Other urls found in this thread:
Oh no I guess Intel is surely finished this time!
Oh god how can Intel ever recover
>just had a major platform launch
>negligible stock gains
is samefagging still a thing?
People who wanna work on their computer will just get a mac.
>opting into botnet when installing a dimple program
>wondering why AMD is low on that list.
Why would the linux kernel developer prefer one cpu over another? Shouldn't they be cpu agnostic?
Intel Wallet-raper
Because they don't want to waste their shekels
Jesus, Linus, calm down. That was the least subtle "Intel wut the actul fuck r u doing?" I've ever seen from him.
Who /finishedanbankrupt/ here?
He should do more like this
Reminder to hide and report all threads shilling YouTuber's channels
Intel is finished and bankrupt when at least ONE comptetitor starts offering a product that doesn't perform like a 2-3 generation old Intel product.
Looking at you 1800X.
wrong linus, faggot
Want to know something interesting?
Intel has a employee teaching program that have people come to the stores and train employees at Best Buy's and micro centers and wherever they sell intel products so the employees know what they're selling. Also giving them incentives along the way and pretty much preparing them to go out and sell intel to the consumer.
Linus Media Group actually does their training videos.
And Linus just tore them a new one.
Really activates your almonds, doesn't it?
p.s. kill yourself tripfag faggot
p.p.s. don't even bother responding with MUH GAYMES nobody cares fuck off back to Sup Forums
p.p.p.s. kill yourself
>what is scalability
>what is memory
>what are PCIe lanes
>what is literally BTFO
Sponsored jump.
If threadripper is priced properly intel will never ever recover.
Who do you REALLY think has more money to pay Linus?
>I was talking to [some of my colleagues] and they flat out said 'we're not supporting this'
That cuts deeeeep, senpai
What is meaningful performance?
Ask yourself about gettting blown outta the water, you just got blown out of the water.
>I didn't even watch the video
>I don't understand the word "meaningful"
>I think SFIV is the Best Street Fighter
>I main Ryu
>5 year
RMA your life
By "meaningful performance" you mean 15 extra FPS in MUH VIDYA. We all know it, you fucking dipshit. Kill yourself.
Wait, but Sup Forums - AMD HQ told me that Linus was a hired Intel/Nvidia shill. Is he magically a sound guy now or can we use the same logic and say he's and AMD shill?
Quite confusing.
His Intel check bounced.
By meaningful performance you probably mean unrarring files a couple times a week
Oh wait no you're probably a movie editor so you're rendering shit 24/7.
He is.
It's just that i9 is so bad, they literally can't pay him to use it
They accidentally sent the money to Linus Torvald
Are you the dead from /o/?
>Gamers Nexus hasn't said anything about this
unsubbed fucking AMD hating Intel shill faggot
>The site that benches i7 CPUs at absurd OCs like 5.1 GHz hasn't mentioned what a shitshow X299 is
Color me surprised.
He literally criticized Intel for using shitty TIM in a video just last week.
He also said ryzen has completely removed the point of an i5 cpu.
Something like 80% of 7700k can hit 5.0+
But even then, an 7700k at 4.5ghz vs 5.1ghz results in almost identical scores.
According to colors used,amd did not score in this chart because only blue and dark blue score counts
Intel 1474 Amd 0
How will amd recover?
>Something like 80% of 7700k can hit 5.0+
Even the faggots selling the things on cherrypickedCPUs don't believe that shit, and their test method is running some shit benchmark for just one hour. lol
They also reccomend you DELID DIS for maximum results
1 hour of testing is really all you need.
The 24hr burn in test is completely unnecessary.
I've never had a CPU that wasn't able to pass the 1hr and 24hr stress test
I see forum posts reccomending testing using ROG Realbench for a minimum of 2 hours.
They literally just made that number up.
It's not a bad idea, just an unnecessary one.
When pushing right to the limit you really do need the extra time to ensure stability - especially when you are really close to thermal limitations.
*15 extra max FPS with the same averages and lower min
Since 2nd of march 2017 minimum fps is a meaningless metric. I will let you find out why that date is significant.
He looks and sounds really tired in this video compared to his other ones. What's up with that?
Spending all day wandering around the floor at trade shows is pretty exhausting on it's own.
desu I don't even get the whole HEDT bullshit.
Intel had Xeons for workstation use...since forever. Opteron was not really a thing for workstations.
