Anyone else here actually using a HEDT? If so do you plan on buying a new one soon with the two new launches?

Anyone else here actually using a HEDT? If so do you plan on buying a new one soon with the two new launches?

AMD ThreadRipper vs Intel WalletRaper

I feel like intel thinks the HEDT is a "market" when in reality its a very small group of PC enthusiast who want the very best with any restrictions on the hardware.

Other urls found in this thread:

i feel like at some point i might get a threadripper cause i have nothing better to spend my money on.

running an r5 1600 + r9 fury setup now.

If its actually only 850$ its a great price
Its basically buying two 1800x chips but with 64 lanes of PCI-E

>i have nothing better to spend my money on
then go intel

>nothing better

Nope the better option is AMD
If he said nothing better to burn my money you have a valid point

>then go intel
i might have excess money, but im not retarded.


New meme term of High End Desk Top

Basically $1,000 chips in $500 mobos with $400 in ram and $3,000 in GPUs with $2,000 SSDs all in a $1,000 case with $1,500 worth of water cooled looping

high end desktop computer?
i've never heard anyone say HEDT before

And the rumor was $850 for the entry-level 16 core CPU. Sort of the Threadripper equivalent to the 1700; probably lower locked, but still has 16C/32T.

Presumably, the 10C, 12C, and 14C chips will all be *less* than $850.

Jesus man, where have you been. It refers to the CPUs above the "mainstream" line up. Until recently, this meant Intel's 6+ core i7s (5820k, 6850k, 6900k, etc.) Now it refers to Kabylake-X, Skylake-X and Threadripper.

i stopped looking at intel stuff since i got an athlon64, not at all familiar with i-series models




that copper looks dope, but water cooling ram is so stupid to me

I will get the 32-core and OC it.

I mean if you're going hardcore anyway, why not go 100% hardcore?

X58 was a great platform. I got my board in early 2010 and I only bumped it to my home server last year.

There's literally no reason to have one. Stop being Sup Forumstards and think like real people

if i had the money i would buy one mostly for converting/rendering videos


tough choice...

>nobody on Sup Forums does anything but shitpost, play games, and watch chinese cartoons

That's 100% accurate.

Theyre nippon not chinese and its called anime dad, now get out of my room!

intel will sell usb sticks for you to unlock hardware features

they couldnt think something worse than this even if they tried xD

Yes, I will probably get a Threadripper once some of the kinks have been worked out in Linux land. But that is only because I have not updated in 6 (almost 7 now) years. I am on a Westmere + X58 platform with 6C/12T and 24GB RAM. If I had something like Haswell-E (random but decent example) I would not be looking to upgrade for another few years.

Going to miss this machine though. It was the last Intel processor before AMT and before you had to "pay to overclock" with bullshit "K" processor models, yet still had decent power-management at idle and AES crypto instructions.

Gibbs phenomenon triggers me

We don't do that here buddy.

More and more I want to buy shit like this. I just get a kick out of it. I use my computer for some things that make use of the higher end hardware, but probably not for this. I can't justify it, but I really want a badass cpu. maybe it's just so many years of having mid/upper-mid tier parts, but i'm getting pretty close to shut up and take my money.

why do americans hate xD?

they are running on g405 they need time to process

>factor of 4
>no scale on graphs
Why the fuck is the 4 even there?


what the fuck are you going to be doing with that thing?

Posting only the dankest of memes.

there is nothing really new here intel didnt had any competition for years and this isnt the first they locked down their hardware

anyone remembers when intel had locked down their hyperthreading and you had to buy key codes to unlock it?

Honestly, depending what you do/need just a $600 CPU, $400 Motherboard, $500 in RAM and a mid-tier GPU/case/cooling can be considered HEDT.

>no mousepad
>screen dimmed


I am a retard and didn't look closely enough.

Like i said in one of the million other amd threads im gonna wait and see.
Perfect for possible dual socket homelabs but im willing to bet the mobo manufacturers cash in on the demand.

I could be wrong and happy to be proven so.

we already know how it intel jewripper is going to perform its not like its a new uarch and we dont know shit about it

it needs to have a low clock
it will have low clocks
it cant turbo boost on all cores
it will have way bigger tdp since intel never measure their cpus on the absolute worst scenario..
it will cost 2 limbs (or 300(274 to be exact) semen bank deposits)
it will have a lock down enviroment because they are jews and think that people will still buy xeons when threadripper arrives
you wont be able to oc near a forest cause EPA will consider you a threat to national security
until intel introduce a new uarch this is literally amd's win on every aspect.. i cant even imagine the shit we are about to see when naples launches even 1 tdp less will save companies thousand of dollars this feels like K7 launch days when amd literally went from zero to hero in 5 months

i like that copper, that is pretty awesome.

32 core is Epyc. Threadripper only goes up to 16 cores.

They definitely have competition now, but they're doubling down on this shit. This is why all the backlash is happening.

how to sell even more expensive stuff to people who don't have any actual use for it other than jerking off to speccy

Pretty sure most people who buy expensive HEDT systems are doing it because they are going to need that horsepower.

>i have nothing better to spend my money on
>r5 1600 + r9 fury
Pick one