Could I gut a CRT monitor and put in a high end PC with a nice monitor all in the box for maximum

Could I gut a CRT monitor and put in a high end PC with a nice monitor all in the box for maximum

¿A e s t h e t i C?

You could, but you'd look like a gay retard.

if you have to ask this question there's no point in answering it because you're just a hipster who wants attention and wouldn't even know how to do this in the first place, or end up with some hacked up abortion that won't look even slightly """a e s t h e t i c"""

moddertards are the worst kind of unimaginative individual

not if he posts on reddit. imagine all the reddit karma hed get just for ruining a good crt for some shitty parts

Absolutely. Be aware though that if you damage the tube which holds a pretty damn strong vacuum, thousand of glass pieces will quickly accelerate towards you causing you to lose your eye sight or perhaps even kys. So yeah, go for it.

Im pretty sure that if you open a CRT of any kind you are prone to infections. Ask the CRT general on /vr/.

Where the FUCK is this?

Shit slightly wrong thread

is this the hipster general now

While youre at it, remember to stay hydrated and drink some fresh and cool bleach every thirty minutes or so.

It will your mind clear and you'll work better.


>taking things and re-imagining a modern use for something that they couldn't do previously is unimaginative
What the fuck is wrong with Sup Forums this year?


Never try it with a older curved CRT. It never looks right. LCDs are flat, and CRTs are curved. When anyone ever attempts this casemod it always looks like shit. Either with giant black bars around the lcd, or the sides of the screen are clipped off and unseeable.

An option is to find a somewhat newer (early 2000s) CRT monitor with a flat CRT, pic related.

>Could I gut a CRT monitor and put in a high end PC with a nice monitor all in the box for maximum

No, the space inside is so small at best you could fit an underpowered (((Raspberry Pi))) abomination.

other form factors exist you troglodyte

Yeah nah, even the one in your pic still wouldn't fit.

I just measured it, and it does fit.

I have a similar monitor to , which measures about 12 inches at it's most narrow point at the back. A mini ATX board like is 5.9 inches square. It can even fit a microATX board (9.6 inches square).

You can make it look right, I've seen mods where they put a piece of acrylic in front of the LCD to give it that curved look

But that's only when it's off. You can tell that the LCD isn't following the curvature of the glass when its on.

Still looks a hell of a lot better than just a flat LCD in a bezel for a curved screen.

I want that wallpaper

What's everyone getting their jimmies all rustled about?
It's not like CRTs are actually good for much anymore. CRTs just sit and gather dust in thrift stores and junkyards. Might as well use them for something.

Anyways, it'd actually be kind of neat to do this. Like an iMac g3.

I just went back to a crt. I like it.

if you do get a CRT get the biggest one you can

My only problem with them was mainly the stupidly small sizes

made a lan pc with an old plastic imac.. was fucking stupid. don't recommend.

is this just a meme or real

>ruining a good CRT
What if he got a busted one from a recycling center?
Would the karma overload?

>he thinks cobbling together a gimped, sub-par "sleeper" out of tape, a $20 SBC or low-end mITX setup and an old gutted plastic shell because he's too lazy or retarded to come up with a use for something old is "creative"
>he thinks he's actually "re-imagining a modern use for something that they couldn't do previously" when he's literally just throwing all of that out and replacing it with something else that can and just using the non-functionality related cosmetic components to house it
it's not really that they want to gut a shitty low-end CRT they made in the millions, it's that it's typically an attention seeking hipster faggot who's just doing it for the upvotes and thinks they're some sort of creative genius for having this shitty idea for the 15th time today, it's just an uninteresting cop-out that's also triggering as shit to retrotards who would love a lot of the most frequently targeted shit as-is especially since it's dwindling, even shitboxes

problem is any modern 4:3 display with a decent res would be $500+. Media and games will likely run windowed as 4:3 support is nil these days. An emulator box with a scanline filtered low latency tn in a crt housing ight be kind of neat though.

Chill out, you're getting mad over nothing. If he is being an attention seeking hipster faggot, that's his problem. No need to raise your blood pressure over it.

How is that hipster? The X200 is a perfectly viable Core2Duo/8GB DDR3 platform and it gets 10+ hours battery life easy. It was like the second or third best selling laptop model in the world the year it came out

eat shit

>An emulator box with a scanline filtered low latency tn in a crt housing ight be kind of neat though.
What not just use the CRT instead?

you're not wrong but damn it's just such a fucking boring thing to do, there's so much you can learn and be exposed to from making (or at least trying to make) old hardware useful again and you'll actually have something unique/special that can do something you can't already do on your primary computer

sure there's nothing wrong with gutting some busted flat CRT but there are niggers here who fantasize about doing it to all kinds of incredible shit and basically removing everything that actually makes them incredible in the first place just so they can have the same narrow, boring use case they've always had while also taking one more of those systems out of circulation forever and denying them from people who would fucking kill for one just the way it is

but whatever I think I'm done shitposting, my shit opinion is out in the open now and nothing is happening anyway

If it was a non working one with an aesthetic case like a sharp linytron or an old panasonic microwave tv.

>not just restoring it