Apple adds a tracker blocker to desktop Safari

Google writes Machine Learning algorithms to exploit your psychological weaknesses and sell you shit, Apple writes machine learning algos to prevent everyone from tracking you.

This, my friends, is the difference between an advertising company (Google) and a computer company (Apple).

>Apple’s SVP of software engineering, Craig Federighi, unveiled the incoming Safari feature — which it’s calling “intelligent tracking prevention” — on stage at its developer conference, WWDC, drawing applause and a handful of appreciative “woos” from the crowd.

>The feature will use machine learning technology to power tracker blocking in a bid to outwit the digital stalkers, according to Federighi.

>“Safari uses machine learning to identify trackers, segregate the cross-site scripting data, put it away so now your privacy — your browsing history — is your own,” he explained.

Safari really is the best browser.

>tfw use ipad and iphone all the time
>never use muh botnet wangblows 10 gaymin pc

Actually pretty comfy desu

>The only time they don't track you is when you're on your desktop at home where they already know where you are.

>handful of appreciative “woos” from the crowd
those are apple employees

>Apple does not produce any Laptops


Chrome tracks you, Safari defends you.

Simple really.

Well Apple doesn't work in the ad industry and Google is more or less their competitor.
You must be delusional to believe that they are doing this for consumers.

Apple is /our company/

>applel tracks and spies on their customers for years selling all their data
>ultimately is a miserable fucking failure at it
>tries to spin it like they care about privacy

Literally the only single thing Apple has, is, and ever will be good at is conning their brain dead customer base into to eating whatever they shit into their mouths.

Apple doesn't make money from tracking you. They're the only major company to pput privacy first. They constantly ask "how can we not gather data" instead of ingesting everything like Google and Microsoft do.

Stay mad, cuck.

>Stay mad, cuck.

>coming from a cuckOS user


all these ancient bullshit stories... kek. you're getting desperate, Mr Pajeet Sundeep!

ps: 50 Rupees have been deposited into your account. Please come again.

>t. delusional mactoddler that can't handle the truth about his fruit religion

Enjoy getting cucked by both Applel AND MS, mactoddler.

The best thing is the stopping of auto play videos. Tracking isn't that bad and gives you better ads.

>someone give me money to buy this
A honest Pajeet at last.

>Tracking isn't that bad and gives you better ads.
Why would anyone want that? DO you shill for Google or something???

Better ads == you get tricked into buying shit you don't need.







>you get tricked into buying shit you don't need
Most of the shit you buy is something you don't need. I recall some ads reminding me of movies I wanted to watch or games I wanted to play. Obviously I pirated that shit but the reminder wasn't that bad and is way better than getting boring, unrelated ads.

>DO you shill for Google or something???
The only products from them I use are Photos and the search. (Well, and captchas) I am simply not on the "ADS ARE THE WORK OF THE DEVIL" side. As long they aren't invasive or a security risk, I am cool with them since they pay the bills.

Is there something wrong with using Ghostery?

everyone on Sup Forums uses adblockers so who cares?


More than a third of Apple it's staffed by Indians, kys shill
It's made my an ad company

Lesser of two evils. They have to build a tracking profile on you to block trackers.

This can be turned off by a checkbox that they've given you from the start. They offer it to those who want it, and allow others to turn it *off.* (as opposed to other tracking systems.)

Really, Apple does enough wrong, but you just look like some dork who never took the time to learn what they are talking about. I'm trying to remember, but I believe that Register argument even points it out. It's just a clickbait title.

Sorry to inform you that you are uninformed.

apple's the only major company that cares about user privacy. rest of them just to make money off your data.

ppl who attack apple are retards and shills.

Meme privacy.
Apple is like others just like sell "privacy" to make feel different to fanboys.


Got nothing. I just wish my gay Windows spybox was a mac. Sorry.

Google and Microsoft use very advanced system to make privacy over data processing, machine learning techniques used found patterns over data,don't say obviously X user make this, Google and Microsoft had best research of world on IA,Machine learning and make a lot publish but Apple take some thing and say look me I am superior and special.

Apple but ML on device because, don't had good infrastructure, mostly data center works on Linux plus Java WebApp and rent services to Microsoft and Amazon.

you're an idiot. only apple used DIFFERENTIAL PRIVACY.

Maybe in the future Apple will block Google all together.

Insanely Great

> Apple announces privacy badger clone
> Fanboys cum themselves
> RMS preps his free(tm) computer to write a free(tm) blog post about how GNU(tm) already has a free(tm) project that does this

I hope you get cancer and die like your buddy steve jobs.

DIFFERENTIAL PRIVACY was create by Microsoft...

lol no. and they don't use it.