Portable Media Players

Sup Sup Forums, I need a new mp3 player. My clip+ died (it was shit anyway). What do you recommend?
Please don't say a phone, I would like a dedicated device.

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Get an old phone you can root, install xposed and physical button media control addon.

I still use my Zune after all these years. I like its tactile controls for use while driving and it holds up well to abuse.


>dude just cut your potential battery life to 20%

I still have my cowon d2+, it's almost ten years old now

>tfw my old iPod Video from 2006 still werks flawlessly, even after more than a decade of daily use

These things are immortal, how long is the battery supposed to last?

I still have an ipod classic 160GB
Never gunna get rid of that bad boy

I bought a Sony E353 in like 2008 for $45 and have used it literally everyday since.

embrace the chinkshit

go full blown flagship FiiO X5, v1 is neuteral and v2 is 'slightly warmer'

price range is close to 400 bucks all things considered audiophilia territory

unless you don't have the cans to drive it, I'm getting senn hd 8

AGPtEK M20S/a20
Fiio x5

Forever, as anything of those old days.

You can get a cheap smart watch (DZ09 for example) , even the cheaper ones have the ability to play mp3. Most of the time you would need bt headphones. If not, old Sony or iPod are godly. Some chink stuff is also good, you literally need almost nothing to play mp3.

then comes the choice between in ear and closed headphones, afaik you really need to consider the quality of your output before choosing the quality of your source

what iems are those

I have an iPod Classic 160GB (2 actually, one I bought, one was a gift) and it's shit. I own a few MP3 players and the iPod is by far the worst one.
The device itself isn't bad, the UI is good music just sounds so flat and dull, it's not like I can EQ it either.

I have got an X5 (first gen), it's not exactly what I'd call portable though, thing is bulky and heavy as a brick. Got an X1 as well, but that isn't very good since it freezes up a lot.

I think they are customs.

Just buy a headphone amp and some IEMs and plug it into your phone.

how disgusting

My X1 never freezes that's odd user

I'd like it to actually be portable.

I mean it's better than buying an mp3 player. Modern mp3 players actually cost more than phones do, friend.

The amp is cheap by comparison.

yeah the UI is pretty dogshit, but I've curated some playlists when I don't just want to shuffle everything and I don't use it unless I'm flying so it's never bugged me.

>Just quintuple the size of your phone and destroy its battery life

>raspberry pi
>sata adapter
>implying you can beat this

My phone should be able to fit in my pockets without having to resort to sweatpants.

>Modern mp3 players actually cost more than phones do, friend
you are getting scammed then bud

It might just be the cheap 120gb sd card I put in there, but I put it in my X5 with no problems. I think the X1 just might not like large folders.

What brand SD card?


I have a nokia 130 for this shit.32gb for music is more than enough for me.

you could simply check x3 but ibasso dx9 is quite good, you get an unmatched neutral soundstage from the dual mono ESS Sabre32s. downside is batterylife, they use the same ones as galaxy s3 so you could in theory stock up on those for long journeys

The Raspberry Pi has fuckloads of line noise if you're using the 3.5mm connector.
Also the power consumption from the HDD would be atrocious.

I do the same. Zune 30 is indestructible.

Shave you ugly faggot

did you actually go on Amazon and search for the most expensive device (skipping the 20 dollar ones) just to make a bullshit point?

Take a 5.5gen ipod, and a 128GB SD card with the adapter. Works great.

iPod Classic with an SSD

Recently added a 256GB msata and 3000mAh battery to an ipod video 5G. Great device after installing Rockbox ofcourse

I typed up a guide about it since there really wasn't any detailed documentation of the process

>the adapter
but thats 2 adapters

I like everything about your setup... excellent phone, excellent amp and excellent IEMs. you have a good taste.

>installing zune software

tfw no flac files

HTC one m8
HTC 10

Best Amps DACs
stereo speakers
SD card

No DAP can beat them.

Transcode to ALAC or install Rockbox.

if you keep the screen dim and only have your music app open you should get good battery

this works for me.
-old sony xperia compact
-cheap usb adapter
-shure 425

I use a Fiio X3

it just werks and I can put just about any format onto the microSD and it will play without a problem

>there are mostly chink-made portable players (sold in turd world_ that are smaller than OP pic and have support for microSD and USB but no screen and maybe a shuffle button

Get a phone you fucking weirdo

Just use your phone like a normal person.

