Go to graduation

>go to graduation
>like I loser I still don't have a job
>previous head of google China is speaking
>Talks about AI
>says it is going to replace all of the Bankers, Doctors, Lawyers and Accountants
>expects 50% of all jobs to be replaced
>audience laughs nervously...
>I think I am just as fucked as everyone else now
>goes on to say that humans are only going to be useful for their emotions and capacity for love

So is he right? Will 50% of all of the jobs be replaced by robots in the next 10 years?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm not sure about his time frame exactly, but sooner or later machines will outclass humans in every task. Just a matter of when humans are not economically useful for labor.

It's only going to replace Chinese people don't worry. They're as cold as a robot so it shouldn't be any different than now.

The first time I heard something like that was in the 1970's and have since heard it like once a year. Yet it has never even come close to happening.

Short answer: Most likely no.

Yes. 10 years? No fucking way.
Try 100.

Just like fusion ;_;


He said this time is different because the AI's they are building actually work. He is putting billions behind some AI bot that decides how much interest to charge people. He also said that the world's most valuable companies have called themselves AI companies.
Facebook and Google are both AI companies now.


lazy fucks

How long until AI replace programmers?

desu if I had unlimited time to work on my """projects""" I'd be a lot more productive.

Business will utilize all its tricks to up their profits. If it works and its cheap, and they are, then the business will start to use them in large quantities.

100 years is too distant to imagine what its like. But 10 years down the line can easily start off companies that deal exclusively with robots/AI workers to produce your goods.


When the government controls your income, the government controls your life.

Anyone in favor of GBI is in favor of totalitarianism. You'll get a meagre living as a slave. Step out of line and your gibs will disappear and you'll starve to death.

You do not want a GBI to become a thing. It will be used to control you by making you a dependent, not free you. Freedom comes from self sufficiency, and self sufficiency comes from individual hard work and effort.

Your pursuit of a GBI will only lead you to misery.

>Step out of line and your gibs will disappear and you'll starve to death
>Freedom comes from self sufficiency
You realize that if you're getting paid to live then you can still work towards self sufficiency right? It's just that it will be easier since you won't have to manually work 40 hours a week to feed yourself. You can spend those 40 hours making a farm or whatever the fuck you crazies want to try to do to be self sufficient.

>You realize that if you're getting paid to live then you can still work towards self sufficiency right?

Unfortunately when you're not actually pressured to do it, e.g. you are lazy - like everyone is - It will be easier to just kowtow to public/media attacks than it will be to pursue self sufficiency. You'll be marginally comfortable so long as you never speak your mind against the calamities and tragedies you witness occuring in front of you.

Additionally, western governments are attacking your ability to be self sufficient. See laws against personal collection of rainwater in several states, or talks of forcing a utility tax on Australians because they've been switching to solar and the utility companies are going bankrupt because of it.

GBI is not a panacea, it is a poison pill.

Humans cant out compete robots. Americans can't out compete Chinese workers who work at 1/10th of the pay.

Wait until they start replacing CEO's with AI's and investors with bitcoin mining bots, then they'll change their tune and all of a sudden using AI's will be illegal.

>Short answer: Most likely no.

I'm sure creative fields will be the safest. Can you imagine how shitty a novel written by an AI would be?

That's true.

But that doesn't change the fact that GBI will be used to control you. You damn well know it will.

We need a better solution. GBI is presented to us as if it is the only option; we can figure out more.

This is the conversation that should be happening - Not when we will get GBI, but whether there are better alternatives to GBI.

We do not have to shackle ourselves to the government and corrupt oligarchs, corporations, intelligence agencies, and politicians. There's a lot of smart people here and elsewhere who think automation is inevitable but never even question whether we can go any other direction than a GBI. We should not allow our only options be dictated wholly by the media and government. A public, even anonymous, discussion should happen.

if I were guaranteed an income I'd be free to study programming, foreign languages, produce music, learn how to draw, improve upon my physical fitness...

In Burgerland? Haha, never, get your Healthcare working first.

This. Right now I'm shackled with a retail job and I don't have time or energy for anything else.

>inb4 get a better job

It's what im trying to do!

you are in a minority. i feel like most people would just be happy/complacent enough to just laze about

Why do nearly all students and speaker closed eyes? Also the heart talk was quite the bullshit .

People who get complacent don't matter. My coworker sits on his ass all day playing sudoku, it would be the same with universal income only I wouldn't have to clean up his shit whenever something breaks.

This is the only problem with the universal part of UGI

Wish they gave people like me

>not making the same amount of pay playing sodoku

the more people who are out of the work force the more opportunities there are for me to go higher.
If they're already mindless drones do they really have any freedom to lose in the first place?

