Girlfriend's out of state this weekend. Gettin' high and streaming some raw nostalgia in the form of old Computer Chronicles episodes.
Won't you join me?
First Up:
>OS/2 Warp (1995)
Girlfriend's out of state this weekend. Gettin' high and streaming some raw nostalgia in the form of old Computer Chronicles episodes.
Won't you join me?
First Up:
>OS/2 Warp (1995)
Can I bump with some games?
Anyone who wants any of these, post your Steam URL and the game that you want.
supreme commander 2 pls
Anyone? I am giving away all these, as long as someone wants them.
ayyyy thanks boy
Can I be that guy who asks for dude sex?
Mark of the Ninja plz
>Currently Offline
>Last Online 2 days ago
Friend request sent! But I will not wait for too long if you are offline for too long.
Can i get that Ys?
Sorry, i meant to reply to falcon
Does not work. Can you post the full URL?
OP was not a faggot today. Cheers!
ill take HR if it's available
Need your Steam URL. No one has taken it yet.
ID is Fraggen Wagon. forgot to include that
Now Playing:
>The Internet (1993)
Thanks for givin' out games, Falcon
Mate, I am so sorry. Your id is "jokeposter" and you asked for "dude sex". How was I to know that you were serious?
It only hurts a little bit.
if its not too late for HR
I can only find one "Fraggen Wagon", who already owns DE:HR.
Would you like Dungeon Defenders or One Finger instead?
not the directors cut, but i feel ya. i can do without
Can you get me your steam URL? If you already own DE:HR (pic related?), I would like to give it to jokeposter-dude-sex.
Thanks for being a bro.
give it to dudesex
I sent dudesex a friend request. Hope that the universe will repay your nice-ness with something good.
Since apparently this is now a steam games gift thread, I'd like to join.
Anybody want Euro Truck Sim 2? I won't be playing it and at this point I'd rather someone play it than it sit unused in my inventory.
>Anybody want Euro Truck Sim 2?
Is that like GTA but where you follow the rules.
Only One Finger Death Punch and Dungeon Defenders left.
They are both small indie games. DD is tower defence type of game, but has multiplayer. Very fun if you have friends who play it.
One Finger Death Punch is a... game based on this video:
Post your Steam URL if you want either.
I''ve been looking at that game so I'd take it if no one else wants it, just falcon already gave me something so I'll give someone else a chance.
I'll jump on the stream in a sec.
Dungen Defenders
You are a good OP
Also, I have a copy of Don't Starve in my inv if you guys can see. Anybody want?
Friend request sent, but I may be taking a small break, so accept and I will get back to you.
I would certainly love either or both. I know I almost bought don't starve.
I can give you DS. It has the multi-player too. There's a couple cool Steam Groups for it, most of them with Discord channels.
That would be great :)
Transmission terminated.
Thanks for bein my frands, guise.
Have fun!
And thanks for the stream, OP.
:D thanks man