/pcbg/ - PC Building General

Post your component list; rate other anons'; ask questions in general.

>Assemble your parts list with price comparisons & compatibility filter.

THEN state the PURPOSE of your PC & BUDGET. State COUNTRY if not USA.
List GAMES/SOFTWARE you use often. List resolution & hz if gaming.
Seeking build improvements? Clarify goal: lower price or improved specs?
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>How to assemble a PC, select components & more. (somewhat outdated)

>G4560 - budget builds (R5 1500x - generally all you need for 60fps with power to spare. No i5
>R5 1600 - best value for higher fps gaming & mixed usage; 1600x if you too lazy to OC
>i7-7700k - bad value but good for higher FPS; may have heat issues
>R7/Xeon/Threadripper/i9 - compute/Multitask/mixed use

>G4560 iGPU is fine for desktop stuff and very light game
>1050Ti for low budget. Drop settings if not Freesync/Gsync on newer games; RX560 if discounted RX570 4GB - 1080p@60+hz, running most maxed; older games at 144+hz
>RX580 8GB - 1440p@60+hz, inject SMAA & drop settings
>1060 - Generally outperformed by the RX 580 and GSync costs more; consider if AMD is not an option (ie CUDA/miners buying all RX570s)
>1070 - if on heavy sale-ish
>1080 - 1080p@100-144+hz maxed; 1440p at lower hz.
>1080Ti - 1440p@90-144+hz; 4k@60hz in SOME games, more at lower settings

>READ PRODUCT REVIEWS to see if that cheap SSD/PSU or whatever is reliable
>Consider larger SSD-only for what you budget SSD+HDD combined. Add HDD later once needed
>NVMe aren't for faster OS boot. They're primarily for productivity/scratch disk/VMs
>Stop confusing any M.2 drive with NVMe. M.2 is a form factor
>mATX board + case is often cheaper
>1 SR DIMM is slower than 2 DIMMs

Other urls found in this thread:


First for i5 650 and 1333mhz still keeping me comfy

r8 my VR build.

I have ordered everything on this list except for the CPU and keyboard. Did i make any bad mistakes? (Compatibility issues, quality, general opinions wanted)
>RGB fags, brand loyalty fags, etc. need not apply

can you nice fellows reccomend a $250 build 4 me? i already have case and gtx 960


250 for CPU, Mobo, Ram and disk ?

Am I blind? Where is the SSD.

Use pcpartpicker.com next time

M.2 Disks bro.

This is my current build, built only a month ago. If possible I am wanting to improve my fan situation. I use the two Corsair fans on the front and a single stock fan from the case on the rear as an exhaust.

How can I improve this? I also plan on buying a phanteks fan hub, because my top front fan is connected to the water pump socket, and I have to use speedfan to slow it down because otherwise it runs at 100% speed.




>2 1080s

His parents must be retarded for buying such expensive cards just so he can play minecraft


Disclaimer! The Intel CPU/motherboard and 1080ti are simply place holders of what I'm willing to pay for comparable AMD hardware (Threadripper + Vega)

CPU cooler will be whatever is good and fits the massive threadripper

They're 1080ti's user. Even worse. His parents spent minimum $1400 so he can get 150+ Fps in his autistic lego game.

Also what do you anons think? Is my build too much? Wondering If I went a bit overkill... Really excited for threadripper though.

Richfags don't care.
They just throw their money away on their shitspawns so they shut up and don't actually have to spend any time raising them.

Needless to say these kids are going to grow up into horrible people.

Hows that monitor lookin

>213000 fucking dollars
Ayylmaoo why is the Swedish dollar so shit? How much do you make a year?

>tfw too lazy to organize wires
>just replaced a motherboard and probably did a bad job with the thermal paste but temps are fine
>too lazy to install all the jumper pins except the power switch
>too lazy to put the side covers on
>too lazy to fix the mess that is my desk

I need a new hobby

Why is the G4560 still recomended? Two cores is not enough these days and will continue to fall behind. The price difference between a G4560 build and a ryzen build is less than 100$. With double the cores and threads along with OC potential how does intel compete?

G4560 build

Ryzen build

Pewdiepie calm your tits and buy a threadripper
Its the only way to stick it to the jews at intel... in their bank accounts

I don't want to wait for that. throwing moar cores doesn't solve shit for VR and gaymin.

I am the jews.

I dont know. Arrives monday. Seems decent for my uses

Buy a non X chip since clearly you plan on OC
No real reason for the water cooling\

If you can budget it might be worth for the 1700 non x but the 1600 is fine as well

Why is my Ryzen 7 1700 so hot? The cpu doesn't show up in speccy for some reason so I'm using HW to watch the temps. There are three temps for some reason but 2 of them are above 40C and one is 60C when idle. im using the stock cooler since everyone and their mothers said it was okay to overclock on the stock cooler. I asked on the stupid questions thread but no response, please reply

Games are starting to use better APIs that make use of more cores

4 cores will be exactly where 2 cores are today in 2~ years time.
This is the last generation dual core CPUs will be on mainstream. Celeron might be pushed out with 2c4t chips on cannon lake but I doubt even that will happen.

