How the fuck are there people who can't touch type in this day and age?

How the fuck are there people who can't touch type in this day and age?

I'm not counting the people who hunt and peck with ipads in their kitchen, but rather professionals that work with computers all day, everyday.

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they did not get a proper course on typing. that's the only way I learned desu

I type touch-like, meaning that I use all ten fingers and don't have to look at the keyboard. But I definitively do not type proper touch.

>he uses his pinky to reach q a z
t. tiny hands trump

I tried not long ago but I can't reach the keys I need comfortably. Pinky is a huge issue especially, I can't reach Q.
Also gaming in my teen years fucked up my finger positioning. Reaching Y and H are left-hand things for me because of MMOs.
I type with 3 fingers on each hand.
Left pinky is for shift and ctrl, left thumb is for space. Right pinky is for enter, right thumb is unused.

5, 6 are typed with the left index, 1, 2 with left pinky........................

This has to be some serious memography. It's almost worth a screenshot

oh yeah, and 7,8 right index, 9 right middle, 0 right ring... Who made that graphic ??

jesus christ you're such an autist

because you have to understand how people use technology
they learn in a limited way themselves and since "it works", they ingrain it into their minds and assume it is the proper way to do things. Since "it works" they will never bother learning anything else because that takes "effort"


why would someone share wrong infographics? Some stupid kid might not get it

I have small hands. Pinky is too shorty so it no worky.

Like I don't look at the keys but I still press the keys all the way down


top fucking kek

Thats golden

try an ortholinear if you ever get the chance (probably not)
I find it helps significantly with some of the odder stretches, especially using certain keyboard layouts.

Grandpa are you browsing 4chins again?

I was taught to type in grade school, and there are people my age that still can't touch type. It's pretty sad desu.

You what?
Man, I do around 90+ wpm on shitty keyboards just because I used computers for a few years, it's not that difficult

touch typing is really only efficient for good shitposting

This get me too

my pinkies just feel really imprecise so I tend not to use them. I'm now questioning if there's something wrong with them

This is reflected in almost all programming languages, even in academic ones. Especially in academic ones.

I work something like this.

I use home made textured keycaps on strategic keys - allows me to touchtype one handed while jacking off.

Qwerty is obsolete.

why do you need to type while jacking off in the first place

Does anyone actually type like in the OP?

I type at a decent pace and type blind just fine, but 80% of the time I'm just two finger typing at a blistering pace. It looks really silly and people ask me how I type so fast, but it only looks fast because I need to move my hands more.

If you are not a programmer, a hand is more than enough.

old skool cyber on IRC


>Does anyone actually type like in the OP?
I do because I learned it that way. You would type faster, too, if you used all the fingers god gave you.

Sure, but I don't need to type faster and learning would take time. If I spent more time learning than I would save, it's a loss.

Type touching is retarded. I prepare my fingers for a word or two then drop on keyboard and ready for the next strike.

Exaggerated video related.

that's kinda how I type my passwords though, for all the muscle memory I've built up for them

Almost all my typing is from muscle memory, I slow down when I get to a word I don't use very often.

i hate using my pinky for typing, and i dont think im alone

How fast does Sup Forums type?
>Your score: 556 CPM (that is 111 WPM)

I honestly just invented my own janky style of typing. I'll hit the q with my ring finger but then ill hit a with my pinky finger. I just evolved something that works best for me, which is what everyone should do instead of being forced into some format.

t. 130wpm typer

I never use my pinkies but still type like 120

This, sort of. I mean I've been using computers since I was 12, I'm going to be 30 tomorrow, and I can just about manage 100wpm @ 98% accuracy. Would presumably be a lot better if I'd taken courses or something.

People are idiots.

I am so saddened by just how stupid people are.
It made me want to just leave the room.

>q with right finger
what did he mean by this

>not hunt and peck typing to prevent repetitive strain injuries
Enjoy your carpal tunnel syndrome.



I think the guy genuinely stretches across the keyboard with his right hand.

I just type using my two index fingers, I just did a test and I got 60 wpm. I guess I should be maybe 50% faster since I'm planning to be a programmer.

>all that spacebar
What even is ANSI?

>touch type
>don't even do home row bullshit
Get good

i never learned to touch-type in school but I taught myself when my teenage autism convinced me to switch to dvorak but i was too lazy to rearrange/relabel the keycaps on my keyboard

How many people do you think even know what the different types of typing are?
Most people aren't given formal instruction on this sort of thing. Hell when I was a kid I just pecked at each key in sequence and somehow over time that evolved to where I am today.

>not paint spraying your keyboard
Sup Forums is full of plebs

I touchtype but don't homerow.

I try to homerow, but I struggle when it comes to any keys beneath it (with the exception of shift and space). Those keys are uncomfortable and my muscle memory fails me.

So do you normally position your keys on the lowest row of keys and just move them upwards to reach the others?

The majority of the population literally cannot use a computer still. The hilarious thing is that they believe they're tech competent anyways because they can use a couple social media apps on their cell phone.

Basically this. I learned how to type by playing hours of MMOs as a kid. I don't have to look at the keys and can type over 100 words per minute but I only use my index fingers and thumbs

My grandmother went to secretarial school and could shorthand over 200wpm.
>wtf don't people use shorthand?

honestly i don't think i learned how to "properly" type by having all 4 of my fingers across asdfjkl;, I just have a pretty good idea where every letter is and just free style with both hands.

I'm 25 been building PC's since I was 12 and I only use my thumbs and index finger and occasionally my pinky

I type at 132 wpm

I use my left hand in the way that you are supposed to by my right is all over the place.

Type around 80wpm, been thinking of going over to dvorak

A-am I slow?

>>Your score: 556 CPM (that is 111 WPM)
Damn son, I just took the test and got 482 cpm and I'm fucking shaking like a leaf. I need to step up my game.

>tfw 70 WPM
stop being faster than me


Time to learn Dvorak.

What about now?

Very good, now you are the speediest

I got past 50% this time!

Anyone faster than me here? i hope not, t-typing is all I've got

didnt grow up with a computer and i just got used to how i type which is not the correct way but i get by.

these numerous types of keyboard causes me to not want to put too much effort into it too since some keyboards have higher key caps and some like the MBP have flat keys and can screw up the travel distance etc etc of my fingers that often causes typos.

no point conquering typing since my brain can't think faster than i can type when it comes to transcribing documents or data entry anyway

Will learning Dvorak fuck up my qwerty sense? I kind of want to switch to the D.

I learned it starting 3rd grade from All the Right Type, the fucking boat race was my jam

Only switch if you're having troubles with carpal tunnel or feel lazy, finger travel distance doesn't mean that much.

Because I'm not sexist. Touch typing is literally patriarchical systemic racism.

ansi is a cuck layout

Why bother learning. Besides i have 1 hand in mouse constantly (plan 9/acme way)

Fucking retard

I'm just feeling lazy and the home row feels so comfy. I'll probably end up using qwerty at work until I can master Dvorak at home, but that's just going to make it more of a pain in the ass to learn. ;_;

I touch type with both, or only one of my hands.

rude :(

haha fucking faggots i am triying that shit and i can barely do it i feel like a fucking alien lmaoooa

You feel like an alien typing properly?