What's the best looking 24" monitor I can get for around $200 or cheaper?

What's the best looking 24" monitor I can get for around $200 or cheaper?

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Dell-UltraSharp-U2414H-Screen-Monitor/dp/B00GTV05XG/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1496505396&sr=8-2&keywords=dell u2415


It's an inch shorter, but that's not always bad.


amazon.com/Dell-UltraSharp-U2414H-Screen-Monitor/dp/B00GTV05XG/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1496505396&sr=8-2&keywords=dell u2415

Worth the extra $25

It's either $100 for 1080p 60hz IPS displays with VESA from AOC

or $200 for 1080p 144hz TN displays

size doesn't matter

Like, the thigns on the screen? Or the actual physical screen itself?

Thats what he said.

The display

Gotta be 1080p though

Basically this. For $200 you'll either get a good looking ips with low refresh, or a high refresh rate with less image quality

This. Went for this over a 27" for a similar cost. 24" is much more comfy as a primary monitor anyway.

Best 24" gaming monitor for under 300???


This, rocking 2 x U2417H (same monitor but a Samsung panel instead of LG) and couldn't be happier.
Even my cousin that had a 1ms gayman TN monitor got a U2414H after testing one of mine side by side with his and seeing that the difference in practice was none.

do not listen to these people with little dicks.

go for lg 29 incher
it is 170$ has almost 100% color accuracy .

Anyone know what the cheapest 144hz monitor is?

why 144? You can buy 10$ 23 inch 122hz crt from your grandpa.
It will have also superior color accuracy,deep black etc...


Because the resolution is trash

This made me angry,CRT has better resolution than anything you can buy under 400$

Any crt under 400 dollars is only 1080p 60hz

Any trash 1080p LCD/led can easily do 75-100hz

Not to mention they aren't fucking VGA



1. Crt resolution scaling is far superior
2. You can set crt to display 500000x500000
3. We are not talking about new crt but used that is far from 400$
4.Op asked about monitor under 200$ you are not gonna find 4k monitor with 144hz under 200$ and crt still has superior color than TN
5.You are gay and I do not like you :^(

>used CRT
enjoy your washed out colors
[spoiler]CRT was too good for this world[/spoiler]

>hating on VGA

I'm not sure if you're just underage or retarded

Link me up senpai

@OP craigslist a $40 1080p monitor

Qnix QX2710 (non HDMI version, ie the DVI only version)
>PLS (similar to IPS)
>Can run between 96Hz to 120Hz
>Easy to find for under $200
>practically no input lag
>no scaler so no compatibility issues
>everything runs perfectly with Linux


Wrong. Qnix 2710 is high refresh, IPS quality, high resolution, and low input lag

1080p is garbage; get 1440p

Qnix QX2710

>1080p CRT
you are not smart user

Pure looks? Probably the Samsung Quantum Dot. Better colors than IPS, waaaaay better contrast.

Missed the $200 part. The quantum dot VA panels really are the current king of image quality right now and not enough people consider them for whatever reason, but it's more expensive than $200.

For that price, QNIX is good if you can go up to 27'' and run 1440p. I think Crossover had a better model at one point that might be that cheap these days, but I haven't kept up with Korean stuff.

>1080p is garbage; get 1440p

He's right though. If you can afford a 1440p monitor, it's a huge upgrade.

1080p is (mostly) a poorfag only thing at this point.

Only retard would buy something between 4k and 1k

1.5k is just overpriced meme.

It's really not. Image quality is way better on 1440p panels next to 1080p panels. Literally looking at two of them right now. The only real downside is that the scaling for 1080p content isn't the best, but it's not even that bad.

Not really all that expensive anymore either.

CRTs from the mid nineties had more vertical pixels than 1080. I had fucking 1600x1200 when I was like 15 years old on a fucking free monitor. 1080 is such garbage its not even funny. 1080 was garbage when it was first released, and it is beyond garbage now after like 15+ years of being used on computer monitors. How does it feel knowing that you have less vertical pixels than a monitor that was practically worthless even in 1995?

>1.5k is just overpriced meme.
Several years ago I got my Qnix QX2710 for like $300. It is 2560x1440, I run it at 96Hz though it can probably run at 120Hz, and it is basically an IPS panel. Also, it has extremely low input lag. You can find these for under $200 now. I do not see how that is overpriced

newfag here, i got a new monitor and its my first time ever using 2 flat screens, both are acer h236hl, the original one worked with hdmi fine but after trying to connect a hdmi splitter even the old monitor wont work with a hdmi cord. ive tried different cables too. wat do?

