Early - Mid 2000s Dumb Phones Thread

Post your favorite dumb phones of that era.

Nokia was the king back then.







Those are smartphones.

phones were much more creative back then

That's not a dumb phone you dumbass


Nope. Those are dumb phones, you sillies.

Current state of Sup Forums.

God I fucking hate modern smartphones. Why the fuck can't I get a phone like in OP running Android instead of fucking glass slabs of shit.

I'm getting nostalgic as fuck thinking about the days I had my Sanyo Katana II.

I still have 5310's plastic sibling, 5130. Still works after 9 years of abuse and drowning it in puddle.

Had Sonic for this badboy.

Let me guess, born when most of those phones came out?

Born in the late 80s.

ITT: faggots who didn't have a PDA, only a shitty java machine

I miss the times of sliding phones.

Yep, it's a smartphone, but it was my childhood dream to have it. I remember being amazed at that one video on YouTube showing Linux running on this thing, I wanted to have it so much. It's sad that their Quality Assurance was worse than today's Bluboo, Doogee and other cheap chinese brands, I remember reading about failing mobos, dpads and propably more, but I don't remember anymore. The keyboard had propably a really steep learning curve. Also, as its hardware was very similar to n-gage, there were hacks that made possible to play n-gage games on it, or at least try to, considering the keyboard.

fucking kids

I miss Symbian

19yo here, what did Nokia do to dethrone themselves?

>someone thought this was a good idea

They didn't see iPhone as danger.

Looks pretty cool to me

This thread is really nostalgic, phones just seemed so much more fun and so different from each other, now, even though smartphones can do so much more they're all basically the same and boring.


you got some bad delusions kid

He's my phone history. I've always been a few years behind

Sorry gramps
Now is the future

My nigga. I used that sexy phone and even pushed its limits with all kinds of applications until it started to fall apart. How I miss it!

i remember symbian phones already had the term "smartphone" back in the day


If you are 19 you should know you dumb fuck, but they made the same mistake as BB. They refused to move on to android at a time when everybody else was making the switch. BB stuck to their own OS and Nokia stuck with Symbian (thank fuck that OS is dead). When Nokia finally realized that they were in a shitty spot they moved on to Windows phone because fuck logic.

Phones nowadays are without a doubt more powerful and more capable than any of these older smartphones but man I get so nostalgic seeing actual differences in design, attempts to innovate, and physical buttons rather than the black shit slabs we have today.

Okay son.

this thing was the shit

Here's my phone history. None of the old ones are sexy. I remember feeling like such a badass in high school with the Siemens phone since I could look up a few things on the internet with it.

>19yo here, what did Nokia do to dethrone themselves?
They didn't make an iPhone.

Also, they clinged to Symbian too much, Meego should have been rolled out 6-8 years earlier.

Because they were

Posting my own phone history because why not. I like to stuff to last. I have 2 other phones but I got them for free and don't use them really at all. Phone on the right is still my daily carry.

Remember this bad boy from high school?