Eat a dick, you piece of shit


"audiophile" players are snake oil
get an ipod classic

>plug phone into car radio
>mum is in car
>gotta unlock phone then either pause or skip song
>with touchscreen
>while driving
fuck off

I'm also against the retards suggesting phones, but all you need to do is hold the volume button

i could turn the radio off too, but then i wouldnt know what the fuck is playing and i'd have to leave it off

Are there any good Walkman-like devices left?

Listening to cassettes are the only way to be completely in control.

if you like physical media then get yourself a minidisc player, the later models were really nice

buy a shitty $9 prepaid android. Dont activate it. Get a micro SD card. done



Are there similar things for other carriers and countries (i.e. in germany) or is this a walmart only thing?

Vodafone prepaid packs. But they're at least 50€

Post it. How much did it cost you?

but muh audio quality

I'm laughing at your autism right now.

Do yourself a favour and off yourself now you vain hipster fuck

ipod classic with a iflash sd board or a sansa clip+

just did this but with the iflash solo instead of the cf one, best 40 dollars.

Fuck off with that shit. Just get a music player so you don't have to compromise.

I just asked for curiosity on Walkmans, not to run around with them as hipster status symbol

Why are MP3 players so expensive?

>telling someone off for being a dumbass is autism

I'm still so fucking bummed my 5th gen iPod's battery turned to shit. Everything else was still perfect.

So replace it

No replacements in my backwards country

Your country doesn't have Li-ion batteries?

how hard is an old iPod classic battery swap?

Wait, I thought the iPod uses proprietary shit? I asked around and that's what they all seem to tell me.

It's just a lithium ion battery, Apple doesn't have their own secret battery tech or anything.

I don't use this kind of devices but if I were to choose one, I'd choose one that supports rockbox at least.

>Modern mp3 players actually cost more than phones do, friend.
you are retarded

No mass market anymore

I bought a Blackberry 9720 and am using it as a Portable Media player. The advantage to it is, I can use it as a back up mobile device and is compact enough. Plus I can go jogging with this eithout taking my giant ass Note 5 with the call-forwarding feature on.

I read these stop working after a few months use.

thiese things usually have shit audio quality with a lot of interference and the BT quality is even worse

AGPtek Rocker/Benjie T6 is pretty good, I have one and it sounds amazing with K240s, BT quality is great and the interface is responsive.

Are there any music players that support opus yet?

also anyone who says high-quality MP3 players are a meme has never listened to a good MP3 player. They make a huge difference in definition and stereo separation. Headphones do a lot of the sound shaping but the player is the amp and DAC, and those devices can really change what music sounds like before it gets to your ears.

Anything that can be Rockboxed

>using mp3 players in the days of smart phones

Explain this.

it has a fancy little ribbon connector in there but yeah it's a standard li-ion battery.

what'd you think it ran on, unicorn farts?

>it was shit anyway
I'm sorry, you seem to have a terminal case of shit taste. Clip+ with Rockbox is still goddamn perfect.

>They make a huge difference in definition and stereo separation.
>he actually listens to headphones without crossfeed

Music players are painlessly replaced if you damage it while working out. Replacing your phone is more of a hassle and more expensive. Though if you're buying a music player to listen to on your coach while you have a smartphone then you've got messed up priorities.

-Saves your phone's battery life
-In some cases PMPs will have their outputs measured by websites and be demonstrably accurate at audio reproduction
It's mostly an audiophile thing but saving your phone's battery is a legitimate thing.

An MP3 player is smaller, has better battery life, better sound quality, actual buttons instead of disgusting touchscreen, more storage, isn't susceptible to malware, and is significantly cheaper to replace.

if you use a phone to listen to music you are an idiot

been using mine since february, going strong

>physical buttons
>more compact
Not to mention my phone can't drive my headphones and I'm not interested in downgrading to a phone that can.

I listen to a lot of music where there's panning or side-alternating sounds, and a lot of cell phones I've tried fall on their faces when presented with musical events like that, they sound crossfed and there isn't much stereo bias, though it's there.

My Rocker delivers far superior sound depth to a cell phone and presents those panning and alternating sounds accurately. It also does a better job with extreme pitch, low and high sounds don't turn into noise. Synth leads sound smooth as fuck. On my cell phone they're ear-piercing.

had mine for about 4 months, still working fine. Most people I've talked to in /csg/ get about a year's life out of them. Pretty good for the price.

When my Ruizu dies, this will be my next one. Pretty good specs and well reviewed.
