Spend 20 minutes BTFOing my friend who just bought an iphone

>spend 20 minutes BTFOing my friend who just bought an iphone
>dropping apple redpills left and right
>phone begins bootlooping literally 5 minutes later
>has never done this before
>friend starts his stupid fucking shit-eating grin "HURR HURR SHOULDA BOUGHT AN APPLE THEY JUST WORK LOL"

i swear to god apple cucks just carry around a device that makes non-apple technology stop working only when (((they))) are around

>not even using the (((syntax))) right

i hate what reddit has done to this place

look no further than Sup Forums. The newfags and retards began flooding in from there

good job op. instead of being a good friend je began to sperg out and list up shitfit points why you think youre superior since you spent your money at x instead of y. sure shows how good of a friend you are.

in my mind Sup Forums and reddit are the same fucking thing at this point


wow i didnt know this was one of the cucked boards

good. leave and never come back.

No one cares you hate niggers and jews, we do too. But you talk like a redditor who's trying to fit in.

>can fix it manually instead of spending $1000 to have a certified apple genius do it for me

>implying im not going to stick around

somebody's gotta save this country


>being a snivelling cuck

here i am making america great again and somehow that is embarrassing... what have the libtards done to this country

>Apple is actually good
>iOS is really well-made and despite having some control issues (get over it you bullied faggots) those offer you an amazing upside
>everything is well-integrated, apps don't get full reign over your resources and battery usage, they are automatically stifled after 10 minutes of background activity, etc.
>tech wise it has a lot going for it and is impressive in general if you're a developer for both platforms
>hurdur muh normies muh stacies muh chads REEE
Sup Forums is full of children


>get over it you bullied faggots

This is now an iPhone hate thread.
>inb4 pajeet


How can iToddlers ever recover?
Getting beaten by phones almost half the price!

Sup Forums is filled with Google homos


Yep, differences measured in fractions of a second sure are the most important feature of your smartphone. Not general usability, longevity, user-friendliness, app integration and UI consistency, battery life, etc.
>b-b-but muh android device beats it on that for less!
Keep telling yourself that. You're emotionally invested and/or a Pajeet. Nobody who approaches this topic in good faith cares about your shitskin opinion.

Yet Android phones tend to have better battery lives, displays, cameras, you can customise the UI to your liking, etc. Rooting too, custom launchers too, file managers, higher download capacities...

And from my WEBMs, they're getting faster too.

No need to cry, you're only being replaced.

Not an argument.

Fucking kek'd
The iToddlers are getting desperate, aren't they?

That they are... That they are...

I hardbricked my s7 edge by being s nigger. Using a iPhone 6s Plus. Could be worse

go back /r/pol/ newfag

>s a g e d