Okay, so unemployment rate reaches 40%.
What do we do?

Have you used software? Do you see how crap it is?
It's gonna be so fucking busted I'd be surprised if conventional means aren't more effective.

Except a few places where people are just so bad trivial programs could replace them.

>year is 2027
>talk to webmd AI to check out a rash on my thigh
>tells me I have 4 types of cancer, 3 failing organs, and 10 different STD's
>automatically calls over an ambulance and gets me in the ER in under 10 minutes
>automatically takes the cost of the operations from my savings account since my wells fargo bank AI immediately OK'd it without my permission
>AI accountant immediately puts me into bankruptcy since I'm not at work and have several hundreds of thousands of dollars of debt
>talk to my lawyer AI to sue the hospital, bank, and accountant
>tells me I dont have a case because they're all owned by google and are programmed not to turn on each other

> "machines will be capable, within twenty years, of doing any work a man can do"
- Simon, 1965

> "In from three to eight years we will have a machine with the general intelligence of an average human being"
- Minsky, 1970

Good post

Yeah there's murky waters ahead.
But I don't think we will actually have a global slavery.
This (not yet, but when guaranteed universal income could be assured) is when a communist uprising starts to make sense.

This, except the result would be that some human administrator has to step in and override all that crap.

Most jobs are nothing but bullshit and can and should go away.
Of what remains, upwards of 90% could be automated today.
It's been well within mankind"s capability technologically and resourcewise to feed, house, clean, clothe, medicate, educate, and entertain every single person on the planet at the expense, detriment, or coercion of no one for at least the last hundred years, and undeniably since the end of WWII.
This is of course only becoming more true every day.
No new technology by itself will save us (as can be seen by the advancements of the last century), what we're waiting on is but a mental shift.
Take the assblasted replies to this post as evidence.

The government already controls your income via fiscal policy.

From 1950-1970 the government ran policies designed to ensure full employment. This resulted in real terms wage growth for obvious reasons.
From 1977ish to 2008, the government ran policies designed to ensure mass unemployment (notionally) to control inflation. This resulted in real terms wage stagnation (and for some segments of the population, real terms wage decline.)

From 2008 to now government policy has been a fucking mess, and will probably still be a mess after the ~2017-2019 recession.

At least with basic income they're above board with it, instead of slowly strangling the permanently unemployed to death by pretending that there are sufficient jobs out there for them to take - and if they don't succeed in getting one, they're lazy and don't deserve to live.

>you are lazy - like everyone is
Not true.

Granted the part about attacking self-sufficiency is true. It's a bastard that they ended homesteading instead of just changing the rules to stop corporations etc using it as a sly way to grab resources.

Automation != intelligence.

Start using the unemployed as biofuel.

I have a more... interesting proposal...

"AI will not help us Achieve anything until the 21st century" - Gottfried, 527

>he doesn't know about deep patient
Doctors will be obsolete soon

You need to have capacity(the ability to binding amendments to make binding amendments to theirrights,dutiesandobligations, such as gettingmarriedormerging, entering intocontracts, makinggifts, or writing a validwill) in order to be a councilor.
It will take centuries for machines to get the exact same rights as a full grown, fully capable adult. So they won't be replaced very soon.
Tech people know as little about the law as lawyers know about tech.

I would love to see the court case between them lawyers and Corp/Ai to fight so that AI can't be used in the courtroom.

>Try 100.

fucking KEK, maybe you should invest some time and see what's out there.

most jobs require human emotions and morality (lawyers pretty much work with making people emotional), so unless philosophy is finished and those stupid "laws of robotics" are actually possible i wouldn't hold my breath

google china doesnt even exist, wtf does he even do?? last time I saw him showing reporters that $700 juicer google invested in

do you even know what AI is?? they are machine learning companies, there is no such thing as AI in the scifi sense

Don't see a problem, Who wants to work anyway?

Not psychologists haha git gud

this guy loves to run his mouth, they should have just kept him at apple working on their speech recognition, he is not an expert in anything except exploiting third world labour and capital using techno-swindle

pajeets are less expensive than robots

>Trusting a computer to diagnose you
>What are glitches
>Doesn't know what hacking is
>Hasn't heard of windows 10

>wins 8 matches using arm bar
>tries to box with a kick boxer without training
>tries to box again

Nah. I give it 25-30 for truly advanced and autonomus AI.

100 is WAY too much.

>Shackled with a retail job

So am I. I got a night job on top of that to save enough to get out of this hell.

Well if they get gud enuf. They could write a book in an instant geared toward your specific emotion at that time. Could also change the book as you read.

