JOURNALIST: Cops stopped after typed 'helicopters' into APPLE app at benefit concert


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Does anyone know how UK police would have been able to look on this bloke's Apple Notes app?

Maybe someone saw him type "helicopter" and ran to a cop?

They obviously accessed the hardware backdoor on all phones within range and monitored them for anything suspicious

The UK tracks all online traffic. The notes app syncs with iCloud. Blame the UK, they are bringing 1984 upon the whole world.

>Rolling Stone
more than likely just fake news completely exaggerated

>man looks up at the helicopter
>immediately pulls out his phone and starts typing
>one of the 6 gorillion cops guarding the venue notices his shifty behaviour
>"surely this means they hacked me!"

yeah Motorola is implementing that public safety shit in more and more countries, I'm not surprised

They can't track iPhone iCloud traffic unless they've cracked TLS encryption (extremely unlikely).

does this surprise you?
UK and the GCHQ are probably worse than NSA

why crack anything

Apple is giving information to NSA, which shares everything with GCHQ

> what is https
Or does apple send notes in plaintext?

All that spying and they still can't stop terror attacks that are happening literally every day now.


>be journalist
>see thing
>take notes
>this is considered "shifty" by bootlickers

>not wanting left wing press shut down

Mactoddlers will defend this.

>by real-time surveillance
>in Modern Britain, birthplace of Airstrip One and the Panopticon, which completely cut off all ties to civilization and rights and English law decades ago

The UK controls more than one root CA buddy

This is exactly what happened

Reminder that this is a Rolling Stone journalist, a complete hack


If journalism didn't exist we wouldn't know how often Muslims KB'd, everything that reflects badly on Islam would be media blackout'd

>waaahhh the media is picking on my GOD EMPEROR
>waaahhh the judiciary is picking on my GOD EMPEROR
>waaahhh a special prosecutor is picking on my GOD EMPEROR


It's pretty safe to assume that any given brown person has a 2% chance of doing something batshit retarded at any given moment. So just do the math and set up reminders to notify you when something should have happened.

Does anyone know to know this bloke is telling the truth? First, why would he type that? Second, if they could track him that well, they let the second Paris attack happen since they weren't using encrypted communications either.

Innocent until indicted. From the Watergate burglaries to Nixon's looming impeachment resignation took two years.

Although Nixon was a competent politician.
















you're trying too hard.

Spying on unencrypted traffic is nothing new.

t. buzzfeed

someone probably had a glimpse at the note, maybe even through CCTV.

There is a 99.9% chance that this was not an exploit in apple notes but rather some bootlicker looking over his shoulder and reporting him to the cops.

It just werks (for the state)

Look up Carnivore

They didn't.
Its a benefit, there was some faggot looking over his shoulder that tattled.

sounds like bullshit

Is the author brown?

>t. iToddler

Author on the left.
To be fair their have been ginger mussie converts

>even street cops can tap into iShit with minimal effort


>And it felt incredibly safe.

Who the fuck talks like this?

And this fucking level of brainwashing. Flood your nation with jihadists then act like it's perfectly normal to have helicopters flying around like that's somehow going to stop a terrorist from stabbing you to death, blowing you up, or running you down with a truck.

Seems fake. Like others have said there's no proof that this actually happened and if it did happen then it would be happening much more often. I'm sure the majority of people commonly search for things that would put them on a list and if cops were going to actually investigate each and every one of those then we'd be seeing this posted all over.

What a disgusting looking motherfucker.

London is full of IMEI scanners, stingrays, CCTV networks and other similar shit so it's not that strange for GCHQ to have backdoors into all apple stuff.

>London is full of IMEI scanners, stingr
This. My phone always shit the bed when pulling into Victoria station, the place is surrounded by fake masts. MUH BOMBS

>take in millions of refugees
>require constant military presence to keep the casualties to your own citizens at a minimum
>infringe on all of your citizens communications and basic human rights
>this is fine

The UK is 1984 and they share their backdoors and mass surveillance data with common police officers.

Why would it be unencrypted?

>why crack anything

This. You don't need to crack what you already have access to.

it may not be encrypted on the server.
Apple knows a lot of information about their users, it is not impossible that they pool the information.
It is possible one of the ways apple wants to "limit" the espionage is by making it the spying more precise.
If they haven't made a method where they can find out who is typing specific phrases in a specific location, they are rather incompetent.
Whether this is ethical or not is a whole other thing.

It is not rational to think that they don't do this stuff.

You guys are overlooking the most obvious answer - that somebody looked over their shoulder, saw the word helicopter, and reported them to the cops for using scary words.

>First, why would he type that?
Journalist, autistic details like that are needed.
>Second, if they could track him that well, they let the second Paris attack happen since they weren't using encrypted communications either.
>Paris in the UK
Besides that, this was a hotspot to get botnetted on.

>You guys are overlooking the most obvious answer - that somebody looked over their shoulder, saw the word helicopter, and reported them to the cops for using scary words.

Apple would not be able to sell their products in countries unless apple plays nice with the controlling government.

If your device sells in G.B., Saudi Arabia, India, China, or the U.S. then it's very likely that those governments have access to those devices in at least their own countries.

>MFW liberals will fight tooth and nail to defend the rights of people who, at the very least, are conservative extremists as long as they are brown.Most people who commit acts of terrorism, would go on to do things that would make Hitler blush, if they weren't suicided or killed by authorities.

Do any of you STILL seriously believe Apple is secure from the government?

>Apple makes a fuss about cracking IPhone for goverment.


>... some time later
>NSA hack gets revealed.


Hurr durr it's secure, well no. Obviously it's not.

Apple are a bunch lying cunts.

>All that spying and they still can't stop terror attacks that are happening literally every day now.

This journalist was not Muslim. It would have been considered very racist to search, or even accuse a Muslim of terrorism even after a Muslim guy had committed an act of terrorism.

Didn't Google basically express that pretty much, every major tech company is under the thumb of the NSA? As in, refusal to cooperate would result in jail time.