Why use this when word exists? It is literally trash. Doesnt even have a good user interface
Why use this when word exists? It is literally trash. Doesnt even have a good user interface
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It makes writing documents easier.
Welcome, summerfriend.
Try harder fagot
so OP is a huge faggot
Kile is a decent latex editor if you want the sweet spot between something you program yourself and a graphical click through menus application.
>Why use this when crayons exist?
>Doesnt even have a good user interface
Please do not use "word" as shorthand for "word processing software". "Word" refers to a specific Microsoft product. By using it as a generic term for word processing software, you are essentially giving Microsoft free advertising and condoning their user-hostile practices.
I thought everyone just used Lyx?
personally use gummi
if you
>are working on a large paper
>paper involves a lot of citations
>use a lot of tables and figures
>writing math equations
it becomes readily obvious
Word is garbage and anything written in word looks amateur as fuck. If you turn in your thesis in Word you will be laughed out of the department
not everyone knows about LyX, sadly
so latex is a way of being elitist in the real world.
>you don't use latex what a pleb.
I've actually been considering picking up TeX just to write my resume.
I'm not doing anything crazy, but Word just isn't cutting it.
Any recommended books for basic TeX / LaTeX?
>Doesnt even have a good user interface
>He thinks that's the problem.
>t. brainlet
You really don't need books. Just learn from use. LaTeX really isn't hard to learn. It's very intuitive.
I don't like lyx, why should one use it?
Gummi is basically the same as kile but gummi inserts the version number in the master document and I don't like that.
I basically use kile because it uses the k advanded text editor which I believe is the best graphical editor.
I like TeXstudio.
This is the recommended beginner's guide, greatest of all time.
ITT: 2005.
>Love the aesthetics of a document made in Latex
>Failed numerous times attempting to use it
Is there a full gui version for retards like me?
For some of the reasons listed by , LaTeX is easier and better.
After a lot of years Word improved and can handle large documents, but in LaTeX you operate on raw text without all the fancy formatting so you can open a document without waiting an age or slowing down the computer. If you want you can even easily show only some chapters or making a draft without loading the pictures, only the silhouette.
The referencing in LaTeX is god-like, with \label and \ref you can even refer the page on which the picture is and you can change the style of the bibliography with just a single line.
Most importantly, for the math equations in Word you can't change the font in a simple way, in LaTeX you can write equations using only the keyboard (after a bit of practice you can write quite fast) and you can change the font with only a line of code.
LaTeX has also some nice packages which allow you to read an external code file and copy it into the document with all the highlighting options that you want (it saved me a lot of time since I didn't have to rewrite a Python script on Word with all the right colors).
Mind you, LaTeX has some problems like not allowing an easy change of the layout (if I need to copy a layout of a document I use Word or Pages) and writing tables is an hassle, but it isn't absolutely trash.
Tex mode in Emacs
>almost 200 page long introduction
>you don't need books
>it's hard to learn
Having to do formula input in Word is a world of suffering. Even their "draw a formula" box only gets it right part of the time.
TeXworks desu.
just use LyX
Never heard of it before. Just been writing all my LaTeX document using vim. Should I jump ship and start using LyX?
If you have to produce a document with pages and pages of equations Word--even though its equation editor is super nice--starts getting dangerously unstable.
Is like you already know the language, LyX is more of a WYSIWYM document processor ("what you see is what you mean"), an easy interface to boilerplate code so to speak.
As you already experiment with an editor of quick keystroke editing maybe you want to try TeXmacs, and emacs-like editor specifically for TeX, is a more advanced interface for scientific purposes.
Anyway, depends of your comfort, but you already seem not to fear to touch low level editing.
I checked the TeX stackexchange and they recommended Atom with the TeX language package and the PDF Viewer package.
I'll give that a shot.
>for TeX
>for anything
user, web browsers are for browsing the web, not editing text.
I spend all day in IntelliJ anyway, so I had looked for an IntelliJ plugin for TeX, but none of them support viewing, only editing.
Maybe I'll fork one of them and add viewer support after I learn a little TeX first.
Yeah it's shit. It's popular with the "scientific" crowd so they can shit out papers and version control them in the process. They should use docbook instead.
So you are thinking on using an IDE for TeX anyway, well maybe it suits you, but check Gummi though, is the exact setup
Windows is unstable.
yup, can't help there
Can you name these?
Yes. I made that after all.
As someone who has extensively used word, I can tell you that despite it being pitched as more user friendly, word takes a lot of skill/time/knowledge/effort if you want to do anything more advanced than use it as a typewriter with your companies report template.
Pretty much any time I see a "can't do x in word, can in latex", the answer is actually "yes, you can actually, but you have to follow like a 15 to 20 step process to do it. Plus, don't do x or y along the way or you'll make doing z so much harder down the line."
Plus, there are way too fucking many inconsistencies and weird nuances that just don't make sense... until you've played around with VBA/VSTO etc lot and figure out how/why word does the things it does.
t. Someone who got paid for 1500hrs+ of Word template/document consultancy & technical writing for business.
>User interface
I can use word to write LaTeX code, but I'd rather stick a shotgun into my mouth and press the trigger with my toes.