Why haven't they created a true AI using neurons yet?

data needs and computer power.

maybe in 5-10 years we will see GAI

Impressive coming from an insectoid chink

you have neurons and they do not seem to produce any intelligence

>most people live an Amish agrarian lifestyle
>AI handles all industry
>handful of wizards new thing for AI to do
best timeline, will never happen, we'll all be killed or something instead

What the fuck did you say to me you little runt?

Machines don't and cannot understand emotion so it'll fail miserably at that.

You niggas think there is going be UBI when we live in a neoliberalism society. The entire world have to tranistion into Social Democrary for that to work.

More like 50-100 years instead of 10-20. Driving is going first.

We are going to have a massive move to automation but honestly its been long coming I could probably replace 20% on people with simple scripts.

There should be new jobs though always is. Human desire is infinite.

Doesn't fucking matter... nonna this matters...

We're all getting crushed by our School Debt and then when we're done with that, we can look forward to paying off Obama's spending spree...

Feels bad to be a millennial right now...


How long until AI replaces mechanical engineers?

Asking for a friend

you retarded phoneposters should stop fucking posting. nobody reads your terribly constructed sentences anyhow.

>We're all getting crushed by our School Debt and then when we're done with that, we can look forward to paying off Obama's spending spree...

>Unfortunately when you're not actually pressured to do it, e.g. you are lazy - like everyone is -

come on mate stop being a faggot

> hurr durr people are lazy slobs and you need to straighten them up or else they'll all be jobless junkies

fucking moral policing everywhere, same shit as SJWs

>not knowing where (((debt))) comes from

>We're all getting crushed by our School Debt and then when we're done with that, we can look forward to paying off Obama's spending spree...


>Driving is going first.
Thank god for that. I've had multiple people going way too fast in a 25 fail to stop at a light around a blind corner, end up in the middle of the goddamn intersection, and just sit there like a retard while they try and decide if they should go forward or backward. And of course there's some cunt a few cars behind me honking like I'm just supposed to push this retard out of the way Mad Max style. Fucking California.

> Ignorant 'merican thinks debt doesn't need to be repaid

You know you I know you were "educated" in 'merica?

at least you guys have lane splitting. having that here would actually give an incentive to ride a motorbike. I bet the riders in California save so much time.

wtf? How the fuck did one of your presidents double your entire national debt in one fucking presidency?

I, for one, welcome our Chinese overlords for the next century.

Their commute to death is a lot faster too. There's no surviving being sidelined by one of these subhumans if you're on a bike.

He just needed a little mo' money fo' dem programs.

Famous last words, my dude.

Holy shit. Change your route if there's something like that on your commute.

Is California really as full of degenerates as is shown in media? All the beach-goers, the whores, the niggers, the stoners?

>shackled to a retail job.

The fuck are you on about? That's, at max, 40 hours a week, what the hell are you doing with the other 128 hours each week? You aren't 'shackled' to anything other than laziness.

well he did say he didnt have energy for anything else.

No really, think about it. With the innate inability to understand emotions, AI can't come up with much in the way of creativity. The most creative thing I've seen an AI create is this but at the end of the day, it's just a mish-mash of paintings created by a human. AI can recycle but it can't create.

He aggressively expanded welfare initiatives in this country, it was basically a New Deal of sorts.

also, microsoft killed the good AI anyway.

If he doesn't have energy for anything else, that's pure fucking laziness. Hell the 128 hour figure I pulled out of my post does not include sleep, so if he was to spend 8 hours a night sleeping, that would still leave him 72 hours each week. Even money says that he spends that time playing video games.

t. someone who works full time, goes to school year-round, and has a family.

X is bad, so X will always be bad.

Its not 100% its laziness, maybe he has a physical condition or something else?

dont be a dick mate

das raycis, he wuz a gud boi, he didn do nuffin

It's not even about that, it's just down to nature of emotion. Tell me, how many units of happiness or sadness are you feeling right now? That question doesn't make any sense, does it? You can't quantize emotions, you don't feel a certain amount of units of any emotion, you just feel that emotion. How can an AI, something bound purely by logic, even process data that cannot be quantized?

0 units of both happiness and sadness because I'm autistic.
If we wanted and had enough resources we can model the human brain. Much sooner we can have an approximation for what triggers specific emotions for the majority of people.

Unless you can make a computer out of organic parts, it won't happen. The phenomenon of emotion lies within biology.

I don't believe it. Human emotions have e something ethereal about them. Robots can do a lot of things, but they will never replace biology

It doesn't. It can't be paid off. It is impossible.

It doesn't really. America is big and strong enough that it doesn't need to actually repay its debt