Hey, Sup Forums, deciding to buy a laptop with $670 range.
What are best laptops around that range?
Hey, Sup Forums, deciding to buy a laptop with $670 range.
What are best laptops around that range?
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for what?
For a decent gaming laptop you're gonna need at least 1000 bucks kiddo.
>I want to buy a computer whose internals become discontinued the moment they are built so replacing and repairing is nearly impossible and upgrading restricted in almost every capacity
Some people actually leave their rooms, user
pfft, oh, you said 'gaming' laptop. I thought you said at least 1000 for a decent laptop of any kind.
You can't get a decent gaming laptop because they don't exist, but you can get an alright one for 1000+
I want a fucking decent laptop. Not necessarily for gaming.
there is an Acer one for about 800. Check logical or laptopscribes.com
I don't have that much money user.
depending on vega and how good it might be the 11CU amd apus might be decent at that price point if youre willing to wait(tm)
You have to go back
this might not be bad for the price newegg.com
decent at what nigger? I assumed gayming because of your OP image. what do you want to use your laptop for?
Daily driver
fuck off Sup Forumsermin
Try a Windows 85.
Used T420 and $500 desktop
get a thinkpad
Seeing as you have a low budget I would look for either a Lenovo or Toshiba refurbished unit. AUD$1000 will get you an i5 with 12gb and a 250ssd refurb T440 Lenovo.
get a desktop and a thinkpad you fucking AUTISMO