If you currently have a 4c 8t chip there is zero reason to "upgrade" to a 7700k

Room temp? min of 46c is wicked hot for a ryzen
Maybe your cooler is not seated correctly?

I don't have a PC at the moment used for gaymin. and I'll upgrade in 2 years if need be.

Rate this build please. I'm gonna wait a bit though for potential price drops once threadripper comes and/or swap the 580 for a 1060/1070

Amd ryzen 1600
MSI B350 PC mate mainboard
Gigabyte RX 580 Gaming 8G
be quiet pure power 10 500W CM psu
SanDisk 240gb ssd
Cheapest 8gb of ddr4 ram I could find (2133)
Nanoxia deep silence 3 case

user, not sure if you could tell, but the kid in OP's pic sure looks like he won't live longer than 30.

How do you expect a kid with an IQ of 80 to save any of the cash his parents made?

what do you mean hot? If you're OC'ing on the stock cooler, higher temps is expected. HWmonitor is showing you the minimum, current, and maximum value the CPU has experienced since opening the program.

While idling in the 40's is on the higher end, it's not approaching more than 60's under load. And I know it's under load because you can see it in the clock speed portion. When your CPU hit 64C, notice all 16 threads were at 3.7ghz.

Buy fast ram
Ryzen scales well with ram speed

Also is the MSI PC mate one the board with a shit VRM?

If you can wait I would wait for vega

I think you fucked up something, mine don't get that hot on idle at all.

Why not upgrade now and use the ryzen 1700?
8 core 16 thread that runs 1440p+ games as well as the 7700k for the same price.

Will an Accelero Arctic Xtreme 4 for an Rx 480 fit in an ENERMAX ECA3351A case?

The cooler is 288 mm and the case width is 390 mm, but I know for a fact that the cooler width starts at the middle of the card due to the heatsink being in the middle, so I'm not sure there will be enough room in the case.

please fucking help me figure this out

Wasn't there some problem with ryzens and faster ram? I think I've heard of something like that. Also budget is a factor for me, don't wanna spend too much

Not sure about the vrm, but that board was just the cheapest at the moment, another msi b350 board was pretty much he same but had some gaming meme name, not that I care. Dunno. Suggest a better board I guess?

Any info on Vega price points? Again, budget for my build. That all is already 800+€ and I don't wanna go too far up from that

It doesn't perform exactly like the 7700k.

>giving a single fuck about temps unless your PC is automatically turning off or blue screening


I had the most trouble installing that fan. Maybe it's the thermal paste? I didn't clean off what was on the stock cooler. Here are my full specs

cheapest b350 board with best vrm is msi b350m pro-vdh

also get faster ram, you will thank yourself later

if you are on a budget, skimp out on a case, buy used all black case and buy mesh separate and cut your air vents manually, also rx 580 is overpriced currently so you wanna go for a 1060 (i hate nvidia) or wait tm for vega

Anyone sell their 480/580 to miners? I bought mine for $230 last year and just sold it for $415 on ebay. Gonna go get me a refurb 1080 now

Did some stress testing today with Aida64's stability test (not overclocking rn btw, running an i7 7700k).

Ran the CPU, FPU, cache, and memory stress tests there and hit a max of 83C, with most temps in the high 70s, and no throttling. This is fairly good for now, right? Also only ran for a bit more than half an hour since I'm not overclocking, temps were consistent.

Though for some reason, my idle temps seem to be around 40C...

And one more thing, what's a good program to stress test my 1070 with?

If you are stressing testing you need to load the GPU and CPU same time

Run furmark and prime95 for at least one hour

Posted my generic Ryzen build at the end of the last thread, will be for gaming.
Everything look good to start ordering? Planning to oc the 1600.

Was gonna wait for Vega to push gpu prices down, but I'm tired of only using a laptop.

I view intel as japanese car makers.
Japs push their low ccm engines to the fucking limit causing them to die early from high RPM and overheat without overkill coolers.
Intel pushes it's arch to the limit and can barely compete with amd in consumer sphere.
My r5 1600 sits comfortably at 57c on stock cooler at 3.9ghz while having similar computing power.

heard prime95 was shit now though

get an msi b350 board, they have better VRMs

>3.9 on stock
Holy shit i shouldnt have bought an H60 then

Yeah I would try putting it on properly, make sure it's screwed on tightly

Looks ok
Would find a cheaper B350 or go for a x370
Also I suggest get a 580 8gb if you can find one and a freesync monitor that runs more HZ than 60

am4 itx boards when?

I don't want that biostar board.

What board would you recommend? Thought the Asus Prime was good for overclocking.

Wanted to keep the budget under $1,200, feel like a better monitor would put me well over that.

msi b350 top of the line ones with more VRMs


>no ssd

So, I'm finally biting the bullet and getting one. What should I get? My budget is around 120€ and I've been eyeing the Samsung 850 Evo (~103€) and the ADATA SU800 (~95€), but I'm open to suggestions.

