/ptg/ - Private Tracker General

Cuck at me bro edition.

Previous thread News
>Failcuck of the year identified
>user shames cabal
>user smug af
>Rippy resurfaces as an unemployed bitter SJW
>A useful post gets misplaced on /ptg/
>user tells /ptg/ why you should use the memory reader with RatioMaster+

Not sure what private trackers are all about?
>The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for shitposting, by recognizing top keks through news headlines and by advancing the interests of its members.

Have a question?
>FAQ pastebin.com/SLdgTiuc
>WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
>IRC #opentrackers.org irc.opentrackers.org

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers.
>This is a thread for educational purposes only. Don't offer or ask for invites.

Official /ptg/ OP template:

Other urls found in this thread:


new freeleech picks on bitspyder:


See the wonderful Redacted forums. Join the fun :)

that image editing is so bad you know it was made in gimp by some lincucks-tard

Thanks for the news.

Next OP image.

Shhh, Luk. No tears. Only dreams now.

hi r.eddit

Remember: One of the Anons on this very thread can invite all of us to BTN, but refuses to.

nice inspect element, kiddo

So you actively try to shut down the lower-mid trackers in the RPG because they're not good enough for your needs? That's just plain selfish as fuck, I can't see why you'd want to wish that on a tracker many other people still use when it doesn't particularly deserve that. Anyhow, it'd be at the fault of the higher tier trackers for recruiting on them in the first place, would it not?

Shut up nerd. Tracker staff ban BRIENfags all the time

Don't you have a post you have to make on /r/trackers?

I don't use the forums and I have no contact with staff. I'm only there for the music. I really don't get all this obsessing about tracker staff.

If you're there for the music then in that case know that torrent moderators like SaltButter and Zeitgeist do a horrible job of following the upload rules and totally disregard valid trumps just to preserve swarms. The content you could be receiving could be labelled so much better

I'm not the redditor here, retard. You're the one who wants to (((SHUT IT DOWN))).

/r/truetrackers/ is that way kiddo


It's dead....

Relax, sperg.

why do you care this much?

yeah, whatever dude. I'm not interested in your drama. my only concern is that red doesn't become as huge a target as wcd. I hope we end up having 5 successful music trackers, each doing things slightly differently. what a grand thing that would be.

>both SCC and Apollo are down with Error 502

How convenient

>he is on apollo
taxi to apollo, sir?

>SCC down
>APL down
I see

I wonder what this weeks excuse is...


>using a phone without a sim

makes sense

thats XANAX, what the fuck does that have to do with apollo? Xanax is dead

they changed the name from xanax to apollo after users pointed out that using the patented brand name of a product owned by a $50 billion a year company might not be the brightest of ideas.

hi kyle

hi r.eddit

Server move from New Delhi to Mumbai.


Where can I find UK panel/quiz shows like the Big Fat Quiz?
I thought they would be on theempire.click but they are not.

This thread is lacking stylesheet discussion.

Who are your favorite private tracker users /ptg/?
My vote goes for puff

hi r.eddit

penis lol

hi puff.

Fucking marked you piece of shit

do you mean marking discussion?

Zed, Sadistic and Betrayed

take that back right now



no u

Rukia but he acted like a retard recently so i dislike him now. Id say **i**u right now.

are you having a stroke?

Which tracker has wrestling?

Really user?

I have the same question but for AB. How long does the RED's inviter take?

h*ck mam staff


>SCC back up
>APO back up
I see


Why senpai?

hi re.ddit

I'm feeling edgy and wanted to use the nono word


Why do people treat pth/red as if it's not a horseshit cesspool? If xanax is cricket pth is tmobile. Curryniggers only on open sign up / interview semi-private trackers

Don't you mean ***i**u?

>Id say **i**u right now.
? Raichu?

>reddit.com/r/trackers/comments/6folrn/why_is_marking_people_for_using_Sup Forums_a_thing/
OP was removed but comments still there.



wtf i hate channers now

>312c posts
Of course.

Please respond.

>The kind of people who frequently post on Sup Forums aren't the kind of people most trackers want as members.


Only has shitty wwe, sempai :(

there was a ddl tracker that had old vhs recordings of wwf raw episodes, is that what you're looking for?

Can somebody give me a basic gestalt on Speed.CD?

ddl site*

Whos cabal?

I'm interested in non-mainstream wrestling like lucha or some japanese organizations.

>bibliotik.me (1)

he is a retard, just ignore him

The general perception is almost comical.

fucking HURRY MYR

Someone with a reddit account bully 312cuck into finally killing himself please

Let's ripping boys!

fuck off

reminder to bookmark 50 torrents before the million is reached so you can grab them as soon as tokens are given out.

Why are you so upset?

your trip doesn't look aesthetic. Its a disgrace to the blutopia(tm) trademark


desu, yes.

i expect 50/100 tokens and staff picks.

Is 32pages worth it comrades? Does it have anything interesting in its invite forums?

I ran out of things to download even during the last token giveaway.

That's honestly perfect

its shit kiddo

LB06 will not like this one bit,

Can someone check tech for wrestling?

Why not just a day long freeleech

Thats too much buffer for seeboxfags.

But I want to download tons of stuff so I can maybe get buffer some day in the future :(
Not that I really need it but still

That way the plebs who joined later could catch up to the elite.

Just use tokens on things you want or might want or even on things you dont care about and seed for a while. Eventually you will get something out of it. BTW few staff pick albums enough to get like 20Gb buffer on home connection easily if your not sloppy.

Wait so posting here gets you marked by the staff?

Am I in danger of getting banned
