Let's say I'm at McDonald's to use their wifi (for reasons).
I want to be able to see what is (or should be) on my laptop screen, but I don't want other people (or cameras) to see it (for reasons).
Is it possible to pull this off?
Other urls found in this thread:
polarised screen filter,
lenovo sells them.
Yes. People might think your a little odd fapping with weird sunglasses on in front of the play area though.
>(I'm a pedophile)
Stop looking at child porn in public.
Neat, thanks.
Didn't think it'd be that easy.
t. pedophile
Can that be done without peeling off a layer of my laptop screen though?
No, the whole reason it works is because the polarizing film is removed from the screen.
Are there any glasses that do the opposite?
Like the wearer can't see the monitor on but everyone else can?
Sure, just black out the lenses.
Yes, buy a polarized sunglasses and tilt your head
Can't you somehow depolarize or polarize light in a certain way so it's invisible to others with some thin foil and do revert that with a filter in your glasses?
Excuse my extreme lack of knowedge here.
I don't get it.
If for reasons you don't want to leave a trail either, you might want to make sure that you don't use that computer from your own house wifi or anywhere else you might be tracked.
Better to have a dedicated laptop for your reasons™ , preferably something you get second hand from craigslist or some place like that, clean format it and then use it exclusively for your reasons™
Of course your ugly mug is still gonna show up on their cameras and its not hard to track who was using their wifi at a certain time to look at certain stuff.
Have fun user!
Use a VR headset :^)
This might be what you're looking for:
That still requires peeling off a layer of my screen.
>Can't you somehow depolarize or polarize light
It's called a polarizing FILTER. A filter doesn't 'convert' light to polarized light, it kills depolarized light and allows polarized light to pass.
The white light you see is both polarized and depolarized light combined, the filter just let's one of them through.
Beware OP, people can practice to see polarized light! The FBI is probably trained at this and they can see your child porn.
>revert that with a filter in your glasses
When light passes through the filter only polarized light comes out. There is nothing you can do now.
If you add another filter (on glasses) you'll either block it entirely or allow it entirely.
I really want to lick and suck on that girl's feet!
Well then, I guess I'm gonna need to buy a spare screen for my x200.
That's implying she'd let you, faggot.
I really want to stick it into Cocoa's butt, even if she is worst girl
ur gonna get caught and thrown in jail / killed hopefully
Even if I asked really, REALLY nicely?
This. It's not even expensive.
Pajeet please. We all know you are the one looking for underage cunny.
This is some microwave-time tier memes.
it's probably a botnet though
Nice meme
Bring a blanket at place it over your head and laptop.
>downloading cheese pizza in a public place. Nigga you dumb
All these memes about scraping off your fucking screen coating. Seriously? Is this what Sup Forums has become?
3M will send you a demo privacy filter for free. Call them up. It's easy to install and easy to remove.
what's the point?
if you read the User Agreement it literally states that your browsing history is recorded and can be assigned with you (don't know if UID or IMER SN or w/e)
The point is that less suspicion will be on me if my ISP doesn't see me connecting to a TOR node from my house.
TOR exit nodes are controlled by FBI anyways. Again, what's the point if anywhere you connect, anyhow you do is recorded?
I hope you get caught you sick fuck.
10/10 bait
I'm sure there's a way. But seriously stop, get help in order to stop, or please die
I don't get why you and anons are acting like this is a dumb question. It sounds like a fun question. We've established we could do it in one direction, but what about the reverse? This to me sounds like someone trying to ask if you could invent a microwave that instead of heating food makes it colder.
Use case? More limited than the already limited use case of the monitor without a polarizing film or whatever, but I can see a scenario where it could be cool to make one person incapable of reading a screen that everyone else can.
>This to me sounds like someone trying to ask if you could invent a microwave that instead of heating food makes it colder
One step ahead of you boss
>pic of model that does not use microwaves
>op post that he wants a way so people can't see his screen
>everyone starts to make assumptions it cp
This is why I come to Sup Forums.
Is there a reason you can't just sit in your car?
because that question will solve itself when OPs victims parents tear out his eyes
>Having a car
Good point
OP, is there a reason you can't just sit in your van?
