Sup Forumss thoughts on Signal ?

Sup Forumss thoughts on Signal ?

>inb4 moxie is a jew

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I use it and it werks

You have to use a botnet phone to use signal so I would never use it. I don't use programs that won't run on my parabola thinkpad x60.

Has been working without GPS for a while now

>Advanced users with special needs can download the Signal APK directly.

>users with special needs

based moxie

Just use PGP you idiots.

Lost in the noise

Why not use Telegram? It's on almost every platform and it's free software.


lol grandpa, you can't use the same thing for more than 3 weeks just because it works.
That's sooooo uncool

>Why not use Telegram?
>Why not use our own "military grade encryption" app?

Telegram is so bad I'm surprised people still mention its name.

You should be using Wire.

>80% of points is about muh encryption
what a retarded comparison
Also whatsapp doesn't have a standalone desktop

>Telegram is so bad
Please elaborate your claim

% of points is about muh encryption
>what a retarded comparison

Well, what do you look for in an encrypted messaging app compared with other encrypted messaging apps? What a retarded post. You should feel ashamed.

>Homebrew crypto in Telegram hangout app full of holes, say security pros
>Why You Should Stop Using Telegram Right Now

Completely unusable without gapps. Registration broken. Possibly Mossad software. Avoid

>Introducing WhatsApp's desktop app
>May 10, 2016

I think it applies to this.

I really liked him idk why, maybe cause he was friends with leann
bit sad when he died then davis fucked leann too

>an encrypted messaging app compared with other encrypted messaging apps?
1. That's not what the image shows you retard.
2. If it was, why are the two last points there?
3. If you knew anything about data security you wouldn't just go "HURR GREEN CHEK MEANS SAFE XD"

>WhatsApp must be installed on your phone.
>our desktop app is simply an extension of your phone
Read your own link retard

>1. That's not what the image shows you retard.
It's comparing messaging apps, including those with encryption or aimed at privacy. Ergo, you're wrong.
>2. If it was, why are the two last points there?
Because why the fuck not? Now, you're grasping at straws.
>3. If you knew anything about data security you wouldn't just go "HURR GREEN CHEK MEANS SAFE XD"
The point of the comparison is an easy to check group of features in a given app. I know it flies over your little head, but it's meant to give a clear picture of the pros and cons of different messaging apps; not a complete breakdown of "muh data security" which is outside the scope of such a comparison. Another impossible demand from a simple comparison. Again, another straw.

Angry little shit aren't you? Must come from being wrong all the time. Go on, call me your favorite insult word!

>It's comparing messaging apps
I'm glad you changed your mind. Now maybe you can see why i posted >Because why the fuck not?
If it's comparing encryption, then it's irrelevant. But you backpedaled, so never mind.
>The point of the comparison is an easy to check group of features in a given app
1. 80% is a comparison of things only 10% care about. Hence 2. Encryption still isn't as simple as a checkbox retard

>I'm glad you changed your mind.
But I haven't changed my mind. That is what the image shows. It shows messaging apps and their respective features.

>Now maybe you can see why i posted
No, I cannot. You're just wanting to argue for the sake of it. Perhaps you just don't understand.

>If it's comparing encryption, then it's irrelevant.
It's comparing messaging apps and their respective features. Again, this includes features related to the current trend of messaging apps: encryption, privacy, etc. It doesn't have to be exclusively about said features just because you or I say so.

>But you backpedaled, so never mind.
No. You're applying your own criteria of what is or is not applicable and then arguing against what the comparison shows. It's not difficult for most people, so I sympathise with you for your handicap in this matter.

>80% is a comparison of things only 10% care about.
Who is this 10%? How do you know only those 10% care about only 80%? Cite your sources.

>Encryption still isn't as simple as a checkbox

Now you've jumped from "muh data security" to "encryption isn't as simple as a checkbox". Things that were never implied either implicit or explicit.


Wahey! You did it!

moxie is a jew

Thoughts on Messenger's secret conversations?

it is the only messaging app i have ever used

Use silence

what is wrong with xmpp clients? They're open source, has desktop versions and encrypted, when signal is closed and doean't has desktop client

>that fucking long jewgle redirect link

i use it as my default sms app, 'cause sms and mms is garbage and should go away. i'd rather use it instead of whatsapp, but fewer people use it.

signal is meant for normalfags that wouldn't use encryption to begin with. these are the same idiots that send passwords and sensitive information unencrypted through email. good encryption should be standard practice, and the only way to get widespread adoption is to make it effortless and seem like it's not even there.

signal offers encrypted video, so this is old. stopped reading there.

*blocks ur path*