Its 2.5k you stupid bitch

Dont use HDMI, it is a botnet. Use DVI or DisplayPort.

A 29" 1080p monitor is just damned stupid

Also there are 21:9 1080p IPS displays for under $200

If 1440p Korean monitors still exist for $200 then maybe roll the dice on one

my main monitor (new one) is using dvi atm and the older 2nd one is using vga lol, xd botnet hurdur

A 27" 1440p display, and 22" 1080p display will look the same, they have pretty similar ppi

Yea but the 1080 will have a practically unusable amount of vertical pixels. 1080 gives you barely any working area


So 1440p allows you to use bigger monitors and gives you more workable space. I don't see how this isn't a good thing.

user, we are clearly dealing with complete retards here

im completely clueless

If you're gaming that doesn't matter though, at $200 you'd want the 1080p 144hz TN free-sync display over 1440p 60hz IPS

For $200, you can get a 1440p 120hz IPS. Even without a good warranty, I would take that over a shitty TN any day of the week.

It also depends on what type of games you play. If you're interested in buying a $200 monitor, you probably don't have the GPU horsepower to put out over 60 frames in anything more demanding than CS:Go or the like(...and if you do, save for a decent monitor. Please don't buy a $500 GPU you'll have to replace in three years and plug it into a budget monitor, that's retarded). If you don't play those types of games, I would take the better image quality every time.


Let me reiterate that for your fragile little mind



Link bro

>the poorfag buying the shitty 1080p monitor says someone else has a fragile little mind

Go get help somewhere else then faggot. Literally nobody pays attention to 1080p monitors these days, let alone budget models.


Might be able to get the multi-input version now too, but I would research it. The scalers they used on the old Korean monitors had some input lag issues.

t. Retard

29" @ 1080 is disgustingly pixelated.

I have three of these. I just bought the third monitor recently from Best Buy. The other two monitors and a triple monitor vesa stand were bought off of Letgo for $45 (!).

>1920x1080 CRT
you are now a confirmed retard. congratulations!

>If you're gaming that doesn't matter though, at $200 you'd want the 1080p 144hz TN free-sync display over 1440p 60hz IPS

No, for gaming I would rather have a 1440p 96Hz IPS

fuckin solid. i got mine for $170 i think. perfect for my 770

You really do *not* want the multi-input version. That is the one that has input lag. The DVI only version has no scaler and very little input lag because of this. In fact, it is among the lowest input lag of LCD monitors

Is there a version with hdmi and display port?

>Is there a version with hdmi
Yes but it can not be overclocked to 96Hz and has more input lag

>display port
Im not really sure

I found a SHARP lc-43n6100u Aquos 43" 4K smart LED TV for $250 at walmart a few weeks ago.


bought an HDMI 2.0 cable and use it as a monitor.

pretty neat

Yeah, thought they may have changed the scaler or something along the way because it's been a bit.

The bypass boards are fucking GOAT tier if you're just using it for PC gaming though. I had a Catleap back in the day with one and it started my journey to being autistically interested in input lag figures. Actually appreciably made me better at video games, just like the "1MS" meme monitors claimed but actually real.

Just convert the HDMI to DVI. If you need multiple inputs, you're apparently going to have to spend more money on another monitor though.


Can someone remind me why we do not do this?
The ppi is good enought and price is cheap.

most TVs have horrendous input lag. I mean it doesnt just make gaming bad; it makes everything bad. moving the mouse around, typing, everything

Input lag, lack of proper Chroma 4:4:4 subsampling on a lot of them, cheap TVs like that usually use pretty shitty panels, whole lot of reasons.

You can actually use a nice TV as a computer monitor if you don't play video games, but there's usually some level of bullshit along the way.

there were some earlier reviews which complained about the UHD 4k not working but there was a Firmware update from SHARP and you need to use an HDMI 2.0 cable on one of the two HDMI ports on the rear of the TV not the side.. its bitchin'

it was a floor model demo thus the cheap price , 90 return but its a keeper..

with the right computer hardware and fat internet pipe its as good as I could hope for without going into thousands of Yen

watching Twin Peaks and that was actually the reason I bought it