Most aesthetically pleasing programming language?
Most aesthetically pleasing programming language?
LISP by far, maybe Prolog comes second
Java. Not only is it the most aesthetically pleasing, it's also the most powerful.
C# can do pretty much anything Java can do, plus it has pointers and it has some additional syntactic sugar.
for me, it's Perl
if only netcore had more support for linux
It will one day, there is a lot of activity on the project.
What's wrong with mono?
Better question: Is it worth learning a programming language for the aesthetics alone?
Fortran 77
this, javascript of course
APL, yall plebs. C is pretty aesthetic too
D and Clojure are both very nice to look at, very readable.
I'd say F#, Scheme, maybe Python follow.
Good C is nice. Haskell is okay, a bit crammed at times.
Ideal imaginary Rust looks good, but idiomatic and performant Rust is as bad as bad C or C++ in general. I hate C++.
It will die off soon.
But why
They were mostly maintained by Xamarin, which was bought by (((Microsoft))). Now they develop .NET Core.
Embrace, Extend, and Extinguish in its finest.
The fact that you have to list self as a method parameter to access the current instance makes it aesthetically hideous.
There were a lot of great languages that were too advanced for their time like CPL, PL/I, ALGOL60, Oberon, the fact that early person computers only had 4k of memory sort of killed the mainstream potential of these languages
it actually does make sense plt wise.
I've only used QBasic, C++, C#, SQL, Ruby, Java, JavaScript, HTML, JASS, ASM and seen some Perl, Kumir, VBasic and Pascal.
Among these, I consider C# to be the most aesthetically pleasing. Ruby gets bonus points for being over-the-top intuitive, but it isn't as easily readable.
>all these posts
>this few mention of C
So this is the power of nu/g/
C's not aesthetic
Plus this a "port" so this doesn't behave exactly the same way. Which is really annoying.
But it is, user, it is
Properly written C is very aesthetic.
Having to use explicit pointers to pass an object by reference is not aesthetically pleasing.
>properly written C
Declare an array of function pointers to functions that accept different parameters and that returns a function pointer to a function that accepts two int arguments on the spot.
Go go go.
void (*(*array[])())(int, int);
On the spot. I didn't look anything up. I did check to see if it compiled though.
Realistically though, if you were going to write something like this, you would use typedefs to clean it up. However, this it's very unlikely you would write something like this in a program.
Invisible references are a fucking cancer.
Well done, but you can't possibly claim that this is in any way aesthetically pleasing.
I love C myself, but compound declarations are anything but eye pleasing.
>Invisible references are a fucking cancer.
You seem upset. Don't be upset.
is that a program?
JS haters gonna hate: CoffeeScript looks nice. Less idiosyncratic than Python or Ruby anyways.
this, lisp is the shit