Who pirates without a vpn? I have been doing that for over 4 years and haven't got email notice yet. I have Spectrum...

Who pirates without a vpn? I have been doing that for over 4 years and haven't got email notice yet. I have Spectrum, fyi

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It depends on where you live. In America the enforcement team force you into a Skype session with the CEO of the rights holder you wronged and you have to apologise for being a thief and thank him for being a wealth creator.

I only torrent rarely all together now for small unpopular shit but when I do I don't really use vpn. Don't feel it's worth it.

Now I just use filehosts for the bigger better quality stuff.

When I used to get YIFY movies I would use vpn though.

People who don't live in a third world shithole don't have to worry about being sued and selling their home just to pay for the 10 MP3s they downloaded last year

I browse pirate bay using Tor, but I don't use a vpn for my torrent client at all, been doing it for probably 4 or 5 years too.
From Scotland

It's legal to download where I live (Switzerland). I only download stuff I already have paid accesss to anyway - stuff on television, amazon prime, and Netflix. I download it because those UIs suck and I watch everything in plex.

I also download some stuff you can't get any other way - arthouse cinema from the 70s, old movies, etc.

I'm American, and I also have Spectrum. I have only ever gotten one email notice, and it was for downloading an episode of Saturday Night Live, last year. Fucking ridiculous, since it airs on TV or free!

Same until a week ago, now I have 3 notices

Where I live they care only about mainstream western media or other content from my country.
Although, I've never heard of anyone getting copyright notices to their home address, a guy in the authorities once told me they have thousands of foreign copyright complaints piling up in their offices and most of them have no legal value because after 2 years majority of ISPs wipe their logs and the user cannot be tracked anymore.
Three years ago the magistrates had to depenalize some laws because there were just too many time-wasting cases getting in the way of authorities' work.
Still, when I finally get a fast and stable connection, I'm definitely going to use a VPN, better safe than sorry they say.

hahahaha noice

Torrents are for poofters.

Torrents maybe for a quick ebook download or one song.

Usenet everything

Herd u liek DMCA.

Very covfefe

On the contrary, third world ISPs don't care about you pirating.

>unironically shilling for usenet

>Usenet Pirate Hit With €7,500 ‘Fine’ for Sharing 1,500 TV Shows

>Court Orders Usenet Providers to Expose Prolific Pirates

>Police Raid Usenet Service, Arrest Operator, Seize Data

In germany you get buttraped without a VPN, even for anime and.. really everything, so no I don't

I live in a truly free, developed country and have no issues when copying files from the internet via torrent.

are you like 14?
i've been torrenting without any vpns ever since torrents got popular and nothing
before torrents i downloaded from emule, no fucks given

i dunno, that's a pretty old system, i had one in the 80s
better upgrade to a pc

I doubt there's a developed country where copyright infringement isn't a legal offense, even if minor one.
Japan and western Europe are easy example.
Still, I for one have never revived a complaint notice either, but I know for sure it's because I only torrent anime and other Japanese stuff, I'm not edgy enough to try western crap and I don't like that kind of stuff either.


The downloader has nothing to worry about since, unlike torrents, you do absolutely no uploading.

Movies, music is legal. Software like gaymes, photoshoop etc. isn't. Still nobody bothers to check because ISPs aren't legally allowed to do anything due to privacy reasons.

Depends what it is. If you pirate just released movies and games you're more likely to get pinged.

Yeah who needs uploaders, amirite.
It's not like files need to be uploaded first to find them on the server, they just magically appear there.

Maybe a few years ago it was like that

Now they have bots which crawl IPs of everything they own the rights for, no matter how old

I confirm this: I've seen bots hosted on amazonws leeching from me, they've permanent 0% download progress, they try to connect to you till they download at least a full piece of the torrent then don't download anymore.

Even fi you have a VPN, if your VPN allows it you should blacklist all amazonws IP ranges.
Seedboxes never use amazonws so you aren't accidently blocking potential seeds.

>he doesn't get his mega links from pastbin batches posted in dedicated forums

I do :^) and I use them to recheck my torrents so I can seed for public tracker babbies, always behind VPN of course.

I have downloaded many things without VPN. YOLO

Upvoted xD

Been torrenting for a decade+ have never used a VPN. But I also live in chinkland so...

I do use a VPN to access google, Sup Forums, and other blocked shit tho


>tfw all my sites that hosted megaupload links died and now can't find any site with mega links

>On the contrary, third world ISPs don't care about you pirating.

Not true in my country the law says my isp cannot what my traffic without a court law.

nobody cares about the people downloading stuff, they want to content distributors, the people actually ripping/recording/etc, and the people running the databases/indexes

Similarly to drug trafficking, cops dont give a fuck about the addicts using drugs, they want the people selling them. I know p2p content exchange kind of voids the analogy, but still the content has to come from somewhere, even if its actively shared by everyone

get a seedbox with additional plugins like rapidleeech and even basic vpn. Torrenting directly through vpn is retarded

To be honest I still use TBP without a VPN because ever since Bit-Gamer got shut down I've just been out of the loop on modern techniques for piracy.

I honestly have zero clue what people do now-a-days to get things (besides "use a vpn"), or where people should go.

I'm a teacher, so whenever I pirate things, it is quite literally for use in my classroom. Audiobooks/films are my biggest needs, and it's increasingly difficult to find quality places to get stuff.

Your country has to keep logs dummy. Your ISP knows everything you download.

I have Spectrum too and I pirate without a VPN and still haven't gotten a letter.

Similar boat, except I'm not a teacher.

I would be totally cool with buying more stuff legally, but a lot of the things I pirate are really hard or really expensive (as in exponentially more than their original retail price) to find legitimately and its way easier to just pirate it

Me, but I live in a third world country where not even 10% of the murder cases are solved.

>Court law
That's the problem, that's where they get all those IPs

It's similar in germany, ever wonder how they still send literally MILLIONS of letters each year? Because of the court law. They just claim "hey this IP downloaded, give address naow!" And they do

it airs on TV for free.. what you are 12. tv aint free

I feel you, OP. I've been pirating since Morpheus/kazaa days and never had a letter.
But I also have friends that have received letters from pirating..Maybe we are just lucky.

I've used public trackers without a VPN or anything for over a decade and haven't gotten any notices
also I hit and run

I'm Romanian. I download stuff with impunity.

Charter Spectrum? I used to get notices all the time from charter. Even got sued once, but the case was dropped because they were suing our IP in some mass defendant thing.

Get a VPN.

Stick to your private torrent circlejerks.

Whenever I want to pirate music I just open cmd and use
youtube-dl -x --audio-format wav --audio-quality 1
on whatever link that isn't terribly compressed. If I want something else I go to megalinks and opendirectories.

So pathetic.

private trackers just work :)

Been doing it for 5 years now and using Verizon.

>paying to pirate without getting fucked by your ISP

I do but got an email years ago because of public tracker. I still download just from private trackers now

Yeah no, I got sent a friendly reminder from our ISP to not pirate movies along with an analysis of our connection details and the torrent used.

So VPN it is from now on.

I've been pirating using the bittorrent network for a decade without a VPN and gotten zero notices. Wow how strange.

A mix of Verizon tethering and whatever provider my neighbors use, Never had an issue (I also dont pirate porn or popular music)

It's blocked in my country, so I have to use it

I do, but my local ISP gives zero fucks about anything so it works out.

use something like deezloader or its alternatives