled with pajeets. Are you just affirming that apple is shit?

>Just because it triggers you seeing it doesn't mean that we'll make this your safespace.
But I'm not the only one who holds the opinion that apple threads belong on /fa/ and /lgbt/.

We don't want you here.

>OP's thread never had any merit to begin with, tech support threads aren't allowed here. He's no better than those stupid frog posters.
I agree OP should've asked in /sqt/ or something but nonetheless Macs are technology whether you like it or not.
>Then migrate to /fa/ or /lgbt/. At least try them, maybe you'll finally find that group of anons circle jerking to apples latest fashion accessory
I'm interested in neither gays nor fashion.
>Seriously man, just leave and we can all be at peace.
What's the issue with suggesting a fix to his problem?

I don't think you understand why I want this linux distro. It's not for gaming, GPU's in the laptop are irrelevant.

You think I'm bumping this gay fashion accessory thread?

Nope, but the people replying to you are :)

Doesn't really matter whether you are or not, I still am

>I agree OP should've asked in /sqt/ or something but nonetheless Macs are technology whether you like it or not.
So are toasters posted on /ck/ worth Sup Forums merit? Are rifles on /k/ worth Sup Forums merit?

>I'm interested in neither gays nor fashion.
Yes you are, otherwise you wouldn't use apple products. It's been scientifically proven that most of you are homosexuals as well.

>What's the issue with suggesting a fix to his problem?
It's not a thread we wan't in Sup Forums. Not only is it a tech support thread but it's about gay fashion accessories as well.


it is making more sense why you cant get past the first hurdle

oh ok

Oh you are just being blatantly wrong. Yes, yes you can use integrated graphics? I've done it on a not so early mac book pro, you understand what you are saying right?

Proper fucking idiots who have no clue what they are doing run any sort of VM software.

>So are toasters posted on /ck/ worth Sup Forums merit? Are rifles on /k/ worth Sup Forums merit?
We're not talking about toasters or rifles, we're talking about a laptop. That's certainly something you post on Sup Forums.
>Yes you are, otherwise you wouldn't use apple products.
Epik meme
>It's not a thread we wan't in Sup Forums. What's with all this "we" bullshit? Are you the official Sup Forums representative or something?
>it's about gay fashion accessories
No, it's about a laptop.

but im not talking about the vm, im talking about trying to dual boot. what the fuck is this thread? what is wrong with your brain?

i told you to use a vm because its easy and you overcome the stupid bullshit involved in attempting it on a dual gpu mahine. jesus christ you are dumb

>We're not talking about toasters or rifles, we're talking about a laptop. That's certainly something you post on Sup Forums.
Yes but this laptop is a fashion Accessory as much as a glock is a gun.

>Epik meme
meme? Do you even know who the CEO of apple is?

>What's with all this "we" bullshit? Are you the official Sup Forums representative or something?
Just look at every apple thread. Most people don't want the thread on Sup Forums at all.

>No, it's about a laptop.
Used as a gay fashion accessory.


>Yes but this laptop is a fashion Accessory as much as a glock is a gun.
You can keep spouting bullshit but that won't make it any less wrong.
>meme? Do you even know who the CEO of apple is?
Tim Cook.
>Just look at every apple thread. Most people don't want the thread on Sup Forums at all.
You can't make that assumption at all, it could be an outspoken minority.
>Used as a gay fashion accessory.
Nah, it's just a laptop.

why quote me when posting this?

high resolution displays are fucking useless anyways, osx can barely scale correctly and linux is somehow worse than windows 10, not to mention if you use any vm's or RDP into anything its even more useless


>You can keep spouting bullshit but that won't make it any less wrong.
No that would apply to you. Stop trying to make gay fashion accessories into technology. Apple's watch is literally used as a cock ring now man, jesus.

>Tim Cook.
Good, now did you know that he LITERALLY sucks cocks on a daily basis?

>You can't make that assumption at all, it could be an outspoken minority.
I'm one of those anons in those threads so yes, yes I can.

>Nah, it's just a laptop.
Then why are starbucks filled to the brim with homosexuals pricking about in itunes with macs while you rarely see them in libraries?


>No that would apply to you. Stop trying to make gay fashion accessories into technology.
I'm not, I'm talking about technology.
>Apple's watch is literally used as a cock ring now man, jesus.
Smartwatches are retarded.
>Good, now did you know that he LITERALLY sucks cocks on a daily basis?
>I'm a part of the outspoken minority, trust me, we're not an outspoken minority
>Then why are starbucks filled to the brim with homosexuals pricking about in itunes with macs while you rarely see them in libraries?
Because you love shitty memes