I'm going to make a paint program, one that will far surpass GIMP in every way and rival Photoshop

I'm going to make a paint program, one that will far surpass GIMP in every way and rival Photoshop.

Don't even ask how. I'm a pro.

I will let Sup Forums name it. 77 names. If name it really fucking stupid then 88 names. If both are really fucking stupid I'll go with the best name in the thread.

Other urls found in this thread:



Ignore my 77, those just confirms I'm pro. Go


Sup Forumsraffiti.


Is that legal?

Whitefags exclusive art workshop


there you go

now fuck off back to

I love graffiti

I'm OP

Again just showing my skills


Microsoft Windows





Nonaffiliated International General Graphical Editor Roster

awwww shnap

now i get why the went with gimp

*blank stare*

Nonshit GIMP


GIMP for females

It chill if I roll again? I'm the original suggestion fag.




Godspeed OP, it's time to crush Adobe


>surpass GIMP in anyway
man, i really wish Sup Forums and Sup Forums was seperate boards
anyway rolling for 88, call it phototux :^)

That's where Sup Forums projects stop: name / logo picking.
Rolling for TARD.

Can you give more information about the application?
Photoshop aims to make a single application that does everything related to images.
GIMP aims to be a single application which does image manipulation, mainly filtering.
when you say paint program, that surpasses gimp, do you mean something that is more focused on creating paintings?
Because gimp is not really a painting application.
Photoshop has all these tools to warp and move the scene to allow artists to view their stuff from different angles.
Krita is closer to that, but nowhere near as good.

Find out what your niche is and then make a name that represents this.

Here is some suggestions to what you should avoid having in the name at all cost:


Can't decide if stupid name or not

Let's wait for 88 and see if it's stupider or not

It's meant to be simple and memorable, not to mention playing into the naming scheme of today. Apply with Sup Forums or lack Sup Forums - either way, it's a suitable name for a decent program.


Hello, World!


who will win?

>da joos

that's impossible to do by only one developer.
GIMP is developing for 20 years. Paint.net is for 10 years. It might be even impossible to do by professional team, Photoshop existed -i guess- existed for 20+ years and made by Adobe, there's no way a fresh project can compete with it, not even GİMP

ProPaint Tool Creator Free

Sup Forumsraffiti sounds neat.

It's going to be the best ever because I figured out the common problem with all paint apps. They obstruct workflow because they're all based on old and outdated mindsets. My program will have a radically different and simpler UI and it will be fully extensible so any features can be easily coded in. I have huge ideas for layers and filters. Filters will be done through chaining, so instead of relying on pre-made plugins for filters you will be able to create your own out of several atomic components, save the presets and then use them as you see fit. Layers will just blow your mind because they will work in 4 dimensions.


Already taken

.NET Framework? No thanks.

>GIMP is developing for 20 years
yeah, due to a huge, old and hairy codebase and constantly changing teams

I'll code mine in 1/2 year

I'll release under GPL and once the project catches on people will be free to extend it indefinitely

Call it "Shut up dad I'm trying to write minecraft mods."

Would you prefer nonportable assembly instead?

Don't go down this route, this is basically what gimp is.
You should work with artists or study how they work if you want to make a tool professionals want to use.

Eg. here is an professional artist who uses the adjust scene feature.
As you can see, filters is a very simple thing compared to this.

Are you familiar with Fireworks? Filtering there works similarly to the way you describe it, they are all live and can be applied to any object type. Rest of the program combines both vector and bitmap workflows much better than any other graphical application. The interface is somewhat clunky nowadays.

you clearly aren't going to make anything useful, your "chaining" is just plain old node-based compositing, as seen in 3d and video editing software.

there are a couple reasons node-based editing isn't very popular in this area (although it's used to a degree in some software, including Photoshop). One is compositing performance and RAM requirements. The second one is that artists are perfectly fine with destructive editing and snapshots/undo.

Instead of forcing your great and totally innovative ideas that are inevitably going to revolutionize the whole industry to create new masterpieces, you might want to wonder what artists really need.

Adobe Photoshop CC™

I've figured out a way a completely insane way to do chain compositing. It's a completely mathematical model which means it's super fucking quick, I don't know of anything like it. Just need to implement it

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux,
is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux.
Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component
of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell
utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day,
without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU
which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are
not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a
part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system
that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run.
The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself;
it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is
normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system
is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux"
distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

People don't want software to blow their mind. They want it to be useful. There's always a chance for someone to invent a new ZBrush aka new workflow paradigm, but most ideas you're talking about have been tried and failed in late 90s/early 2000s.

This cannot be super fucking quick or super fucking compact just because of the amount of data you need to process. The best you can do is to understand and profile all use cases for this kind of software (photo editing, retouching, matte painting, drawing etc), not just for performance, but also for workflow. And do a whole fucking lot of AB testing with real artists.

OP, where would I got to find this project after this thread? Will it be open-source? Also, if you need a man for doing some of the more boring stuff like making a web page and stuff for it, I can do that for you. I have a lot of experience as a server admin, so I can help with all sorts of stuff related to that. Don't think I could contribute all that much to the actual program though.

you already failed miserably before even starting

not OP but whats wrong with .NET?

gimp is not a paint program.

>AB testing
Who the fuck has time for that

Photo Image Manipulation Program





Anyone going to make the Sup Forumsraffiti logo?

Can I make the logo?

Get to it, user.

Great name

The "77" submission was already set as Sup Forumsraffiti.


U have never used it haven't you?


There is obviously no other choice than assembly or .NET

You're correct, I haven't

Call it LooksShopped.jpg

They first need the program so you can make the logo in the program.

Checkmate, albinos.

Heil Hitler

I have. Apart from potential licensing issues, nothing wrong with .net.

>I'm going to write a paint program better than gimp
>Hasn't started
>Asking Sup Forums for names
This sounds promising

Chiaroscuro. (88 pls)

It's a good word, but too long. Maybe just Oscuro?

I like this one so much better.

Look like you never used it, it's a great framework for windows software

It is like wiring a C application and constantly call assembly instructions.

Sup Forumset paint

Who the fuck cares! You can't get much worse than GIMP FSS.

NåSup Forumsg/ers
plz get

Whatever you decide to name it, please take notes from the good old paint shop pro, it had a reasonable interface and decent keybinds.
Fuck Corel for destroying it, PSP had all the cards to rival photoshop.

A best.

Wife Tobacco

Fun fact: the GIMP authors also wrote CockroachDB. Doubt some rando on Sup Forums is a better programmer than these two guys.


GIMP is shit, it has a shit name, a shit interface, shit keybindings and a shit logo.
I haven't taken a look at the source, but given the trend I can presume it's shit.
Basically gimped from the core.


The Cripple

Will still be the best PhotoShop one can make given the resources.

I was just referring to the name user.
I hated GIMP interface at 1st but I'm starting to like it more than PS now.
My main bug bare is that sometimes the windows get sticky and start staying on top of other apps.

Also please all a basic combine images feature, to just collage 2+ pics together w/out hassle like >pic related.

>My main bug bare is that sometimes the windows get sticky and start staying on top of other apps.
There's an option I think in the Window drop menu to enable the single window mode or something like that and you don't get floating windows.

Pencil Cock