Mah Linux
> many of the standard system utilities were well below 0.5 Kbytes in size, compared to a typical minimum of about 20 Kbytes for functionally equivalent code on a modern Unix or Linux.

and the size of windows' utilities?

Windows executables are smaller in general. See Demoscene 64k competition.

Protip: Nobody cares about the file size of system utilities. With gazillions of dollars in existion stuff, it's ALL about compatibility, software and hardware.

Small size = fast startup. Enjoy waiting.

Why Linux has no demoscene?

Im more concerned about that car's rediator.


I've used Ubuntu for some time but switched back to Windows 10 after got feed with crashes and inability to run any games.

Well it's not exposed it seems, the coolant may overheat and the engine will follow.

Out of all the cars in the world, Tesla is the worst name to put in that picture. It has open source standards and uses Linux. Any old gasoline car would have been more accurate.

Also if given the chance, I would want to ride that car once.

because the demoscene is Sup Forums tier manchild shit

>See Demoscene 64k competition.
wow, good example, a competition where limited filesize is the whole point.

Because people make real applications and not demos of them

>motivational poster
I want you to die

I'm not using Linux, so I will be perfectly okay.


Its the hybrid car they made on topgear.

Linux's elf executables are so bloated due to bad design and inferior compiler GCC.

Lot of. L niggers itt

Pretty ironic considering Tesla runs ubuntu.


Smallest possible ELF: 45 bytes
Smallest possible PE: 97 bytes

unless your a manchild who cares for muh gaymen or a retard you should use GNU+Linux

kek I'm at the neet phase now. Using Arch. Been considering changing to gentoo for further learning, tho I know in the end I'll just go to Debian or even back to Ubuntu.

puppy is babby tier
>root everything

Slackware like something advanced and cool.
Actually my first linux was a fucking slackware and it was horrible I used it for 3 years at my work and eventually I just installed ubuntu and was really happy with apt-get.