Why is retro technology so aesthetic?

Why is retro technology so aesthetic?

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because companies actually tried to make unique designs and not just tried to look like something apple would do if they were a korean company.

because they weren't consumer products, they were luxury products


I wish I could get a computer case that looks elegant, isn't small af, and doesn't scream MTN DEW CALL OF CSFORTRESS: LEAGUE OF OVERWATCH EDITION 420 BLAZE IT.

Lian-Li Case PC-V1000LB

Looks pretty nice, does it use a tool-less design?

i dunno, never bought one. i regret not getting the 1020 when it was on sale in microcenter for 250

Because of your false nostalgia.

No one who wasn't old enough to see these in use thinks it's aesthetic.

>inb4 underage b&, I'm old but learned that nostalgia is a lie.

Bitch please, a C64 breadbox looks awesome as fuck, even a Spectrum does and those where all consumer products

>he never owned a All-in-Keyboard Amiga

Because your taste is shit.

Go to a thrift store, find some old IBM aptiva or netvista and gut it.

no fucking clue what nostalgia has to do with it

buy the physically largest Dell OptiPlex you can get your hands on and gut it

their chassises are sane, respectable, professional-looking, and durable

You're right, it could be simply shit taste without nostalgia. My mistake.

Look at it this way: Some old devices look good because they look wayy more sturdy than new devices. Like the slot CPUs with that sturdy plastic case.

But in > shitty brittle top loader optical drive
> gadget speakers instead good speakers
it doesn't apply

I'm streaming some >retro episodes of Computer Chronicles, if you'd care to join 'n' chat.


Now Playing:
>Internet TV (1997)

tiny flickering lights and tactile buttons and switches and knobs and shit

how big can they even go?

I wish I had one of these little things so I could put a CF card in them. It even has an OPL3 for better compatibility with DOS games.

Because it's retro and not contemporary/something you see every day. They're a lot less aesthetic when every fucking desktop is the same beige box.


Maybe I don't know what I'm talking about but my PC looks way better than that toy box

>tfw I hated the giant ATX tower I had in the 90s because of how ugly it was
>would rather have that than some lian li case now because it was distinctive looking

Also it had all steel internals and probably a better build quality than most "premium" cases today

at the time there was fierce competition from100+ companies each with different designs and ideas

competition fuels innovation

today it's just a few giants and the ideas stagnate

look at a PC magazine from 1993. 500+ pages. lots of ads, but what ads! you actually read them and marvelled at the photography and layout and fonts.

here have your attention and (you)
hope i fulfilled your whore needs

Cheapshit ATX case from 2000.
Also the case for my next computer.

>Nostalgia is a lie
"Nostalgia" is your body rebelling at the Jewish lie that things were always this bad, they certainly arent getting worse, and that you should go back to sleep.

Listen to your body it's smarter than you are.