Installing programs on Linux is too ha-

>Installing programs on Linux is too ha-

That's apparently too hard for wintoddlers

Program installation is not really a problem with Linux. It's shit not working once installed or breaking on update that's the problem.


Oh god white ppl are stupid

>no setup.exe


Here's your setup.exe!

/* compile with gcc -o setup.exe setup.c */

int main(void)
char progname[256];
char command[256];
puts("What program would you like to install today?");
scanf("%s", progname);
sprintf(command, "sudo apt-get install %s", progname);
return 0;

sudo pacman -S [package]
sudo apt-get install [package]

Linux is much more intuitive. No more hunting down exes, just installing from repositories with a single command. Updates are much easier to perform, too. Microsoft tried to their own store system in Win10, but it fucking sucks.

Linux > Windows

I'm preaching to the choir here though because everyone knows Linux is superior

>current year
>installing binaries directly onto your system
>not installing containerized apps in the form of Snap or Flatpak
lmao'ing at your life famlam

this code is unsafe and could lead to privilege escalation on many known systems

./setup.exe "$(for i in `seq 0 300`; do printf $i; done)"
enjoy your crash

>I'm preaching to the choir here
fucking faggot

that code creates mustard gas

Is that the windows App store?

echo "gentoo; sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /" | ./setup.exe

>no brave
>no icecat


Sandboxes are a useful security tool for servers, but I'm not running a server. If someone hacks me let them see the 2TBs of anime I have, I don't care. Why would you be installing apps you don't trust anyways?

I'd rather add a PPA and install 50MBs than a runtime with 200MBs.

If containered desktop apps are the future, I'll use them then. But for now they're still for experimental use and waste my hard drive space.


>No another chrome fork
>No another Firefox fork
Such a shame...

no more
su -c "./configure && make && make install"

wtf i love linux now


all lower case variable names with multiple words make me so uneasy

kernel modules + repositories (with optionary binaries and soon snappacks)

>alternitive was to scoure the internet for outdated drivers on 3rd party sites which couldnt be verified
>hardware devs or microsoft doesnt care about archiving drivers

get cucked

What the... they told me I had to use CLI commands to install everything.

icecat is not a fork, it's just firefox ESR

icecate removes the mozilla licensed content

ie the logo and name directly to make it compatable

the same is done with iceweasel so they are compatible with GPL based software

Why the for loop?

Why would you write that in C when you could write a shell script to do the same thing?

>someone hacks me let them see the 2TBs of anime I have
>I don't care.
>Hacker proceeds to replace all 2TBs of anime with 2TBs of Jesus Christ movies and documentations
I don't think I'll want anyone to have full access rights on my PC.

What software is in your pic?

>All of these unsafe string function
Please, user.
char progname[256];
char command[256];
puts("What program would you like to install today?");
fgets(progname, sizeof progname, stdin);
snprintf(command, sizeof command, "sudo apt-get install %s", progname);

It's not the "installing"part that is hard on certain distros so much as finding software that isnt absolute dogshit or requires WINE.

why wouldn't you?

Plasma Discover

I unironically find using GUIs harder than CLI package mangers. Guess I'm just too smart for GUIs at this point.

>echo "gentoo; sudo rm -rf --no-preserve-root /" | ./setup.exe

Thx, finally managed to install the latest Windows Optimizer 2013 on Wine. Werks great!

>running that on your own system

it's not like packages in an official repo will have malicious manifest files

Most of what I use on Windows is currently available on Linux, and some of those are even better when ran under Linux.
Games is are the only things tying me to Windows now, and even those are all steadily being properly ported.

then what would you do?

w-what software do you use...?

I will admit I miss foobar2000 and irfanview (although both do work in WINE), but I just use gwenview and deadbeef and everything is fine.

As far as games, I just have an extra excuse to tell my friends playing overwatch to git gud and play csgo

he literally posted what he'd do

Also, looking back on what I wrote, I would replace system with execv, and increase the length of 'command'' by however many characters it is to fit "sudo apt-get install ".

>using gentoo or arch

>Not having an alias for this

>pacman -S

no wonder you autists keep crashing Arch

learn to fucking update

>updates is what breaks Arch

That's not for update. That's for installing new packages.

>Implying Gentoo breaks itself

To have the .exe i guess

>Implying arch breaks itself

The only time my linux install fucked up was when I updated an nvidia driver

Try installing something from github that isn't listed in the package manager.


