Why do we hate windows 10 again?

why do we hate windows 10 again?

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I don't.

Is there a way to use Windows 10 securely? I don't want to go back to 7 but I also don't want Microsoft to have a backdoor into my asshole.

Just use it. If you want to be backdoored you need Linux.

Like WIndows 10, but hate hate hate the fact that they're just there absorbing everything I do

>free software

I don't know, man. Sup Forums told me it was lame so I just stuck with 7. I'm mostly worried about M$'s new war on piracy and that patent about flagging copyrighted content and "marking users". Sup Forums's a pretty smart guy, he wouldn't lie to me.

doesnt work well on my toaster.

It spies on you. All antispyware is placebo. It breaks if you actually stop it from spying on you.

I don't. I love being spied on.

>Is there a way to use Windows 10 securely?
No. It is closed source software.
>I don't want to go back to 7
Even that can not be used securely.

>muh gubernment

Go to hell.

Fuck off back to Plebbit.

Because it's not the world's most advanced operating system™

ew boys

wtf i love anime now

ew girls

windows 7 4 lyfe

It's failed to destroy ghanooslashloonix.

Absolutely disgusting.
>Good taste in anime
>Bad taste in OS

who are you quoting

You fucking faggot.

Upgrade to 10 already...

>Upgrade to 10 already
Last time I tried to upgrade to 10 it told me there was a problem and brought me back to 7. I figured that was a sign to just stay on 10.

What type of problem? How the fuck can you be so bad at computers?

> I figured that was a sign to just stay on 10.
>t. retard

who are you quoting

After I just installed it and booted into 10 it just restarted and booted me back into 10. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
>t. retard
I will beat you with this bottle

>After I just installed it and booted into 10 it just restarted and booted me back into 10. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
t. retard

You can hold my beer while i bang your waifu.

Do you even know who my waifu is nerd?
fug off

post that image please


>who are you quoting

The fuck is wrong with their pussy?

it's their p*nises


it's called a d*ck!


I'm sticking with Windows 7 until its end of life in 2020.

From there, I'll figure out what to do when that time comes


It's funny as W10 do even more "optimisation" on that garbage picture to save ram and screw up the pic.

>Use Windows 10 for almost a month
>One day when I log in it drops me to a Guest account and says "Windows was unable to sign you in"
>Immediately starts downloading Facebook and Candy Crush all over again
>Rip my fucking SSD out and install Windows 8.1 instead

- Looks like shit
- Bloated as hell
- Tons of dodgy practices like not letting people disable services/settings/autoupdate/telemetry
- Doesn't add any meaningful features over Windows 7
- The whole "app" ecosystem and everything it stands for is cancer
- Takes ages to configure and get rid of minor nitpicky changes like the start menu, drives being listed twice in Explorer, add transparency and a proper theme with third party tools, revert to the old sound/networking popup menu, disable all of the telemetry shit, etc.
- The new update system is a mess with a confusing naming scheme

Pretty much this, let's hope Apple makes OS X open source by some fucking miracle, or Linux somehow gains mainstream support by software developers.

macOS is open source, the only thing about it that isn't is finder i think

Uhh not really, like at all. Parts of macOS are open source but that's only open source because it's required by license (I believe) opensource.apple.com/

The OS itself yeah, the issue is all the shit that's on top of it like the APIs/Quartz/Cocoa/Corewhatever, basically everything required for apps to function. You can compile Darwin but you won't be able to run much on it other than command line programs and X11.

I don't like it, start menu has all this bloated normieshit I don't care about. Can't just simply open a fucking folder, 10 got rid of aero.

Only thing I like about 10 is task view. In everything else I prefer 7.

spies on ur loli porn

This is why only Sup Forums have legit reason to use that crap.

This is wildly inappropriate. I am in Church as we speak. Please stick to SFW non homosexual content thanks in advance.

uhh thats a girl

there are no chix with dix only men with tits u faggot

>browsing Sup Forums at church

That image has to be the ugliest thing I have ever laid eyes upon

u should go look in a mirror


Found the newfag

megumin is not for lewds

Horrible weeb font, my faggot



But user, it's necessary for normalfags. They'll just let their shit become vulnerable.

See Windows is for cucks. Use literally anything else.

>sign up for beta
>complain it has bugs

Are you fucking retarded?

i payed for it

Why would I?
Windows 10 is the best OS I've ever used

it's aesthetic

>the vaporwave meme

Because I don't want to be a part of the
>B O T N E T

Because it spy's on you and there is an army of shills on Sup Forums trying to manipulate people into thinking it's the best thing since sliced bread.

said the intel and chrome user?

Are you compiling everything from source, all of which you audited yourself? No? Then there's no difference.

At the end of the day you're just trusting a different set of people.

cute. Source?