Now AMD would have Threadripper, and Intel could have just had Xeons like always.
This whole X299 from Intel is retarded.
The entire HEDT segment is like 0.1% of the market, literally who cares segment.
Sure, like he'll ever bite the hand that's been feeding him all these years.
>The entire HEDT segment is like 0.1% of the market, literally who cares segment.
That's only because Intel had everything at absurd pricing. The market is there, Intel just jewed themselves out of it.
So intel only two good good processors
G4560 and 7700k
Only under certian circumstances
1. You're dirt poor
2. You only play vidya gaems at 1080p 144hz with a 1080 or above
he figuratively just did
lol no
But as I mentioned Xeon was the previous "HEDT" thing. The whole X299 thing and the housefire i9s are pointless as fuck.
> you can now have 10+ core CPUs
> it will only cost you 100000$+
> oh and you will need some serious PSU
> and don't forget about the serious water cooling as well
Fucking hell.
Like it or not, the 7700K is still the best single-thread performer on the market. Give credit where it's due. AMD won the multi core game and parallel workload, Intel kept the single thread crown.
Nothing wrong with that, at least we have choice now.
No, Xeon was never HEDT. That was always Intel's server CPU, and they were very vigilant to protect that market from their own HEDT CPUs.
how percent of single performance of AMD ryzen against 7700k ? I heard slower around 10% only :^)
20-25% on average.
>paying for hardware raid
Who the fuck does this?
Linux already has soft raid and zfs.
dumb frogposter
>Tom's Hardware
Cherry picked benchmarks, literally irrelevant. None of those are practical applications.
That's really all there is to show for Ryzen.
>Implying Tom's Hardware--historically accused of being biased in favor of intel--got results on their benchmarks inconsistent with what everyone else got in similar workloads.
Ah yes, such cherry picking :^)
If he was actually shilling the whole time then he just did.
We already know the only thing you're talking about when you say "practical applications" is MUH GAYMES MUH FPS. Kill yourself already.
you're mad your 7700k gayming cpu and the overpriced 6900k lose in real benchmarks?
go back to Sup Forums
>no source given
>trusting a german source
kys degenerate 2Dposter
>inb4 muh anime website
Keep making those excuses, you're going to need a lot more of them :^)
Any % matters if it's a single thread task sadly. I am no Intel shill I thought you noticed that from my tone.
>complaining about anime on an english image board that copied a japanese image board and has a message written entirely in japanese about copying said japanese image board
If you're so triggered by anime you need to leave
hello where are the proofs????
Yup, keep those excuses coming :^)
forgot to mention
>reddit spacing
>reliable source
Choose one(1)
>trusting a case reviewer to accurately benchmark CPUs
i shiggy diggy
There's like 4 seperate sources aggregated on there. Stop making excuses. You're making animeposting look bad.
no I'm just making Sup Forums look bad by posting shitty b8 and still getting replies lmao
Does sage even work?
lurk moar. sage prevents your post from bumping the thread. It is not a downvote.
Reminder to report trolls/bait/whatever.
it's a fucking hosuefire chip that runs like magma and uses shills and rigged benches in order to get all it's numbers, thing is fucking shady as fuck and standing on toothpicks right now
>just catering to normalfags with (((Cloud))) shit and datacenters for aforementioned (((Cloud))) shit instead of the .1% of gaymers that don't use a console
Seriously, content creators have been using AMD for years now because parallelization has been a major focus since 4 cores became standard. Intel is just moving to a larger market.
Reminder that Global Rule 7 exists you goddam newfag
The 7700K?
It has a higher TDP but so did the first gen i7s. I have an i7 first gen and it's really not that bad. (And well, if you bring in OC, all CPUs go housefire.)
AMD overshoots pricing whenever they think that they have a real winner. Why do people always forget this.
Reminder that some serial spammer shitposter samefag got all his posts blowed up by mods in a thread yesterday.
They dropped prices on R7 already, for what it's worth.
I'm not samefagging though??
it runs much hotter than Ryzen and much much hotter than a consumer chip should run honestly, it is a very very poor buy when you take longevity into account
that's y u delid it idiot and then runs like a dream
>Linus Media Group actually does their training videos.
I'm gonna need a source on that.
Look pal, I've got just as many smug animu girls as you do, so don't even start.
Are Intel shills actually THIS /delided/ or are you just desperately grasping at straws?
Honestly, I'll take either.