/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

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If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /t/'s GNU/Linux Videos: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw still no mainline reiser4

Wanna suck my dick?

It is feminine?

Just found this


Seems really nice. The application is made portable by surrounding it with a virtual file system, so the application runs in its own image ("appimage").



fuck off

Is anyone else having trouble with KVM on Ryzen? I have a 1600X and Gigabyte AX370 Gaming K5. On a fresh Arch install I'm getting a "kvm: disabled by bios" error. I enabled IOMMU in the BIOS, have the latest beta BIOS (F3B) and made sure TPM was disabled. Tried amd_iommu=on, iommu=1, iommu=pt as GRUB options but none of them appear to work. IOMMU groups are fine, but KVM itself isn't working for some reason and starting a QEMU VM will crash the computer. It's frustrating since I haven't seen anyone else with this issue yet.

Fucking telemarketers.

Do you have kvm virtualization enabled in the kernel?

Just use Windows.

It's free software under the MIT license.

Then why spamming it like "Just found this"?

I'm not even him, but it's software flavor of the month, just let it pass. It's like when sourcemage was shilled hard here at first and then the new fotm was found.


I'm using the default Arch 4.11.3 kernel right now, it should have it by default according to the wiki. Running "zgrep CONFIG_KVM /proc/config.gz" returns CONFIG_KVM_AMD=m, which should be fine.

why on earth vi had to become the "standard" unix editor?

Tried the development version of gimp.
Doesn't work.

appimage = garbage

I have a 250gb SSD and a 1TB HDD.
How should I partition Ubuntu for maximum performance?

SSD for /
HDD for /home

and If I do this, where will the rest like /etc/ /usr go?

Everything that's not /home will go on the SSD.
I thought it's kind of self-explanatory isn't it?

Okay, thanks.

>SSD for /

>/tmp on SSD


because emacs is GPLd and that rustles the jimmies of bsdkeks.

Is Debian Stable secure?
How can I make it even more secure?

it isn't
you can't.

install sourcemage.

It's as secure as you make it.
Debian doesn't come with many security-enhacing features by default (like apparmor or selinux) because it's generally bloat. If you need them - you install them.
Just common sense stuff like close all ports etc.

You are the greatest threat to security. The biggest cybercrimes rely on social engineering, if they can exploit human error then nothing else will protect you.

>being this retarded
SSDs are more than capable of running a full OS and /tmp or /var should not be a problem for 99% of modern day SSDs

so I recently stalled ubuntu gnome, and I'm trying to figure out how I should be downloading/installing things. the software center says it uses the most updated version available, but newer versions are out on the software's website. should I be using the version gotten from the website or from the software center?


Reiser4 Vs btrfs?

As with any tool created by humans the same rule applies: If It ain't broken - don't fix it.

If the package version you currently have does not have a feature you would like to have from a newer version, just upgrade.

Literally no reason to use this dead fs
Still corrupts raid arrays.Randomly corrupts filesystem

Just use ext4

Hello /fglt/, i'm a new linux user

Can anyone point me in the right direction for a bash command that can filter text files and output only the lines in the text file that are of a defined format?

>being this retarded
Enjoy you dead drives

I'm fairly sure grep should do.
What format are we talking about?

text file is full of urls, i need to filter a few urls of a specific format.

grep looks like what i'm looking for btw, thank you.

Appimage has been endorsed by linus torvalds and mark shuttleworth themselves. Don't be retrograde, move with the times.

Why would i want a program that literally has the same libs and deps i have in my system already?
Why would i want a program thats going to come with 10gb of libs/deps when they exist on my system?
Why would i want a program that is going to force depend on the same libs/deps and all packages are 10gb+?
Why would i want a program where the writer includes 20gb of deps/libs becuase " lol it didnt work unless i put them in lololol"?

No thanks,id rather manage my system my self like i have for 30 years

Nevermind found the issue. Turns out there was an option for SVM buried in the overclocking section disabled by default. Now KVM is enabled. Didn't really look at the OC section since I didn't want to touch any of it until I was sure I wasn't going to return the board.

my wacom tablet acts like a touchpad instead of a tablet (stylus does not work)

how do I go about troubleshooting this? is it a problem with GNOME or something else? using Fedora 25 btw

arch wiki

ed is the standard text editor

You mean that proprietary system from the 70s?
Stable has the best security.
>how to make more secure
iptables/ufw, firejail, tor, dns security
ArchWiki has a good security article.
The latest version doesn't mean it's the best version for your distro. Also try synaptic and ditch that gay ass software center.

awk, sed and grep sections
Torvalds isn't an autority. In fact he's a proprietary software shilling faggot.

a bit more respect for linus please

What DE has a decent filepicker with thumbnails? I am thinking of dropping KDE.
What are the cool kids using these days?

wew lad

patched gtk2

arch linux

I ported my headless arch server to PulseAudio for sound.
How do I make this start at boot without having to have a connection?
Currently pulseaudio only runs when I ssh into the box.

pulseaudio can be used as a system-wide service, started as an init.d service or memed service. Search for "pulseaudio system wide" for howtos.

How do you clone OS from HDD to SSD, if the SSD is smaller in size than the HDD?
However the used space by the HDD is still lower than the total storage capacity of the SSD?
Current partition if it makes a difference.

sda 8:0 0 465.8G 0 disk
├─sda1 8:1 0 255M 0 part /boot
├─sda2 8:2 0 29.3G 0 part /
├─sda3 8:3 0 432.5G 0 part /home
├─sda4 8:4 0 1K 0 part
└─sda5 8:5 0 3.8G 0 part [SWAP]

Did a presentation on software freedom today and a fellow student (master's programme) installed xubunut today on my recommendation; I gave him a list of fully free software to use for his needs.
Did I do good?

