IPhone 8 Design Concept Leaked and people are forming their opinions

Let us discuss Iphone 8.
Below the link about some image and release date of iPhone 8.


I think it will be the last "leak" because Apple wouldn't dare put a fingerprint sensor on the back.

You don't know that. It is unlikely though.

There's nothing much to discuss. There are no revolutionary features so it's just more of the same but slightly better.

Steve Jobs's death pretty much put the company in stagnation.

Why is there not 2 usb C ports?

Blatant poo website advertising
sage report hide

It's fake. Apple has to milk the goyim for Lightning royalties on shit cables that break after a week.

The USB-C rumor for iPhone 8 has been around for a long time already.
Probably the longest next to the OLED choice. Most likely to be true.

Thanks for shilling your shitty blog

Saged and reported

looks like $800 phone, unlike samsung s8

That's because the Samsung S8 looks like a $900 phone.

What the fuck do you people want from a smartphone released in 2017? What does Steve Jobs have to do with the natural occurrence of stagnating product categories? Why am I even responding to blatant teenagers who don't know shit about anything?

They released a fucking $350 BT Speaker. I lost faith in this company, let it die already

if they didn't fix the yield issues for the under-display fingerprint sensor in time they would have no choice but to stick it on the back, just like samsung.
reports suggested they had made a breakthrough recently, but is that enough time for them to actually be ready for mass production? who knows.

>not putting fingerprint reader inside apple logo


>Remove the headphone jack because >muh internal space
>Keep the retarded silence switch

Did you already forgot their C O U R A G E ?

Nice, you never had any faith and we both know that. Still doesn't answer my question. What in the fuck do you want that's so revolutionary in a smartphone released in the current year? Don't veer off and talk about something else you dumb faggot.

my dad works at apple. trust me its unlikely

Pitch the Steve jobs iPhone of today so I can shoot you down for being a stupid cia nigger who doesn't even write his own compiler

id laugh so hard if this is true

terrible spot for the finger print scanner, needs to be higher

I'll stick to my based Pixel

>Fingerprint sensor on the back
Looks like applel is back to copying android vendors. I wonder what Jobs would think if he was still alive.

fingerprint activation is future. The convienence is off the charts, I'll never go back

logging into my bank account via fingerprint scan is based

have fun using both hands and looking down at your phone like an idiot herpa derpa trying to type in your passwords

enjoy your ban lol

>fingerprint activation is future
I never said otherwise. Re-read my reply

If they bring the headphone jack back, I'd consider it.

who cares
only casuals care about apple since Jobs left for Cancer
im not even kidding

You cannot use a part of your body as a password.

Finger print password is convenient because it cuts corners in security.

>Why am I even responding to blatant teenagers who don't know shit about anything?

You're on Sup Forums. If you had something better to do then talk to teenagers, you'd be doing it.

Yep that looks like a phone.

Looks good if they finally go back to straight edges

Could also be Qi.

are you implying that apple is actually going to get its head of its ass and follow a standard?
we're talking about the guys that removed the headphone jack from a device many use to listen to music.

too bad touchwiz sucks any enjoyment or extra performance from the phone

Just think about it
They make so that people can only use USB-C cables with their DRM
So now everyone who had lightining cables has to buy new ones

You need the iDoubleDongle, available on the Apple store for a measly $99

A fucking file system, for once.

Oh wait, nevermind... Only took them ten years.

Make the phone 2mm thicker, more battery size, add back the 3.5mm and a microsd.

Have you used touchwiz on the s8? its come a long way besides you can always install another launcher if you don't like it. The phone is amazing

great, another device for 16 year olds. Why does Sup Forums care about this? I thought this was a technology board.

>Design Concept
Why the fuck do people still give a shit about the one of the billion concepts that get "leaked" every fucking day?

You guys are seriously idiotic cucks if you think apple would ever, ever, ever, ever put a finger print sensor on the back.

>Still no AUX port
It's fucking trash.

Smaller bezels :DDD

>no heaphone jack
>lets discuss
no thanks get these normie fitbit /fa/ tier status symbols out of here
This and also a removable battery

The launcher doesn't change everything. It's just a homescreen skin on top of touchjizz.

It's like trying to cover up a cake with shit topping with chocolate.

It's still shit beneath it.

Yeah, but Apple are embracing USB-C anyway. It makes some sense for them to adopt it with iPhone as well because it opens up some things to them like Quick Charge.

A valid point, but a strawman in this case.
In my opinion TouchWiz is not all that bad, and I'm a few device iterations behind. It is much better than it was five, or even three, years ago but it is possible you could flash a stock Android version on it in the future.

That is beside the point though, the statements were on the look of the device and by moving the argument away from the looks you basically agreed that the S8 looks like a more expensive device.

What's the point of putting the fingerprint censor right there? It looks like shit.

A confirmed Foxconn employee leaked a ton of Apple news on Reddit last week and confirmed the sensor on the back is a fake leak by Apple. What happened to Sup Forums? Why are you guys always the last to know anything. It's like watching my parents discuss technology.

I have a 5 year old phone that is still not outdated. Camera, internet, battery, calling, browsing, emails etc. work.

Whats holding back phone dev

It's because most people here do not care enough about these phones to actually go back and search for sources.
>on Reddit
Time to go back

why retarded? i use it all the time

>muh website wars
Could you be more 13?

wow it's a box thing with a touch screen WHO THE FUCK WOULDVE GUESSED???

>implying it won't be the iPhone 10

That suggests at least that they aren't prepared to compromise on the scanner being under the front screen to push it out early. The delay could cost them though as other companies are working on the same tech and may push out a device before Apple does.

I knew of the concurrent development of the 7S with the 8 and I wonder how much they is going to bite them. Apple generally releases one product of a line at a time so having the 7S, 7S Plus and 8 to choose from could just end up with people getting the 8, or the 7S and the 8. Something in their line is really going to lose out, I honestly don't see a space for an 7S Plus because it will overlap with the 8 too much. Unless they push the 8 back most of a year but that would be bad.

We know that most of the smartphone is going for dual selfie camera for sure iPhone will include it.

It's only a matter of months that apple will release iphone 8 and surely iPhone will never left behind.

I have personal connections to the owners of some of the manufacturing plants in China, I can confirm that there is no fingerprint sensor in the middle of the phone.

I do however not know what the final front face will look like. If I get a glance before release I will post on a thread named: 775573

>3d renders

I hope they allow you to replace parts like the homebutton again.

It's quite sweaty replacing a Iphone 7 screen knowing the home button can't be made functional again if damaged. At least the Iphone 5s/6/6s lets you add a clicky button even if touchid doesn't work anymore.

>not iPhone X