Be me

>be me
>south american
>buy cooler master air maker 8 bc looks cool
>has shitty am3+ cpu bc cheap and waiting for ryzen
>got ryzen 1600x + gay rgb leds mobo
>well now I just need that free am4 kit to make cooler work with ryzen
>look in cooler master store, they don't ship to my country
>can't even make an account bc my contry is not in the country list
>well I just look in amazon or ebay some jew re-selling those kits
>send emails to CM
>no response
>mfw got an entire build and can't use it bc i dont have the fucking socket kit
>mfw still using shitty fx cpu while my hardware keeps collecting dust in a corner of my room

>inb4 just buy other cooler

haha mielda

user, I am going to give you an advice my father told me constantly since I was just a small child. No milk for a baby who doesn't cry. I hated him for telling me that constantly, resenting him for asking his own god damned son to cry and beg for things he needed or wanted. But as I become an adult, I see that wisdom validated constantly. You don't get what you want or need if you don't work for it, beg for it, and go after it aggressively. Since Sup Forums is a forum for autistic people, it is meaningless to post this story here.

Here's what I want you to do, I want you to go on reddit to one of those faggot popular hardware subreddits and post this story in a heartwretching, sad way with a hint of entertainment. Post it under a witty and again self pitying title. If it reaches enough popularity/vote or whatever it was called as I can't recall it, one of the marketting department people will see it or it will get tweeted to them.

Through that thread's popularity they will get free marketing and you will get cheap/free bracket.

Or get a Noctua and avoid this nonsense altogether : ^ )


OP here, I'm at work and I'll take your advise, the thing that pisses me off is that I don't even need free chiping, I just want my motherfucking am4kit and I don't care if have to pay for it.

>Here's what I want you to do

this is a good idea, i'll do that at home

Yes go to /r/buildapc
Or /r/"your country name " and ask your countrymen where to buy that hardware

see here,

>inb4 just buy other cooler

OP can't inb4

and I put mi airmaker on my butthole ? the thing is pretty big

also has noctua changed their granny-underwear colour in their coolers ?

Don't forget to add this part as well, you don't want to appear as a freeloader.

>I don't even need free chiping, I just want my motherfucking am4kit and I don't care if have to pay for it

>ask your countrymen

c'mon this is south america, people only buy generic shit

I also live in a rural area, just fuck my shit up

If you wonder how I get all my shit, a friend was working in USA and help me, but he is not in USA anymore

It's called beige, user.

building computers is a game for rich boys

>and I put mi airmaker on my butthole

And get a replacement kit for any new socket for free.

looks like you don't get it; my problem is not money, but I can't pay for something that no one offers.

Which country, user?

Chile, but an isolated part due to my work.

t. Kim Jong Un

>kim jong un
>south america

burger education I guess?

Juan if you email me here maybe i can order it for you [email protected]

funny thing my name is not hispanic but germanic, even if I live in a spic country

i'll contact you right now

hahahaha PUTO!!!!!

no bully please

Seriously how can they not ship to chile?
With all the commerce agreements you indio faggots have with cuckmerica it shouldn't be a problem to ship you electronic stuff with little to no tax at customs.

they only ship to BR, maybe Chile is too small to be considered serious, meanwhile there is 200 million of HUEs in Brazil

Just fucking sign up under a fake address, and then when it asks for your shipping address, put in your actual country.

Or at the very least, make an account under whatever country and open up a support ticket, bound to be MUCH faster than waiting for an email.

Do you have an overseas friend? Offer to send them money to re-ship it to you. Or use a mail-forwarding service.

So many solutions mate.

>Just fucking sign up under a fake address

b-but that's breaking the rules

>Do you have an overseas friend?

actually not

well at least in this thread I got some ideas that i didn't tried yet

If you're in Pta. Arenas, you could still buy online and you'll get your shit in a couple of days.

Unless you live in Posesión or some other camp. In that case you're pretty much fucked.

>If you're in Pta. Arenas

I can go there but that's not the problem. They just don't ship to here, like Chile doesn't exists in their maps, it's the same as asking them for ship to Point Nemo

I mean buy from Chilean stores. TTChile has the Air Maker 8 available. You're subjected to the typical 1 USD = 1,000 CLP bullshit rate, but at least then you can use your hardware.

>You don't get what you want or need if you don't work for it, beg for it, and go after it aggressively
As someone who works in retail, I wish a wholehearted fuck you to you. And fuck your father too.

JAJAJAJA el mapuche pelotudo

I've asked in TT Chile but they don't have the am4 kit itslef (I already have the cpu cooler)

Pero si ustedes uruguayos vienen a mi país a comprar topkek

>inb4 mementina


Well, that sucks.

Did you try the CM Europe store? That one says it ships worldwide, although it won't offer free shipping for Chile (it charges €7.50, without tracking)

>Did you try the CM Europe store?

they are out in stock, well I checked yesterday, I'll look again later

Epic blog. Now go back to your imageboard kid.

>t. i'm new here and trying to fit in heheh

lol pleb can't make custom stuff


is your minecraft server offline so you're shitposting here?