Tomahawk or PC mate? Wanted something without gamer aesthetics and rgb.

Not picky besides that as long as it has a couple USB 2 ports, my dac/amp works better with 2.0.

What is the best place to sell my old graphics card?

How bug of an SSD should I get if I plan on gaming?

Also is freesync actually worth it?

You sound overweight

Samsung and kingston are always quality despite being abit pricey

500 gb should suffice especially with steam library management.

Yes. Freesync and kikesync are like mechanical keyboards. Not necessary but once you get them it is hard to go back.

this image triggers me

>RAM dies
>Check to buy more


>Buying RAM
Just download more RAM

I can't buy more if the PC won't boot haha

>He uses single channel DIMM

But. I don't.

After replacing psu, mobo and processor and wasting so much money I want to kill someone, it can only be this.

Oh it is you. The most unlucky man on Earth. Didn't I tell you to test your RAM first?

If I already have a gtx1070 and want to game at 4k 60fps, what CPU should I upgrade to? I'm currently rocking an i7 3770k which handles 4k 60fps fine but I'm getting page fault BSOD's and my CPU fan keeps randomly spiking so I'm thinking it's time to upgrade.

Content creation is a possibility but I don't think it's enough for me to worry about. The heaviest game I play at the moment is Titanfall 2.

I tested it with all I could. I tried all possible position combinations.

>gtx1070 and want to game at 4k 60fps

i7 3770k is fine.
At 4k, your bottleneck will 100% be GPU. Go look at any decent benchmarks.
Also page fault BSOD means your RAM is fault. Run memtest.

Is there a proper way to get rid of this shit? Is it gonna bite me in the ass if I ignore it?

So you are telling me that both your RAM sticks are broken and both of them are broken badly enough they prevented booting? Was there an electrical blackout recently that fried both of them? That is the only possible way to damage RAM that badly. That or very bad corrosion on the connectors. Damn is your luck shitty.

I run Titanfall 2 on max and hit 60fps at 4k just fine.

Are you sure about that? It's a page fault in non paged area BSOD. Every time I've googled it I see people saying it's CPU.

>Is there a proper way to get rid of this shit?
Yes. Activate it by buying a legit key or illegally by using an activator.

>Is it gonna bite me in the ass if I ignore it?
Iirc some features will be disabled to you. You will still get all critical security updates but not the rest of the updates.

No black out, I turned off my pc one night, next morning all this

And of course now that I'm googling it again, the top result says RAM. Cool.

What's a good 1080 to buy price/performance wise?

Hows this one look

Page fault simply means windows ran into corrupted memory. That might be a problem with your page file, RAM or CPU. But CPU is normally the hardest shit to break so most of the time it is RAM. Have you ran Memtest?

any activator recommendations?

No, because I'm retarded. I'm about to do that now.

Not him, but many currencies out there are literally just pennies, as in they have no dollars (or any other variations thereof).
Like the Yen (¥).

However I don't think Kroner are like that.

Hmm. RAM does break suddenly like that. How are you turning on your mobo? Try shorting the on/off connectors instead of using your case power button. The easiest way to test of course is to get new RAM or any RAM. Go ask around. Plenty people have spare RAM sticks lying around. Shouldn't be a problem to test.

This ugly little faggot makes me angry.
>2x1080 Tis to play minecraft
I'm not racist but he doesn't look white which makes it even worse.

>any activator recommendations?
The source is more important than the program because people can and will tag malware along with activators. Go google around and I am sure a working activator will turn up.

>What's a good 1080 to buy price/performance wise?
A 1080ti

I tried hitting the actual power button by removing the case lid, not confident or informed for any connector fiddling

>I'm not racist

Yes you are, just admit it. There's nothing wrong with being racist anyway.

Morbidly so.

Does anything happen when your hit the power button or nothing at all?


I am sure you have already done these steps but just go through all these steps again and ensure you have done these.

I've been through that page 3 times dude. All that happens is the heatsink fan powers up for about 2 seconds, then nothing.

**race realist

One can recognize the differences between different Human sub-clades without being antagonistic.

Well at least now you know for sure what is at fault. Good luck with finding new RAM.

Intended for high-end games and Photoshop and video editing (After Effects mainly).


Anything I should change to make it cheaper without compromising quality?

If I buy new RAM and this shit still don't work.

Fuck man

If you are going to get 144hz monitor, spend the extra to get kike sync or free sync.

It might be an issue with the power button on your casing wearing out. Rare but again RAM breaking down that badly is rare as well. What might be happening is that when you hit the power button, because your power button is wore out, it sends a double signal turning your CPU on and then instantly off. Extremely rare that this happen as most buttons have built in safe guards against this but your case is quite unique already. I have never heard of multiple RAMs preventing boot at all. Even when they do prevent POST, your mobo will start up, give a few beeps and then shut down.

Does your mobo have an onboard speaker?
Your PC won't post without RAM but if the CPU/mobo and PSU are working, it will produce error codes via beeps or 8 segment displays (depending on mobo). That could clue you in.

He looks like from BR