Dont clone,use rsync to transfer data over

Mount the two parts. Assuming /mnt/src /mnt/dst
rsync -av /mnt/src/ /mnt/dst/
And after that edit your grub config and /etc/fstab to reference correct partitions.

Appimage is hacky and failure prone. Flatpak is the future here.

I thought about using rsync to keep the two clones up to date.
Didn't know you can do that.

What if I used something like clonezilla?


No. That abomination is the worst thing happened to xfce.

>Flatpak is the future here
In what way?
AppImage have the support of KDE, flatpak is available to RH beta testers.

How so? Just werks. Looks decent. Easy to use. Free license. Told him to not install the nonfree stuff. All good.

I thought manjaro was the worst thing that happened to xfce.

1. it doesn't look decent, it look and set up to look like garbage to a normal, plain xfce install that you'd get from for example opensuse, debian or gentoo
2. it comes with ubuntu bloat while doesn't install xfce4 programs

>it doesn't look decent
Yes it does, unless you're the type of retard who spends a week "customizing" their Arch Linux install with naked anime girls. He's not a beginner so is perfectly able to change it if he doesn't like the looks.
>ubuntu bloat
It comes with sane, lightweight programs that you can replace as needed. It lacks the bloated Unity programs.
>doesn't install xfce4 programs

good thread

What are some cool terminal commands?

Can I run firejail in firejail in firejail?

How can I disable mousewheel scrolling affecting widgets in Plasma such as comboboxes.

Who else is addicted to run pacaur -Syu every 15 minutes?

>falling for the arch meme

What are you using?

The best.

>replying to people who fell for the arch meme

>replying to people who reply to people who fell for the arch meme

>replying to people who replying to people who reply to people who fell for the arch meme

>memeing memed memes

You're probably not and you're afraid of me laughing at you. Arch is the pinnacle of desktop distros for people who actually use their machine for more than screenfetch desktop posing.

pls stop recommending systemd distros

$ | grep wordyouwanttofilter > outputfile.txt
This will overwrite the file everytime you use it. If you want to keep previous command in the file add another > so it would be.
$ | grep word >> output.txt

]using the closing bracket that looks like a sideways carat

Oh, do you want to have a systemd discussion with me? Based on 99% of the posts on this topic, I'm fully convinced that everyone is merely too lazy to learn how systemd works. To most of you, the non-modular design doesn't matter at all. It's just laziness. If people who bitch truly cared, they would do something to get a better alternative.

Everyone who's working to improve GNU/Linux stability go with systemd. It's only the neckbeard who can't let go of obsolete designs who keep bitching without working towards a competitive alternative.

>If people who bitch truly cared, they would do something to get a better alternative.
There are better alternatives though.
It's just that lazy systemd users always bitch about not being able to use their redhat software which was recently all locked down by systemd

Enjoy your cancer buddy.

beware the redhat shill!

>There are better alternatives though.
Let's start here. What are those 'better' alternatives to you and why?

openrc based on sysvinit and upstart.

Since people rarly read the bash manual, have some useful bash options:

shopt -s autocd
Never type cd mydir again; mydir is enough.

shopt -s extglob
Allows you to do things like ls +(*jpg|*png).

shopt -s globstar
Allows you to do things recursivly like ls **/.c.

set -o noclobber
When you run foo > bar and bar already exists, the command fails. Can be overwritten with >| instead of >.

Whenever you type cd and autocomplete, additionaly to the current directory all directories in somedir are also autocompleted.

>just get a better alternative LMAO XDD

It's really important that you elaborate on why these are supposed to be better. Right now you're telling me
>as long as it's not systemd
>a literally abandoned init daemon is better
which surely can't be you intent. Please explain.

>but "rm -rf /foo/.*" will work the exact same way, no?

Linux users are savages, confirmed.


>tfw they have the security
>tfw they have the kernel
>tfw they have the audio
>tfw they have the init
What's Red Hat's next step?

Something something Windows but shittier.

>Counter culture OS
>>Hipster OS
oh fuck, roasted!

wtf I hate Linux now


isn't fedora just a community distro?

If that were his intent, though, he'd still be right. Even leaving other concerns aside, systemd has been absorbing features too fast for proper auditing and bug fixing, so an abandoned but mature init system is in fact a better option.

This line of debate is deceptive, though. Firstly, it is not detractors who should provide alternatives to systemd - systemd is the newcomer and the one breaking established models, and the burden of proving that it is a worthy alternative is on its side.

And more importantly, systemd is not only an init system, so it isn't an alternative to previous init systems. It is an alternative to diversity and flexibility, among other things.

good post

Too big to fail.

GNU/Linux is the legacy of Unix.
Unix philosophy is detrimental in the design process of low-level software for an operating system like GNU/Linux because it offers flexibility and interchangeability, two VITAL features that make GNU/Linux attractive as an operating system.
You don't like bit X, you replace it with sometihng else. And because every bit was designed with these features in mind - it's easy to do and it doesn't break anything else.
If GNU/Linux was right from the beginning like systemd is now it would be impossible to replace any crusty and outdated component of it because everything would be so meticulously intertwined with each other it would make a titanic task.
systemd being able to step in and replace every other init within such a short period of time is the merit of the way GNU/Linux and other systems are built, not because systemd is "so fucking good".
So systemd stepped in, was forced on everyone (redhat did a lot of shady business making sure it's adopted) utilized the benefit of unix design and now stomps on it without any regards whatsoever.

So now thanks to Lennart, his fellow cocksuckers from redhat and all the paid shills we're going to be stuck with systemd for the next 50 decades.
So please stuck this "werks for me xD" of yours up your arse and fuck off.