Google now wants to control all the ads on every website on Chrome

>Google now wants to control all the ads on every website on Chrome
>Websites will force you to turnoff independent adblockers and use Google's adblocker
>The adblocker only blocks "annoying" ads, which Google decides
>Big companies will pay Google stupid amounts of money to show their ads on Chrome

When will you stop feeding this monster with more power?

Honestly this is what's going to kick me off chrome and onto vivaldi or something, knowing my browser is scanning every page I visit to filter shit out is uncomfortable

Good. A bunch of private companies do what they lawfully want with their private property. What do you wanna do? Fine/Sue them for what?
Go to GNUnet / change your browser if you don't like it.

enjoy the botnet faggot

It's inevitable. I gave up a long time ago. I should use Firefox or another browser, but I'm just too lazy.

They don't force you to use chrome

I'm SO MUCH GLAD that normans will get eaten by what they gave food to.


That's a really good tuck, user.

Purple > Black > Green

Don't use chrome?

Who this cum slut

Shit. I don't wanna use firefox

But every other browser besides chrome/chromium or firefox is shit


Why not firefox?

Its a dude.

It doesn't perform aswell as chrome

What does perform mean in this context?
Firefox uses less RAM than Chrome, otherwise they work pretty much the same for me.

How can you tell it's a tuck?

the giant man hands?

>on Chrome
Hopefully it won't affect me.



>A bunch of private companies do what they lawfully want with their private property. What do you wanna do? Fine/Sue them for what?
You have no idea how the world works, do you?

I like to think I have. Yeah, big bad corp is wringing the internet more and more with its tentacular appendages so that webAds 2.0™ are even a bigger pain in the ass to block. All the while giving publishers easy ways to plaster the internet with said hard to block ads. Soon, you can't check the weather without drinking a verification can, boo-hoo.
Face it user, the good days of the internet are behind it. Business is gonna fuck it up like it did with the rest of mass-media and there's fuck-all we can do about that except running some meme browser.

>They don't force you to use chrome
>They don't force you to use google
>They don't force you to use youtube
>They don't force you to use recaptcha
>They don't force you to use...

See, that's the thing, they don't have to, but you ARE forced to use these just because you get boxed in without any other options.

Well, almost all of this is wrong. Stop sharing fake shit. No one will force you to disable other adblockers, and companies don't pay Google to show their ads.

The ads will be enabled based on their form and not on who made them.

I don't know why I'm even trying to argue against fake clickbait on Sup Forums. What am I doing with my fucking life.

>no other options for a search engine
that's bullshit

Will this make certain websites block chrome by default?

Stop my dick can only get so hard.

You're not forced to use chrome at all. You might as well use Opera which is even better. I use Firefox+uBlock Origin so I don't give a shit about all this.
You're not forced to use Google search engine. You can use DuckDuckGo, Yandex or StartPage.
You're no forced to use YouTube but there are hardly any alternatives.
Recaptcha is only on cucked shit sites like this one. Apparently Google will abandon it soon. There are also alternatives, though less used.

You have many options, you're either too stupid or too uninterested to see that they're there.

Opera has been a Chromium fork for several years now. Same with Firefox.

>Opera has been a Chromium fork for several years now.
So? It's still better than chrome itself.
>Same with Firefox.

I thought Sup Forums had already decided the chrome botnet was garbage years ago.

Does nu/g/ not care about privacy anymore?

yes and yes

don't use chrome
use a search engine other than google

>>Websites will force you to turnoff independent adblockers and use Google's adblocker

>The adblocker only blocks "annoying" ads, which Google decides
This is already the case in popular adblockers. Google probably paid them $ to have that white list ON by default.


just use some Chromium fork with just this "feature" removed

chrome shills bombarding Sup Forums against using firefox and use "superior" chrome happened, mozilla becoming retarded didn't help either