I stole few facebook accounts in the past

ask a cyber criminal anything techonology related



are you pansexual?

How do you bypass the authentication/log-in page on LinkedIn?

Okay, here's my question.
Are you to retarded to understand that we don't care?

Exactly how deep does the rabbit hole go?

So what's the purpose of hacking anyone's facebook account ? Identity theft ? ransom

An arabian stranger left open his notebook in library and gone to toilet. The facebook was on the screen and posted a coming out on his wall. Never seen that dude again.

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

how did you know this? we can say yes.

i don't. find the target email and send pishing mails.

you care if you post friends including my crush to see what they were speaking on facebook all these years, and i find it they were pice of fuck.ing SHIT and they were worse then i used to think and im glad to learn people's true faces.

i'm not arab and don't leave my personal info around and never used social media

A.No you didn't
B.You're probably 12
c.go do your homework

reported for illegal content

good luck i live in a mongolian desert.

A. i did and it was fun
C.finals are over

Take down that shitty wall.

What's your gender?


A.Hacking is illegal, Why aren't you surrounded by by SWATs right now?
>good luck i live in a mongolian desert.
B.How are you a hacker?,The internet should have frozen six times there in the span of me talking to you
C.Post one account's information, You won't cause you didn't

Do you crossdress ?

cis-male, or trans-male or maybe some genderqueer dickhead?

ikr, internet is huge problem.i wish i lived in west so i could have built better rig and had better internet, i believe i would do much more. yet i'm thinking what am i going to do after my school ends, i will try to survive with shitty jobs. sadly, life.

So I win the argument?,right?

>post one account you hacked

Except that, you won if you want to.

How do you recommend I'd start learning about this matter? What steps did you take?

2 genders

I had learn a email address of an fake person to dig real identity. I had nothing, and it was painful. I tried to type everything one can create with that name on facebook and various websites to find a lead. You will know what you need to once you have a goal. It's not easy, worth it? Hell yes.

ewww, I am non-binary!!!! DID YOU JUST ASSUME MY GENDER?!

I mean Im currently reading books on pentesting. Don't you have any recommendations?

My gender is
'-- DELETE *;

42 inches

Exactly you dind't

>jelly of phishing retards with a fake link
keep stroking yourself there buddy.

didn't know binary had letters in it

>never used social media
>hacked facebooks and logged in to verify having correct password

which one is it, faggot?
are you a Sup Forumsentlemen? or are you some Sup Forumssoc/ faggot with 5 facebook accounts?

>i will try to survive with shitty jobs. sadly, life.
Considering you were capable of decrypting security of a media conglomerate, Why aren't you at the CIA?