That's pretty neat. I had no idea there were such things as this. Is this why the FBI wears black glasses?
What if mcdonalds puts a pair of those glasses in front of their camera?
God damn they teach you how the polarization of light works in gradeschool, you shouldn't be falling for this.
What are microwave-time memes?
OP is banned from gradeschools though
>wardriving has been dead for a decade
Feels bad man
Go to their wifi and crawl the pages you want to see with wget/Httrack
View said pages olat home
oh fuck this. goodnight Sup Forums, I'm out.
what if someone just had a pair of polarizing sunglasses and walked in
All I can think of when I watch that video is passerby seeing a presumably blind person laughing at a blank monitor.
Go to hell.
It's polarized at a 90º angle compared to sunglasses, they'd have to be holding their head sideways.
why are all sunglasses polarized the same way
Light that is incident on water splits - the vertically oscillating rays refract into the water and the horizontally oscillating rays reflect off the surface. Polarized lens that are oriented vertically don't allow horizontal rays to pass through.
those are only fishing ones though
Then they would see the screen
3m privacy screen
I used a pair for rowing. There would be no reason to orient the lens the other way.
what if you live in a desert though
>mad about anime on an anime imageboard
>All these memes about scraping off your fucking screen coating. Seriously? Is this what Sup Forums has become?
>3M will send you a demo privacy filter for free. Call them up. It's easy to install and easy to remove
Nice shillbot
maybe he just wants to watch anime without any strange looks
Just close your eyes
The main point of the microwave is how fast it can do it. The fridge is more akin to being the opposite of a fire.
The thumbnail looks like a guy with square head and sundglasses
Sit in the corner.
i'm sure staring at a white screen won't make people look funny at you.
There are usually windows, which means the people outside would be able to see what he's doing.
Ah I get it you don't want to see other people screens
That would be a million idea
Get the fuck off my imageboard.
Hide an rpi repeater and connect to it from a safe distance
i'm lurking since 2007 and this is the biggest load of bullshit i've ever read
and i do like to watch some animay from time to time
Holy fuck
I want to fuck Yuuna.
Stop posting this in every thread. You are worse than the people you a replying to.
Former hospital IT here.
Use a gold screen protector. When HIPPA came down on hard all computer monitors required a small film of gold placed on it to keep prying eyes. You will have to look directly at the screen in order to see what is in there but looking at an angle and I think at a reflection would be censored though.
there are screenprotectors that polarize it so that the screen can only be seen from the front
Fuck you! I had sunscreen on and teared up laughing and now my eyes itch because I wiped the tears off and spread cream into my eye.
>i'm lurking since 2007
That's a close one user.
I think I just had an aneurysm
>Beware OP, people can practice to see polarized light!
While joke, you can barely see any useful information from your ability to perceive polarized light.
You can only see a + shape of blue and yellow faintly at best.
I've always seen it pretty strongly though. I always wondered what it was.
There was a guy somewhere on Sup Forums that asked on how to convert normal time to microwave time.
Pic Related.
He IS right though. The image is a fucking lie to catch out newfags.
Sup Forums never even existed when Sup Forums started.
Sup Forums wasn't added for like nearly a year I think.
It was only created because of a massive shitfit on Sup Forums (which WAS the anime board).
FYAD fags from SA wanted Sup Forums to be their little epic hacker hangout club for EPIC RAIDS XD.
/h/ existed before Sup Forums did.
And now Sup Forums is, ironically, worse than Sup Forums is today.
Also, the timeline chart is horribly newfaggy too.
Newfag was never a term about time browsed.
That shit was used in 2004 regularly.
It was only after FYAD fags and more raid kiddies came in from shit like GameFAQs, YTMND and the rest of SA that newfag and oldfag became a time-related term.
Newfag was and always will be "people that didn't belong here", and that always referred to people that came here for any reason that wasn't mainly for anime.
The sort of retards that go to a music forum solely to use the off-topic section of the forum, then bitch at people for using music comparisons for taste in cars.
That's a newfag.
>Sup Forums never even existed when Sup Forums started.
>anime/random board existed instead
hmmmmmmmm mmmm m