How much unreplaceable data are you hoarding?

How much unreplaceable data are you hoarding?


A couple terabytes.

99% of it are stream archives from a popular youtuber that is likely to die soon.


All of it.



The only way I could know that is if I already lost said content and attempted to find it again.

I solve this problem by sharing my stuff though, so that someone will carry on the legacy.

Hoarding content for yourself is literally retarded.

I have several tens of gb of old youtube poops that are no longer youtube.


Not backing up data


none, i wiped my drive

My /e/ and furry folders. Like a combined 6.3GB.

collected works of greatest mathematicians (euler, weil, rademacher, riemann, gauss, selberg etc.), took me some time to get it all. so proud

1) Encrypt all data
2) Upload to Google Drive
3) Gas the kikes, race war now

Can you upload some of the best ones? ytp is internet kino

Just two pictures.

of your dick?

No, of my bunnies.

ugh i don't really like him. Trying to not offend anyone is a fools errand nowadays

pretty much nothing i cant find on the web now
but I suspect that I wont be able to find it in a few years when the go[y|v]s get serious about controlling the internet

Yeah, i stopped watching him over a year ago. I still save his streams though. Enough idiots like him, there might be a market for his old livestreams once he kicks it.

He is a master of manipulation.

Do you have any from NukaPooCola? I really need the Drake & Josh one

bumping, this is important to me

None because I do backups. What I win?

200gb of music (tons of personal, rare rips)

everything else is replaceable

10GB of porn

40GB of UT2004 content

my elona save

please upload

Irreplaceable? Maybe 100GB. The rest can simply be retorrented.

if you see this and are willing to share, please message me at [email protected]

About ~50mb or so of completely irreplaceable data that is priceless to me. I have it backed up so many places. If I lost it, I would probably commit suicide.

He's actually getting gastric bypass surgery soon. Hope it works out.

I cat /dev/random >> /dev/sda|b|c|d

I store about 1280GB of /dev/random

About 3TB. 1TB of pictures, 1TB of content I've created, and 1TB of misc documents, rare files, and digitized personal files.

but NPR told me everything on the internet never dies

I hakt it from ur system n00b

Send me 0.69 buttcoins at [email protected] if you want it back

NPR also said that Hungary should be okay with random people entering the country, vandalizing, and stealing, because after all they are only on their way to a country that hands out free welfare.


1 NiggerByte

>only 10gb of porn