Wow, user, that's cool!

Can you show me how to install RVM this way, please?
Also, I would love to install rmagick gem for Ruby this way too. I bet you won't even need Google for that!

Would have been fine if that piece of shit doesn't keep on crashing on me.

you're installing software, of course you have sudo rights

but then you upgrade your Linux and it's there

What distro is this?

And then it turns out they also removed some of the software you use from the repo, forcing you to fuck about with it more, perfecting the timesink formula.

you just download, extract and compile it.
wew, that sure is hard.

Are the package managers for Windows any good?

>just spend an extra amount of time and steps to get shit working instead of dowloading a deb/.rpm/.exe.

>why aren't people using muh operating system?

>Search for it on Gentoo overlay website
>sudo layman -a [overlay name]
>sudo emerge [package name]


>mfw it's available as Snap or AppImage

Is there a way to log feedback from system calls?
Years ago I needed to do something like:
string asdf = system(command);
If(asdf = "command not found") shits_fucked_handler();

Granted that system returns nothing usable, but I was still in a situation where that sort of feedback was needed for decision making

Never used Linux, which one I should start with anons? I need a double booth since I got married, I am getting tired of hiding my external harddrive from my wife since I need to hide my power levels in regards to politics, porn and Sup Forums usage

You're missing some things that it needs, install its "optional" dependencies.

Antergos with KDE

The execs should never return. Not sure about system().
Maybe you could pipe the program's stdout back to your program?

Use Aloonix

>pacman -S
You mean pacaur/yaourt -Syu [package]
Normal Arch repos are small. AUR is huge.

pacaur -S [package]
and if you don't know the exact name
pacaur -Ss [search]

Found the noobuntu.


>mom, cancel my meetings. some third party package "maintained" by ranshed poojet has broken X again

You must be a slow typer if you can't type X -Configure and a cp command to install that new config. It takes me like a few seconds to do it.

It is when it's not in that fucking menu jackass.

Hint most of it isn't.

If it isn't 2 steps and those steps are as follows...
1. Download. and install.

...the yes it's too fucking hard.

>Discover doesn't routinely cra-

Pretty stable as of the latest release desu

>So am I still waiting

found your problem bud

>everyone only uses Linux to watch porn online
That's a great mentality, family.

>if you don't use my shitty language you must not do any programming at all

Kubuntu sucks fucking ass

If you're a programmer, you shouldn't be averse to installing via terminal. GUI software centers are for normies trying to install basic programs.

my kubuntu installation has 2 years, it went from lts to normal release and still works

installing is not the problem removing is because they leave fuckloads of useless shit on your system.

pacman -Rsun And then just delete whatever was left in you ~/.config/ folder.

Yeah, now go tell your mother to do that

How are linux people so goddamn stupid, clueless, and out of touch with reality?

>literally just as fast as using git to clone the repository and compile as to downloading an .exe.

You need to reread your posts before you send them. Windows has that exact same issue. The official solution from Microsoft is occassionally "reinstall Windows."

Apt/ubuntu packet management is shit. Apt once removed the kernel, kek.
>much superior linux

Yep, same here. It's a shame the good folks at Linux don't write the drivers, they'd work beautifully 99.9%. Nvidia insists on pushing their Pajeet shit on us instead.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure you are CS student at best. If you are somehow ended up being a paid dev - you are from that kind that'll eventually get his job stolen by indians who do his work faster and better, and then you'll go around complaining about them.
>If you're a programmer, you shouldn't be averse to installing via terminal
Oh, user, I exclusively use terminal. You can try installing RVM via apt-get.

Too many choices. The Windows Store makes my life simpler by looking out for my best interests. : )

Tell that to mommy and grandpa after you forced Linux on their machines.

Okay, now try installing and running Adobe Photoshop CC without using any 3rd party software.

>Oh yeah, well can you play Halo on PS4? No? HA! Didn't think so!

Use the alternatives, retard.

Listen here, mister reality.
Your reality is that everyone is a top tier normie who has no idea about computers and is afraid of terminals. Package managers on Linux are meant to give people who know their shit a nice way of keeping track of all required pieces of software on their machine, not allow every borderline retard to run a professional-grade server installation.

Is Krita better than GIMP/more similar to Photoshop?

Pfff, apt is a terrible bad designed software.

>le broken Xorg maymay xDDDD
That shit stopped being a meme years ago, no need to use it as an excuse for being a brainlet.
