Ublock Origin = Ad HIDER not blocker

Why is this program loading the ads and THEN hiding them? You can clearly see it doing it.

Other urls found in this thread:


because the page would block you acess if you block them, so it just hides them instead

>Using http
Ads are the least of your problems, normal normie Norman

blue board

post your porn shit elsewhere

kys shill

ABP works perfectly on that page


By the looks of it it's not blocking the ad images at all. (becasue it's not in its rules).

It's probably only blocking its container.
Why it takes so long? maybe the container is constructed through Javascript in an attempt to fool adblockers?

btw: I don't get that flash of ad images, all appears normal for me. - maybe my computer is just faster though.

user are you retarded?

>install ublock
>don't subscribe to any filter
>therefore ublock does NOTHING
>right click, "hide element"
>hide a div that contains ad
>make OP's webbm

works on my machine
webm related, 120FPS/Hz recorded just now

Try it on a slow PC though. It's probably still loading them but it hides them too fast for you to see.

m8 it blocks it even on my phone, so yeah purge those cashes and update filters like said


Wait is that chrome? Just off yourself

Isn't that's how they all work? First page download everything, then addblockers start work. The only thing that really blocked everything completely was old Opera.

t. clueless housewife

What filters does everybody use?

Educate me then.

Steven Black, but I have no idea if it is good/the best. I'd like to hear what others have to say too.


>Why is this program loading the ads and THEN hiding them?
because you used element hiding rules instead of network filters

(((Steven Black)))

/our guy/

Why are people on this board so fucking tech illiterate? I swear, you faggots have the same level of expertise as my grandma.

First, open up your console. Yes, a console. It's that thing that displays text about what's going on in the background of your program. Hit CTRL+SHIFT+J to open it if you're too stupid to look around your browser.

Next, go to a website with ads and you'll see they're all blocked. Not hidden, blocked.

Now go back to Facebook, this site is for people who actually know how to use a computer.

>tfw your """adblocker"""" hides and load the ad on your pc and take the ad revenue

are you retarded?

in ublock's settings you'll see "cosmetic filters". ublock will block some things, and simply "hide" some things, depending on what rulesets / lists you're using. adblockplus does this too.

work safe board
enjoy your ban, shill

>Why are people on this board so fucking tech illiterate?

Welcome to neo-Sup Forums

If you retards would open the network analyzer that every browser comes with these days, you'll see the ads aren't loaded.


Genius, sadly there are too many adblock users who are autistic and will notice it after 2 days

it's good that they have filters to block cnn et al

Uh, actually Adblock Plus isn't even trying to hide those ads at all, fuck.
Someone else using it can confirm this?

UO and ABP both block some ads and hide unblockable ads.

Old Opera never blocked all ads.

Do you retard now know how to record your screen? What the fuck is this?

Wait, didn't uBlock Origin use a combined approach of hiding and blocking? It would seem like it'd be a necessity in some cases...

Damn, haven't seen a webm doing that in over a year. These threads happened all the time.

They probably do it because blocking them can't be done with document.getElementById("ad")[0].remove()


Firefox still downloads unblockable ads but never renders it. Chrome renders unblockable ads and then hides it.

That's what it does.

>unblockable ads
What would that be? Ads that are dynamically inserted in the page using JS? In this case can't you just block the JS itself?

Yes, Cosmetic Filtering



>downloads unblockable ads
No, it doesn't. You can analyze the network traffic. It completely blocks the traffic towards and from blocked domains. Valid for both FireFox and Chromium uB0.

Ads embedded as text in web pages are not blocked. They are hidden. Turn off cosmetic filtering and you'll see them at websites such as Google or Yahoo.

Because you are using Chrome with a gimped plugin API. In Firefox it actually blocks the requests (this is why Firefox > * everyting by the way).

Chrome added the ability to block ads from downloading years ago.

Ofcourse, that's how all content blockers work.

Oh yes, the proof you just posted definitely supports your claims

Man, I remember when it was 2009 too.

Holy fuck
>block ads to prevent viruses
>add "blockers" turn into add hiders
>adds now still running malicious code in back ground
>you get your shit wrecked anyway

>letting javascript run like a degenerate

You deserve everything you get

It's just a guy violating a squash.

Some ads are dynamically inserted using the page scripting language, not javascript and don't have easily blockable url structures, so you can only hide them after they appear.

But these adverts are also almost always locally hosted and don't have javascript associated with them that often becomes a vector for malware, so they're also usually the least intrusive.