I can write it anywhere actually, any program that can output .txt files.
Honestly, LaTeX has been the best thing to happen to my academic life after learning to write.
It even has support for Lewis diagrams in chemistry.
I can write equations 100 times faster than by looking for symbols in a list.
I can create commands to make repetitive shit quick. Any repetitive shit for that matter.
Fucking hell Word can't even attend the competition as the crowd.
Being a bit related to the field I can agree. I always have the impression that if I made up my mind and decided to learn Word well I would be able to do a lot of things, but I think that is pointless since LaTeX is generally better. Like I wrote in , I use Word or Pages when I need to make a digital version of a medical document quickly because they allow you to change the layout of the page easily, but if I write some scientific paper I only use LaTeX.
>TeX on Windows requires several gigabytes of packages to download and install
My TeX install froze after I posted this.
It's a sign.
templates nigga
nobody actually writes their own resume in latex. just copy a template you like and edit the name/skills/etc
>t. Buttmad freetard
Am I the only pleb using TeXMaker?
What am I missing out?
>nobody actually writes their own resume in latex. just copy a template you like and edit the name/skills/etc
I want to actually learn TeX, so I'll write my resume while learning.
>writing tables is an hassle
I only really have issues when I do more complicated tables that may have certain elements spanning multiple rows or columns, coloring cells, and having multiline text in the table.
I can do all of this in LaTeX but I don't know how (or if it's even possible) to do it in Word
Not a recommendation of tex editor, but of template.
I use ModernCV and it's pretty swell
It's for undergraduates to feel liek special snowflakes when they do their bullshit dissertation. Nobody in a paying career uses it because time is money and word can format documents much more quickly and beautifully if you know what you're doing.
LaTeX and Google Spreadsheets got me through my Masters and PhD nicely whilst my colleagues were producing sub pare documents in various word processors (Libre, MS Office) etc.
I'll have a look at TeXmacs. Thank you for your reply!
>outdated garbage
Please use msys2. It even includes mingw-w32/64.
cls not found
.sty not found
what is this shit?
It's a surprisingly quick read, remember 200 pages typeset with LaTeX is like 120 MS Word pages, plus a lot of it is code. It's genuinely readable in an afternoon
A kind user in /sci/ once linked me this page for creating LaTeX tables tablesgenerator.com , but the problem is that I make almost only complicated tables and I frequently use Siunitx where I need to manually input the length of the numbers of each column.
In Word I would probably obtain a worse result graphically, but I would also spend less time.
> Nobody is a paying career uses it
> If you know what you're doing
First, if you work in a hard science field LaTeX is almost a must. Some publishers accept only tex format documents. Also using the Word equation editor for writing a lot of equations consumes more time than writing the same document in LaTeX.
Second, you imply that people know how to use Word. While I agree that Word can potentially produce beautiful documents, only few people actually care about making a nice documents. I've remade some medical documents in which doctors set margins to 0.2 mm and didn't put a space between paragraphs. I can't link you a page for example for privacy reasons, but you can trust me about the fact that when I held that paper in my hands I almost felt “attacked” and overwhelmed by the text present. If they used LaTeX they would have spent pretty much the same amount of time while obtaining a more pleasant result.
Love LaTeX, but I've never been able to get it to put floats where I want it to.
>almost 200 page long introduction
That is a standing joke in much of the German speaking world. A short introduction is typically 200 pages. An introduxtion (not short) is 12 volumes.
Ordnung muss sein!!
Fucking MIT couldn't provide something better.
>>paper involves a lot of citations
This. Writing all your 40 references in the required way is extremely bothersome, especially if they are numbered by their appearance in text. Plus, everybody gives bibtex anyway for all the articles.
>40 references
Mate I've cram more than 40 references in the first paragraph
!h or H if you're desperate
But yeah, it sucks sometimes
I wrote my own template, it's quite easy actually.
And the award for the worst bait this year goes tooo... OP!
I'm not saying my article sent to some no name conference to get a bigger stipend was good.
>using Word 2014
>send document to someone with Word 2013 to print
>the formatting got fucked up somehow
I can write my documents in vim. How can you even compete?
>Microsoft Word (tm) is not responding
>Microsoft Word (tm) encountered a problem and had to close
This is a very functional way to write technical documents. It makes easier write large documents. I don't use but I intent to learn
No that still doesn't work for me
>two page resume
>enormous name
>that address formatting
>using blue text for a document that will probably end up being printed with a black and white printer
>strange blocks as delimiters
>tabbing blocks of text out like crazy
Make it \small or \tiny
>send document to someone with Word 2013 to print
I admit that after having some problems with that I said «Fuck this shit, even phones can read pdf» and since then I always send files in pdf if the receiver has only to read or print the file.
There are also problems with the versions if the file is encrypted. Once I had to upgrade a friend's Word version from 2013 to 2016 because a client sent an encrypted file and Word didn't show the window for writing the password.
If you use the H option you have to use the package “float”.
It's only used in publishing for Academia.
If you're a UNIX-guy and you want to typeset use groff, pretty much every good Unix book/ programming language was typeset in troff/groff.
If you into book publishing then you use asciidoc or some other semantic markdown.