Fine. Riddle me this then faggots, if Macbooks and Dells and everything else everyone lists are shit, what laptop isn't?

Fine. Riddle me this then faggots, if Macbooks and Dells and everything else everyone lists are shit, what laptop isn't?


Only MacBook Pro is good. Everything else is shit.

That's why the smartest and most powerful people in the world use Macs.

A hug.

That's all it can take to help set your sister on the right path. Just walk up, hug her, and tell her you love her and want her to have a good future.

Isn't he a homosexual irl?


It's all shit

I'd homo his sexual if you know what I mean

No other computer has the Jeb! seal of approval.

No other laptop has the NASA seal of approval.

No I don't know what you mean. Please elaborate.

Jeb uses Macs and also uses Apple Watch and iPhone. Trump also uses Macs and iPhone.

You know who still uses old ChinkPad shit? Poor people.

>pic from 1980s.
Macs got us on Mars.

Trump was recently bitched at by the media for using a "unsafe" android device

Why are they wearing a uniform from a video rental place

Isn't Apple products just chinkshit tier shit with a premium?

Surface Pro

Trump uses a Galaxy S3, and Jeb (obviously) uses a Thinkpad.

So that's why we haven't landed people on Mars yet.

>Trump uses a Galaxy S3,
Trump uses iPhone you stupid retard. He's a POTUS now and POTUS gets the best and most secure devices.

Android is full of holes. No one uses that shit in enterprise.

Even Google's chairman doesn't use Android but uses iPhone because it's secure.

I've been looking for the gentoo shoop of this image, anyone have it?

You're actually taking the retarded faggot that said global warming is a hoax seriously?

"he" is tweeting from both. There's been analysis done, and his Android tweets angrier tweets while the iPhone tweets softer tweets. He's probably still posting from the Android and an aide is using the iPhone.

>switches topics when proven wrong.
stay mad cuck

No, only iPhone now. No Android from him since he got sworn in.

It took his staff ages to finally get his dumb ass to switch to an iPhone, and still all he does is tweet dumb shit like a middle schooler on it.

Your posts literally lost all merit when you used drumpf as a role model. This guy might actually be retarded.

>tfw our president is such a fucking dumbass he gives his speeches on twitter in 2 sentences or less.

>buttmad libtard detected
stay mad cuck

Stay mad! Your tears are delish.


Apple products are similar to chinkshit only because they are what chinkshit is always trying to rip off.

>lel stay mad, it doesn't matter how fucked the country is cuz my team won xD

>his victory condition is not to show that trump is even close to being a competent president, but making other people mad
like pottery

Give it a rest, not even the galactic republic likes trump anymore.


I'd never be seen with a thinkpad, that's all I know. Ugly as shit. Makes you look unsuccessful

Except that's clearly just a conference room, not a work area. A very generic conference room with a larger monitor at the end of the table. They even have a photographer there so it's a larger meeting with press included. No actual research or other work is being done in that room. It's just for listening and maybe taking notes while at it. Any laptop can run Powerpoints in an office room. The other guy showed a picture from space.

yet thinkpads are used in space

>switches to botnet box now that he runs it
6th dimensional Parcheesi.

I literally heard a horn honk when I opened that image.

Maybe I didn't take my meds today...

>listening to everyone on Sup Forums
I can't feel sorry 4 u

Thinkpads (x40 series excluded) are great.
Rule of thumb is don't get anything made for domestic use. Corporate laptops are the best. Except if you have some special gayming needs.

>yet thinkpads are used in space
you know why? not because they're good or anything but because that's what they used in 1990s.

Thinkpads haven't been any good for a decade. Ever since IBM sold it off to Chinese communist government, they've been shit.


What maker is good now

What about W700...

>what laptop isn't?
Just answered your own question. All laptops are shit.

Yes, because they are literally made in China.

>takes advice and optinions from Sup Forums seriously.

Oversized heavy brick of a luggable.


Losers also use Macs. Your point is invalid.


Just get a Cintiq at this point

>being this lewd

No no, it's just 6th dimension
>6th dimensional cheeeeeeese

>because they can spend 3k without giving a single shit

God Tier:
Dell and HP business class laptops, IBM Thinkpad
Good Tier:
Dell, HP, Toshiba
Okay Tier:
Anything else besides Apple and Lenovo
Kill Yourself Tier:
Lenovo, Apple
Fell for the memes Tier:
Lenovo Thinkpad

kill yourself senpai

>IBM thinkpad
So single core computing?

>he doesn't know anthropogenic global warming is a farce

everything is shit. It is just picking from the pile of shit that you can deal with the most. Blame product opulence.

HP Elitebooks

>Fine. Riddle me this then faggots

Were we previously talking or something or are you just reta-
Oh yeah.

>double space between quotelink and greentext
>complains about anime
I'd give you a (You), but that'd just encourage your nigger-tier behavior.

literally why the fuck would you even care about what happens to our planet once you, and maybe your children, are dead?

>trying to decipher what capacity and amount Macs are used in at NASA from images on the internet

Could you be any more fucking teenage? Who gives a fucking shit about what NASA does, are you that dumb? Why is the fact that its NASA more important in any way? If you think NASA is some big amazing thing then you're fucking underage and should piss off back to Plebbit.

None. No one makes a good laptop anymore.

But they are designed in California™