How do we fix the "nu-males in tech" problem?

How do we fix the "nu-males in tech" problem?

Take away their anime

I don't think anyone who enjoys anime is a male feminist.

>a male feminist.

This does not fucking exist.

Can a male feminist actually be considered male?


I swear, every time I read some documentation and the author refers to a hypothetical programmers as "she," I just want to drop open source software as a whole and buy a fuckin Mac.

>Can a male feminist actually be considered male?

Only if the male feminist is pretending to be one in an attempt to engage in sex with a woman.

Nuke America

When you really think about it, male feminism is just a reproductive strategy. Since they need feminism to feel like they have a shot at getting laid they are in fact not men at all

I would appreciate the hypothetical programmer/user as "he or them".

>I would appreciate the hypothetical programmer/user as "he
fuck off

you have to go back

he is gender neutral when you're not talking about a specific person


Shave their weak beards.

>he is gender neutral
not anymore now that the iron grip white men have had on literature is faltering

By introducing you to prostate milking so you are no longer afraid of people who enjoy things different from you.

Third person terminology is correct when talking about something neutral. We don't need horseshit like xhe for this kind of stuff.

t. a girl programmer(male)

the very best

What is wrong with you fags? Straight men don't like having objects in their asses. I'm sure I've had logs of shit stimulate my prostate and guess what? It doesn't make me horny, you disgusting fudgepacker.

Limit exposure to xenoestrogens and filter their water.

It should stay as "he" because that's how the rules in English work. "Them" is plural so I'm not a fan of using that. Also the fact is, 95% of the people who'll read that documentation will be male and I'm pretty sure 100% of the people who write the documentation are male as well. No reason we should all be referring to each other as fucking girls outside of a tongue-in-cheek setting like on Sup Forums.

Don't use white languages if you don't like the rules set by white men.

I would tolerate a numale over a dindu-hindu, feminist, tranny or some other retarded sexual deviant; at the very least their cucked attitude means they'll never be in your face unless they have support from another SJW.

What is a nu-male?


like I get who they are referring to, but most of those look like normal guys

>but most of those look like normal guys

This is the funny part, its because being a numale IS normal these days.

I put the numale border at webdevs on github posting wholehearted support of these initiatives to replace problematic words in code, while fitting the appearance description in that image.

Go back in time, prevent tech.
Computers their related field have always been populated by weirdos.

it's a global trend in all writing. people should just use "they" which is gender neutral. the feminist argument for using "she" is "hur dur it used to be 'he' for hundreds of years so now you have to make it even by using 'she' till 2500". this is fucking bullshit. while we're at it, let's allow black people to have white slaves for some time to make it even with regards to races too. how about just fucking abolishing slavery and using gender-neutral pronouns?

>It should stay as "he" because that's how the rules in English work.
that's not how languages work. they evolve naturally because of how people use them. the wide spread of written language and drastic improvement in literacy has slowed this process down significantly, but still.