you clicked on >200 posts thread, dont want to read all the shitposters. how your brain-cpu separates the wheat from the chaff. whats the algorithm?
You clicked on >200 posts thread, dont want to read all the shitposters...
Sup Forums works best when treat everything as a shitpost
I just skip every other post.
Sometimes, I've had whole 2000 character replies written up but then they post a pepe or act like a redditor and I just close the reply window.
Fuck them.
I check out the post that get the most replies and if I can tell it isn't just bait or a shitpost in the first 5 or so words, I'll read the rest of the post.
using the on-site filter to block posts containing cuck, meme, *poster, goy, nigger, shill, etc works wonders
for keks i just scroll for the most replied posts
if tired i check out mostly webm/ gifs
also i dont bother to read ALLCAPS posts without replies
Also nice dubs
Detected the MSM puppet braindead libshit
He probably believes that the "alt-right" is real, too
That stupid facebook frog has been a quality indicator of a worthless post since long before the 2016 presidential election.
No post attached to a pepe pic has every been worth reading, prove me wrong.
Look for posts with images or lots of Yous
Can't and won't.
If Sup Forums only had country flags like other boards you could easily spot the Pajeet shitposters.
This. Every time I decide to read a post by a frogposter I'm reminded why I avoid doing so. It's like a 'Made in China' sticker for your post, but at least China can deliver something of good quality occasionally.
I filiter
>waifu, linux threads, BTFO threads, /ctg/, /ptg/
>what is VPN
They are the best
(you)nary search.
FUNDAMENTALLY WRONG! because this could create even more shitposting based not on anybody's opinions or objectivity but pajeetness.
just imagine brit posting "Java is marvelous", self-righteousness pajeet calls it cancer....
what i'm trying to say they both being pajeets and term is not geographically dependent
First I will filter all the =wherever general=, later those post that are last in the bump order that have an already long existence (over an hour). Then you have the ones that have shit like waifus and other mainlet words filtered, an later you have that are technical and worth reading. I do it like that idk however sometime I like to see the bst too.
What Sup Forums really needs is OS flags. You can judge the weight of someone's opinion on tech by the OS they use. For example, if you see someone posting "Nothing to hide, nothing to fear" in a security focused thread and they have a Windows flag, you know to ignore them.
How would this even work?
User-agent string detection?
It's only gonna detect "linux x86_64" at most
I usually skip any pictures that use Anime.
I typically only read posts with images
>It's only gonna detect "linux x86_64" at most
That's good enough. Linux users get a Tux flag, Applefags get the Apple Logo as their flag and Windows babbies get a malware screen attached to their posts. Pretty easy to implement.
what about rare flags?
Also, there's so easy to fake, there's almost no point, I'd be running "Solaris" all the time just to draw attention to myself.
this and this
also i really try to skip 'this'es but due to their shortness and minimal semantic load they do not harm
Who cares? Attention whores will be attention whores and most Windows users are so tech illiterate, they don't even know what user agent strings are.